Scout rovers have nothing on captured mindworms early on. The Gaians and Cult are best for early pod popping IMO.
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Tips for popping Unity Pods
Actually I will reload if I _really_ dont like a pod outcome especially in scenerios (for example popping a pod which creates an earthquake, linking your land mass to that of an incredibly powerfull AI - this drastically alters the scenerio because the sea gap was supposed to give the time required to get defenses prepared). This includes challenge scenerios where save-reload is generally banned, but Earthquakes can be just TOO game shattering to just ride out....
However I never save-reload - I only reload from the autosave, the price is having to play the turn again (note this works in ironman mode as long as you have autosaves enabled)
Originally posted by Clear Skies
I was incredibly shocked to find that my best friend, whom I thought was an honourable player, saved every time before she popped a pod in SP and reloaded if she didn't like the contents! Talk about cheating!
i used to do that with goody huts in civ2
now, ironman's all i playLast edited by Method; September 14, 2002, 10:49.
I've challenged her to play Ironman on Thinker level next time she's near a computer. AFAIK Librarian's as high as she's played so far. This should be fun"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
Originally posted by MariOne
Prima Guide reports that you can only get level 1 & 2 techs out of pods. I don't know how much Prima can be actually considered "official". It does reports this and very few other bits of info documented nowhere else.(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Originally posted by Kirov
It seems to me that using non-IoDs units to sea exploration spawns IoDs very often, whereas using IoDs usually benefits in finding good things (AA first of all). Did anybody noticed the same? Maybe it's just false impression due to my prejudice against water in SMAC...(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Originally posted by Kirov
It seems to me that using non-IoDs units to sea exploration spawns IoDs very often, whereas using IoDs usually benefits in finding good things (AA first of all). Did anybody noticed the same? Maybe it's just false impression due to my prejudice against water in SMAC...Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?
Originally posted by Clear Skies
I've challenged her to play Ironman on Thinker level next time she's near a computer. AFAIK Librarian's as high as she's played so far. This should be fun(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
I have a pretty poor record here, but it's actually more fun to play without saving and reloading, as it makes SMAC feel scarier. I was surprised how much difference it makes to the enjoyment.
Just for that, it is definitely worth playing with a blanket rule of no reloading, at least just to try it."I'm so happy I could go and drive a car crash!"
"What do you mean do I rape strippers too? Is that an insult?"
- Pekka
The game is *much* more fun with no reloads. You then have to approach potential problems differently.
You have to have some defense just in case..
You have to take along a little insurance on attack, just in case...
Nothing is more fun in SP(MP is way more fun), than being bushwhacked early by say a Hive in the jungle, and just surviving, and still winning (by the skin of your teeth) in the end. Perhaps only a short step behind, is the same scenario, but loosing. Ahh... maybe loosing is more fun.... *not*
Anyway, maybe because of this, I am a wimp when it comes to popping pods. Land pods anywhere close to home, I almost always found a base beside the pod first, then pop it. Far away pods, I usually wait till I can safely pop it. Land pods at least two units, and sea pods either the MCC and XD to be able to run, or a good trance transport preferably 3tr.
I have just started calculating the nearest base to each pop, and putting in a high value crawler, just in case it is a materials pod. Definitely cheating in SP, but it seems that bit of micromanagement is forced on me in MP. I could go for banning it, but you could not police putting in a high value facility, I don't think.
Just a little correction from above. Pod pops in the base radius can still spawn worms (albeit rarely). The only safe way to prevent worms and blooms is to put a base *right* beside the pod.
bcTeam 'Poly
Originally posted by Mongoose
The 1.5 defense level is with trance factored in.
Thanks for pointing out I had left it unclear.I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
Originally posted by big_canuk I have just started calculating the nearest base to each pop, and putting in a high value crawler, just in case it is a materials pod. Definitely cheating in SP...
Could you please expound under which elightened shool of thought it should ever be considered as such?????
Even "definitely"?????????????????????????
I could go for banning it, but you could not police putting in a high value facility, I don't think.
This can't even be related to the idiosincracy to perfectly legal game techniques, like armored and specialised crawlers. (mind we'd not be talking of upgrading them, but just about directly producing them, which is quite a different issue).
What if I AM producing a Hybrid Forest, because I need it, without second intentions? Should I be banned from popping pods nearer to that base, till I have completed the HF?
Should I... be forced to switch off the HF before attempting to pop the nearby pod???????????
Do you realise how nonsensical the implications of your statements are?
Why don't you ban Material Pods altogether, then???
Of course it's nice to confront opinions, and you can float whatever you like in your own games for your own amusement.
But if you hope to gain some consensus on your positions, I'd suggest that they make sense in the first place at least at basic level...
No, wait, rethinking to it...
...making sense is DEFINITELY NOT a requisite to gather consensus, not even in r/l, on the contrary...I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)