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About Network Nodes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sikander
    I don't see much of an advantage in scrapping all of my network nodes!
    It's only an advantage if have an excess of Artifacts with no unlinked bases. When you rebuild the nodes, you can link another artifact in each base.


    • #17


      • #18
        I once read somewhere that a Net Node became "unlinked" when one changed the name of the base which it was in, never tested it though cause I consider it a cheat.


        • #19
          Originally posted by fluffy
          It's only an advantage if have an excess of Artifacts with no unlinked bases. When you rebuild the nodes, you can link another artifact in each base.
          but you still lose the +50% research and then you have to rebuild the node. i've never had a situation where i've had a shortage of nodes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by DilithiumDad
            ...hit "G" when the transport is active and it will give you the distance to the nearest unlinked node (including pactmates!).
            what happens if you link your AA to your pactmates NWNode?
            My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


            • #21
              Originally posted by TKG

              but you still lose the +50% research and then you have to rebuild the node. i've never had a situation where i've had a shortage of nodes.
              Me neither, though I could see a case for this in a OCC or something.
              He's got the Midas touch.
              But he touched it too much!
              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Andemagne

                what happens if you link your AA to your pactmates NWNode?
                Is that possible?
                Don't drink and drive, smoke and fly.
                Anti-bush and anti-Bush.
                "Who's your Daddy? You know who your Daddy is, huh?? It's me! Yeah.. I'm your Daddy! Uh-huh! How come I'm your Daddy! 'Coz I did this to your Mama? Yeah, your Mama! Yeah this your Mama! Your Mama! You suck man, but your Mama's sweet! You suck, but your Mama, ohhh... Uh-huh, your Mama! Far out man, you do suck, but not as good as your Mama! So what's it gonna be? Spit or swallow, sissy boy?" - Superfly, joecartoon


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Iskandar Reza

                  Is that possible?
                  don't think so. i think that the AI (and the player too) can capture artifacts regardless of treaty pact, or whathaveyou. so as soon as you moved the AA into their territory they'd take it.


                  • #24
                    bonusbonus question: does constructing a thermal borehole dry the area around it? meaning that rainy areas would turn to moist and moist areas to dry.

                    I once build a TB on a river and the river dried. does this happen to you?
                    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                    • #25
                      Yes a river can't pass a borehole. However AFAIK there isn't a general drying effect. Though it happens sometimes, other times the terrain around the borehole actually becomes moister.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #26
                        Its more like the river drains into the borehole - it ends in that tile; the upstream part is still there, so building a BH at the mouth of a river doesn't affect any upstream production and in fact it gives you the usual 1 extra energy at the borehole. Of course, if you subsequently raise the borehole to protect it from rising sea levels, the river may shift and if it didn't shift, it would still end there, despite now having additional places to go before getting to the sea.

                        As to the collateral climate changes, it seems to me that the climate effects occur somewhere else - don't you get messages sometimes that so-and-so's terraforming has caused some changes near your such-and-such location? As I recall, it also seems that the program often picks on the same general area with those climate changes (principally drying out rather than wetting down changes IIRC); at times I've wondered if it was one's newest bases which got the treatment, but I don't think I've ever gotten a good handle on it. (Wetting down can occur, but I think it is a result of raising adjacent terrain right there rather than other forms of terraforming somewhere else.


                        • #27
                          I thought that was a bug when the game said there were climate changes near one of your bases. Because even if terrain has been raised at some base of another faction on the other side of the world, it's most of the time as you say your most recently founded or captured base that has the climate changes.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #28
                            ok thanks again guys.

                            I have another question thread up now.
                            My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                            • #29
                              The terraforming effects reports are indeed affected by a bug, the game keeps telling they occur near the base where they happned the first time.

                              I recall that the BHG themselves have a different effect on raininess depending whether they occur on the windward or downwind shore of your continent, but I can't remember right now which was which.

                              I know that rivers definitely bring some moisture with them, always making arid tiles moist (only sometimes they make moist tiles rainy tho).
                              A BH blocking a river will not only have an effect on moisture by itself, it will then deny the "moisturizing" (?) effect to the tiles that were orignially downstream...
                              I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)

