Regarding question of mins. The real issue at this point of the game is why do you need a plethora of mins? Energy Energy Energy is the mantra of the game at this point. Mins are nice but not a necessity. Facility builds come from mostly rush builds and as long as you have a minimum of 10 mins you are sitting pretty with a rush build facility per turn. 10 mins is easy even if the dreaded asteriod strike hits your nessus mining sats. (solar flares wipe out energy sats IIRC. Also IIRC nothing touches sky farms and as each 2 nutrients supports 1 transcendi with equivalent useful raw energy input of 6=2 econ/4labs this is the best sat to build thats equal to 3energy/base/food sat. You can't even approach that with energy or min sats.)
If units are your desire then as Sik indicates in previous posts his goal is to make el-cheapo shell units and upgrade them via Energy expenditure into latest and greatests.
Now don't get me wrong, you still want a few modest to high min bases but it's not the end all be all at this point in the game.
But as you are not a crawler user ( I respect your option to not use them to make the game more difficult), mins probably do play a larger role as you are looking to have workers provide useful mins as opposed to crawlering a fewish odd mines. Likewise since crawlers are not in play you are looking for the high min bases to provide you a leg up to SP builds so I can see why you desire mins.
For those tho' do use crawlers a few odd crawlers to boost a few mins is generally all that is required until facilites like robotic facotroy and gene jacks are in play. Supplement it with some min sats end you've gotten a very healthy 30+ mins in no time.
P.S. All this SMAX talk has made it all the more urgent for me to load SMAX back up on the HD. Want to try a Morgan no formers game. Have had some difficulty loading SMAX up keep getting TerranX errors. Can someone remind me is SMAX a stand alone or does it require SMAC to be loaded and upgrade from SMAC.
Regarding question of mins. The real issue at this point of the game is why do you need a plethora of mins? Energy Energy Energy is the mantra of the game at this point. Mins are nice but not a necessity. Facility builds come from mostly rush builds and as long as you have a minimum of 10 mins you are sitting pretty with a rush build facility per turn. 10 mins is easy even if the dreaded asteriod strike hits your nessus mining sats. (solar flares wipe out energy sats IIRC. Also IIRC nothing touches sky farms and as each 2 nutrients supports 1 transcendi with equivalent useful raw energy input of 6=2 econ/4labs this is the best sat to build thats equal to 3energy/base/food sat. You can't even approach that with energy or min sats.)
If units are your desire then as Sik indicates in previous posts his goal is to make el-cheapo shell units and upgrade them via Energy expenditure into latest and greatests.
Now don't get me wrong, you still want a few modest to high min bases but it's not the end all be all at this point in the game.
But as you are not a crawler user ( I respect your option to not use them to make the game more difficult), mins probably do play a larger role as you are looking to have workers provide useful mins as opposed to crawlering a fewish odd mines. Likewise since crawlers are not in play you are looking for the high min bases to provide you a leg up to SP builds so I can see why you desire mins.
For those tho' do use crawlers a few odd crawlers to boost a few mins is generally all that is required until facilites like robotic facotroy and gene jacks are in play. Supplement it with some min sats end you've gotten a very healthy 30+ mins in no time.
P.S. All this SMAX talk has made it all the more urgent for me to load SMAX back up on the HD. Want to try a Morgan no formers game. Have had some difficulty loading SMAX up keep getting TerranX errors. Can someone remind me is SMAX a stand alone or does it require SMAC to be loaded and upgrade from SMAC.