the theoretical science behind the fiction
The artificial black hole would be the power source. It is contained within an electromagnetic field which, when opened in the direction of the target, projects a momentary rift that separates the target's atoms not only from physical contact but also from their place in time. When the rift collapses, its energy is released in a thermonuclear explosion, destroying any remaining atoms that weren't spread across the space/time continuum, never to be rejoined.
I think that's how Star Trek and Andromeda tell it.
The diplomat asked:
How exactly does a sin gun work? The book says it is a cannon powered by an artificial black hole. There are passages that suggests that it is almost as powerful as a planet buster. Is the black hole just the power source, or does the cannon shoot black holes? I imagined that it shoots a black hole which evaporates on target causing a large planet buster like explosion.
How exactly does a sin gun work? The book says it is a cannon powered by an artificial black hole. There are passages that suggests that it is almost as powerful as a planet buster. Is the black hole just the power source, or does the cannon shoot black holes? I imagined that it shoots a black hole which evaporates on target causing a large planet buster like explosion.
from flavor.txt:
Active medium: Temporal boundary
Type: Singularity induction
Pulse duration: Relative
Wavelength: .001 nm
Peak power: N\A (approach inf.)
Burn rate (1m steel): Relative
Active medium: Temporal boundary
Type: Singularity induction
Pulse duration: Relative
Wavelength: .001 nm
Peak power: N\A (approach inf.)
Burn rate (1m steel): Relative
