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balancing out

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  • #46
    Originally posted by knowhow2
    Wow this thread is like Christmas day for a five year old!

    But I have to say that Spartans CAN'T impossibly be the one of the weekest factions. A question: what do you consider to be the greatest kind of victory anyone could attain in SMAC? To me it is The Ascent to Transcendence. Guess which year the brilliant minds in Apolyton managed achieve it in, 2179. It took them ONLY 79 turns, SEVENTYNINE !!!!!
    Guess which faction? Not the UoP, not the PK, not Hive BUT the Spartans. Although it was done in a small map, I hardly think it would make that big different on a standard map.
    With respect, I think you supplied the counter to your own theory: on a small map. Small maps favor factions that can produce stronger armies, more of 'em, and more advanced. On a smaller map, both the Spartans and the Believers tend to rule. On large maps, the Spartans can luck into a position of dominance, but just as easily fall afoul of Yang's greater production capabilities or Deidre's mindworms. Given long enough, Morgan's money or Lal's gradual buildup can overwhelm 'em all, too.


    • #47
      The point of all dis schtuff

      I've read the posts in this thread, and would like to share mine most infinate wisdem on this topic. There's a lot of people
      saying that the factions aren't balanced against each other, and that you should fix these imbalances by correcting each faction's weaknesses - giving the Spartans no industry penalty, giving the believers impunity fundie, all that.

      Some of you even seem to be complaining that the different
      factions don't work so well on different types of maps.

      I think I have to bring in a metaphor, here - the classic war game triad of infantry, cavalry, and long-range weaponry. Each of these three types of forces are strong and weak in different ways, and strong against one other but weak against the next.

      Infantry beats cavalry, it has staying power but is slow.
      Cavalry beats long-range because it can hit them before it's shot.
      Long-range beats infantry, because infantry can't get out of
      the way fast enough.

      The smac factions are like this - strong on one aspect, weak on another; on balance this means that they all interact fairly equally except where the map is designed to specifically complement one strength. A seven-sided triad is a hard thing to make, and I think the Smac designers did a damned good job.

      Rock-paper-scissors. Let's make it so that the scissors are stronger and won't get hurt so much by the rock - let's turn the paper into cardboard so that it can't be cut so easily. Let's turn the rock into a flint arrowhead so it can destroy the paper.

      No! The triad makes the game strategically fun. There are weaknesses you can exploit, strenghts you have to do a run around.. and weaknesses of your own you have to nurse, strenghts of your own you can utilize.

      Each faction is unique - and darned it all, I like a good weakness to keep me on my toes. The only thing about 'balancing' I might like is to make the Believers impune to that darned double-sided research hit - but I have to admit that's my bias. I've just never liked them - a probeaphobe to my heart. My main strategy in most of these games is to outgrow and outproduce.

      If you're familiar with Moo, my favorite race is one with Aquatic and Subterranean bonuses - huge population boosters. Add in Unification gov't, and you get large industry potential too. I'm a classic builder.


      • #48
        thats very pretty and idealistic blackie, but not very analytical.

        and on my own sidepoint, rock/paper/scissors is usually the easy way out of a tough to balance situation. but very often not the best.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Barry Brenesal

          With respect, I think you supplied the counter to your own theory: Small maps favor factions that can produce stronger armies, more of 'em, and more advanced. On a smaller map, both the Spartans and the Believers tend to rule. On large maps
          You make a good point(s). But I think you have to read my post one more time. I hardly think it would make a big different on a standard map NOT large map. The difference from a small and a standard map isn't that great. And as yavoon keeps writing in his posts (with all right) we are talking about STANDARD maps and the effectivety for each factions (or something like that). So my humble comparison was that Spartan Warmight on a small map shouldn't differ that much from Spartan warmight on a standard map. Never meant to say that Spartans are invincible on ALL maps.

          However it seems that the 2179 thing was done on a TINY map, then it would be a difference compared to a Standard map. So I will gladly refrain from using that as an argument in the future. But still, Barry B, you should read other peoples post carefully in the furture before telling them how wrong they are.

          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


          • #50
            The whole point of this thread is pretty dumb, because its extremeley boring to play against the ai after a while anyway, and any change made to "help" would only be for balancing ai faults, and would probably mess up the "Persona" of the factions. (The only exceptions i could think of would be making a recreations commons a church for the beleivers, so they start with one)

            If you want a real solution, youd only need to improve the ai...

            the factions, while not TOTALLY balanced, arent so much weaker or stonger than youd actually be able to notice as a single human being playing the game objectiveley. Everybody plays different, but nobody plays every-single way. If morgan (of all factions!) seems weak to you, you dont play that style.

            Did you get fired from Firaxis Yavoon? Why be so bitter against the company?


            • #51
              [QUOTE] Originally posted by yavoon
              I have but one thought on the believers, they are a slow starting momentum faction. how can that be good? they get centauri ecology at like 2120, they get planetary networks in like the 50's.[QUOTE]

              I don't know that I'd be researching Centauri Ec. or Planetary Nets. right away as Miriam. I would prefer the laser tech and Doctrine: Mobility for an early rover rush with her +25% to offense. If you happen to catch a unit in the open with your rover you're battling with a 3.125 on offense (2x1.25x1.25) and the same goes for infantry against a base (if I remembere the bonuses correctly). That, of course, isn't couting the morale bonus from running Fundy or any other morale bonus applied from various means -- command centers, monoliths, etc. Given Miriam's support bonus you shouldn't have too much trouble raising a large army in no time.

              I think if you're going to play Miriam like a research/builder faction you are playing to your weakness and into the hands of your enemy and not playing to your strengths.


              • #52
                Originally posted by knowhow2

                However it seems that the 2179 thing was done on a TINY map, then it would be a difference compared to a Standard map. So I will gladly refrain from using that as an argument in the future. But still, Barry B, you should read other peoples post carefully in the furture before telling them how wrong they are.
                &knowhow, first off, I wasn't telling you *how wrong you are.* I was simply offering my own POV regarding your comments. There's a big difference between the two as I see it, and if you don't, we'll just have to differ--if you can accept that much.

                Now I did read this thread, and this is what I saw as its basic premise, right in the very first post:

                basically I feel the believers, spartans, and morgan are the weak end of alpha centauri. and its these three I wna change something to. have yall discussed this before? what have ya done? Also a lil trickier cuz I'd like to keep the relative uniqueness of the factions.

                Not your post, certainly, but the thread began as a straight-on comparison between various factions, without regard to world size. Secondly, yes, IMO the difference between a tiny and moderate-sized map is considerable. So I stand by my comments, as you may stand by yours.


                • #53
                  whiteelephants, I GUARENTEE YOU, that if u do not get formers ASAP as miriam, you are dead. really dead, unless u have some ridiculously good starting position, nothing but rolling/rainy/rivers.

                  ok so u get mobility/laser first, now its 2135 ATLEAST. and u can build yer first recon rover. u still can't terraform, or build roads. u get SOB? ok well now its like 2160-70 atleast. and this is being almost generous. I think miriam tech comes in like 12 turns if ur doin decent early. u gna get ecology yet? or maybe u get ecology after mobility/laser, now its 2170-80 when u get human brain.

                  now of course this is w/o diplo so it loox much worse than it is. but still, miriam does not have easy diplo time. she gets 2 techs at year 2120. social pscyh, most ppl even ai's get quickly.

                  I can also see you don't make many early attacks, cuz you never go for mobility early, u get plan networks, and use the probes rover chasis. so now u can steal tech too. infact in all of my early attacks, it sjust a race to planetary networks. make mad probes, and follow that up w/ army. unless I'm doing something to abuse how bad the ai is.


                  • #54
                    The discussions in this thread (and others) leave me with the impression that the factions are quite well balanced if played by humans. In some cases, the AI is simply too dumb to play the faction correctly, or at least as well as the others.
                    This raises the question about how this game (and other civ games) are developed: Is the balancing done in a basic multiplayer mode and the AI programmed later, or is balancing done on the basis of a human player against the AI? The only game where I know this is FreeCiv, which uses the first approach. Anyone an idea?
                    Btw. in most of my games (on a huge map), Dee is the strongest (and if not the second) AI faction.
                    Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                    • #55
                      Adal, u think Miriam has a snowballs chance in hell against Zak? really, cuz thats cute. I always thought I could imagine start locations that would give miriam the advantage, or some ridiculous amount of early luck that would let miriam take a lead. but it'd take so much that'd its silly to think about.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Adalbertus
                        The discussions in this thread (and others) leave me with the impression that the factions are quite well balanced if played by humans. In some cases, the AI is simply too dumb to play the faction correctly, or at least as well as the others.
                        This raises the question about how this game (and other civ games) are developed: Is the balancing done in a basic multiplayer mode and the AI programmed later, or is balancing done on the basis of a human player against the AI? The only game where I know this is FreeCiv, which uses the first approach. Anyone an idea?
                        Btw. in most of my games (on a huge map), Dee is the strongest (and if not the second) AI faction.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by yavoon
                          I can also see you don't make many early attacks, cuz you never go for mobility early, u get plan networks, and use the probes rover chasis. so now u can steal tech too. infact in all of my early attacks, it sjust a race to planetary networks. make mad probes, and follow that up w/ army. unless I'm doing something to abuse how bad the ai is.
                          Most consider using the probe rover chassis on a different unit as a cheat, though I imagine that getting Centauri Ecology early wouldn't really be out of anyones way when playing Miriam. With some amount of luck you could probably manage to trade for it for Social Psych since I would imagine that everyone would be going for Centauri Ecology first and would eventually want Social Psych.

                          Adal, u think Miriam has a snowballs chance in hell against Zak? really, cuz thats cute. I always thought I could imagine start locations that would give miriam the advantage, or some ridiculous amount of early luck that would let miriam take a lead. but it'd take so much that'd its silly to think about.
                          Given that Zak has a negative probe modifier and Miriam has a positive probe modifier (with a propensity to run Fundamentalism as well for another +2 probe) I can imagine she could do a pretty bang up job of stripping Zak of his tech lead. Granted I'll concede that Zak is probably the best faction to play, but you know as well as I it's not simply a matter of Zak vs. Miriam, there are several other factions to take into account among many other variables.

                          In a SMAC MP game we (me playing Morgan, and my pactmate playing Zak) were soundly trounced by the Miriam player (Buster). Now given our appreciation for Zak you'd think my alliance would have steam rolled Miriam, but that wasn't the case.

                          The fact of the matter is that this game depends solely on a persons ability to get bigger faster than their opponents. Each faction has there own somewhat unique way of doing this and it varies from map to map. Once you throw in the variables of diplomacy that occurs between humans and their varying skill levels its anyones game no matter the player's faction choice.


                          • #58
                            I feel like a god damn broken record. ATLEAST 4 times I've sed that YES, the game has a large scope, WHERE adn this has been sed "luck/skill/indifference" can makeup for a lot of things. I HAVE ALSO sed that the FREE FOR ALL nature of a large multiplayer game is very complex. and can lead to almost neone winning. THAT BEING SED. and this is MORE quoting "the stronger faction still has the better chances."

                            do u even read wut i write? cuz its frustrating to repeat this. probe modifier is prolly the weakest social area. omg -2 probe. air units can't be bribed, and stationing 1 probe in succeptable bases means miriam needs 2-3 probes per operation. cuz morale modifier's on probe teams is really inconsequential for determining the winner(no matter wut its almost always gna be 50/50). I dont know, its like you ppl don't think analytically. no wonder you get beat by miriams.

                            as for the social psych thing, a lot of ppl end up getting social pscyh very early unless they are going on a COMPLETE beeline to ind. auto. early social psych allows an early project base w/o needing something lucky like a rocky/min bonus. and grabbing one of the early projects is very important. so like I sed, miriam NEEDS centauri ecology. and most ppl get social psych neway, surely zak does on his way to SOB, if thats where he goes. which is quite likely if he wants to run freemarket later that he will beeline SOB first, then ind. auto. neway, the end result of all of this, is Miriam's first tradeable tech is at year 2130+, and this is prolly information networks, cuz miriam wants probe teams ASAP. and info networks is again on the way to ind. auto. you see how its just not working out that good for miriam and diplomacy?

                            incase someone missed the disclaimer earlier, go shoot yourself.


                            • #59
                              that post was angrier than i wnted, I was just flusterated.



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by yavoon
                                do u even read wut i write? cuz its frustrating to repeat this. probe modifier is prolly the weakest social area. omg -2 probe. air units can't be bribed, and stationing 1 probe in succeptable bases means miriam needs 2-3 probes per operation. cuz morale modifier's on probe teams is really inconsequential for determining the winner(no matter wut its almost always gna be 50/50). I dont know, its like you ppl don't think analytically. no wonder you get beat by miriams.
                                Right. It must be the rest of us who can't think analytically.

                                Despite my analytical handicap I would also suggest that you could probably manage to bribe a stray Zak unit or two out from under him at a relatively cheap price, though I haven't looked into it the exact prices. I know bribing Miriam's units were no cheap investment.

                                There is also the chance that you'll run into a fringe un-probe occupied base of Zak's which would make the probing easy pickings and with the +2 probe you'd have a good chance of it not being caught unlike most other factions.

                                neway, the end result of all of this, is Miriam's first tradeable tech is at year 2130+, and this is prolly information networks, cuz miriam wants probe teams ASAP. and info networks is again on the way to ind. auto. you see how its just not working out that good for miriam and diplomacy?
                                Not true. Miriam's first tradeable tech is 2101. No one else has Social Psych and in a rush of early expansion I don't consider it a high priority, though a tradeable one nonetheless.

                                I'm curious why you put such an emphasis on Secrets of the Human Brain? I could understand if you intended to run Free Market, but you need to get Industrial (something or other -- B2) first. And even then it only effects your ability to defend. With Miriam's +25% to attack (I believe it applies to PSI combat as well) you really shouldn't have too much of a problem getting the jump on the stray mindworm moving into your territory, not to mention the morale bonus of running Fundy, though that wouldn't also effect your tech rate.

                                I'm also wondering if you've ever tried palying multiplayer to really appreciate the differences it makes? I can honestly say that there is nothing that could have prepared me for it.

                                I'm not going to deny that Miriam is "weaker", I just think that there are possibilities for her that you have overlooked in your anallytical pursues and the only reason I find her weaker is because she is less adaptable, or flexable, than other factions, but in that catagorey she is not alone.

