Once I get my Social Engineering screen the way I like it, I never change it. My ideal would be Democracy, Free Market, Knowledge, Thought Control. Democracy and Knowledge boost efficiency, so that all the money you make from the Free Market isn't lost. Thought Control partially eases the pain of -5 Police, and I don't give a damn about the Locusts of Chiron.
Unfortunately, I rarely get to use this because I play as the Gaians a lot, but I just finished a game on Talent as the Spartans using this setup. (That's just one reason I'm looking forward to getting Alien Crossfire so I can play as the Pirates, who are political atheists like me.
) I built forests and tree farms and hologram theaters to try and deal with the negatives of Free Market, but there were still demon boil Locusts of Chiron besieging my capital when I built the Voice of Planet...But that's another story.
By the way, what the heck is GA? Everyone keeps talking about "Wealth plus GA, Wealth plus GA", so I was wondering what on Alpha Centauri it is.

By the way, what the heck is GA? Everyone keeps talking about "Wealth plus GA, Wealth plus GA", so I was wondering what on Alpha Centauri it is.