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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • #16
    BugID: #0015, MP_Unit_Transfer
    Submitter: BustaMike,
    Version: Both AX and AC4
    Category: MultiPlayer
    Status: Pending (Confirmed for exchange of bases between human players)
    Priority: 2
    Save before: N/A (not available)
    Save after:
    Description: In multiplayer i cannot transfer control of units to other factions.
    I don't think that i can give bases to others either.

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


    • #17
      BugID: #0016, Tech_Gift_Choices
      Submitter: BustaMike,
      Version: Both AX and AC4
      Category: Diplomacy
      Status: Confirmed
      Priority: 5
      Save before: N/A (not available)
      Save after:
      Description: Also it would be nice to be able to specifically choose what tech you want to give a
      computer opponent instead of having to choose between only 2. In one game i played the
      drones were being crushed by the caretakers. I wanted to help the drones by giving them
      a desperately needed attack tech, but all they asked for was some useless build and i
      couldn't help them.

      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


      • #18
        BugID: #0017, Hunter_Seeker_Movie
        Submitter: Helium Pond, (e-mail not available)
        Version: Alien Crossfire
        Category: Special Projects
        Status: Confirmed
        Priority: 4
        Save before: N/A (not available)
        Save after:
        Description: The Hunter-Seeker movie doesn't mention Algorithmic Enhancement; it still says it
        "renders your faction immune to probe team activity of any kind."

        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


        • #19
          BugID: #0018, Plural_Faction_Anouncement
          Submitter: Helium Pond, (e-mail not available)
          Version: Both AX and AC4
          Category: UI
          Status: Pending
          Priority: 4
          Save before: N/A (not available)
          Save after:
          Description: The notification that faction x has lost a base to faction y always treats faction x as if it
          were a singular noun. In other words, it always says "faction x *has* lost a base to faction
          y". For plural factions, it should say "the Pirates *have* lost a base

          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


          • #20
            BugID: #0019, Punishment_Sphere_Psych
            Submitter: ,
            Version: Both AX and AC4
            Category: UI
            Status: Pending
            Priority: 4
            Save before: N/A (not available)
            Save after:
            Description: When you have a punishment sphere in a base, and you look at the base's psych
            readout, you see the effects of the punishment sphere on the line that reads "secret
            projects". The effects of the sphere ought to appear on the line that reads "base facilities".

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


            • #21
              BugID: #0020, Spore_Launcher_Cross_Fire
              Submitter: R A Spottiswood,
              Version: Alien Crossfire
              Category: Combat | AI
              Status: Confirmed
              Priority: 4
              Save before: N/A (not available)
              Save after:
              Description: Spore Launcher Bug: I hit a Unity pod with a scout and three spore
              launchers appeared. Much to my amazement, they promptly blew away EACH OTHER.
              Later, a similar thing happened: a spore launcher was shelling base improvements.
              Another spore launcher, also flagged red, came along and fired on it.

              Note by Aredhran: I don't think this is a bug.

              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


              • #22
                BugID: #0021, Reputation
                Submitter: AoA,
                Version: Alien Crossfire
                Category: AI | Combat | Diplomacy
                Status: Pending
                Priority: 4
                Save before: N/A (not available)
                Save after:
                Description: When playing as a human faction (it has happened
                with the Cyborgs, Pirates and Cult) I used a ton of Nerve Gas against the Aliens. My
                reputation is Wicked even though I've treated the other humans well and now they all
                have vendetta on me. Is this right? Should atrocities against the Aliens count negatively
                towards my reputation?

                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                • #23
                  BugID: #0022, AI_Defender_Retool
                  Submitter: NukedOut, (e-mail not available)
                  Version: Both AX and AC4
                  Category: AI
                  Status: N/A
                  Priority: 5
                  Save before: N/A (not available)
                  Save after:
                  Description: When I see the pc
                  building planet busters,(having infiltrators helps) I let the pc build away and when it is
                  nearing completion, I attack the city with air or conv. missiles. One only has to destroy the
                  garrisons, and the pc will reassign all production to building a garrision. It does not matter
                  that there is no way I can get a ground unit to the city to capture it, the pc reassigns the
                  production to make a very costly garrision unit. It would be better if the pc continued to
                  build the planetbuster and simply redeployed other garrisions to the city.

                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                  • #24
                    BugID: #0023, Progenitor_Talk
                    Submitter: Hvordan, (e-mail not available)
                    Version: Alien Crossfire
                    Category: MultiPlayer
                    Status: Pending
                    Priority: 3
                    Save before: N/A (not available)
                    Save after:
                    Description: Hotseat bug:
                    If you encounter progenitor race before the advance of the required techs to allow
                    communication, you can still talk.

                    Note by Aredhran: It would be interesting to see if this problem still happens with the alpha.txt flag
                    that prevents humans from talking to each other in MP games without in-game contact

                    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                    • #25
                      BugID: #0024, Custom_Size_Hang
                      Submitter: ProvostB,
                      Version: Alien Crossfire
                      Category: General
                      Status: Pending
                      Priority: 1
                      Save before: N/A (not available)
                      Save after:
                      Description: in the late game when smacx starts
                      hanging up on a 64*128 MAP in 2275! axstart starts showing: not responding.

                      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                      • #26
                        BugID: #0025, Air_Defense_Crash
                        Submitter: Frisch,
                        Version: Alien Crossfire
                        Category: Combat
                        Status: Pending
                        Priority: 1
                        Save before: Available
                        Save after:
                        Description: I am playing first game of xfire on huge map. When my city attacked by air unit and my
                        unit rises to defend, the computer crashes with "Terranx page fault". If i delete the
                        defending air units the game will continue OK but crashed again after i rebuilt defenders. I
                        was most disturbed to spend 12 hrs playing a game that is now useless. (I never had
                        crashes on AC). Any fixes due on the Terranx crash problem?
                        PS I have saved game if someone wants to look at it.

                        Note by Aredhran: Check more details at
                        Confirmed by Ned that the bug still occurs with the AX V2 patch

                        Note by Zsozso: This bug might be another manifestaton of BugID: #0099, ICD_crash

                        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                        • #27
                          BugID: #0026, Multiple_Vendetta
                          Submitter: R A Spottiswood,
                          Version: Alien Crossfire
                          Category: AI | Diplomacy
                          Status: Pending
                          Priority: 3
                          Save before: N/A (not available)
                          Save after:
                          Description: I feel kind of embarrassed mentioning such a minor bug after people talk about game
                          crashes, but it is a bug so I'll mention it. In two games as the Data Angels and with a
                          Green Economy, every time I conquer one of the Caretakers' bases, they declare
                          Vendetta on me, the Vendetta message being an objection to my Green economy. But
                          they already ARE at Vendetta with me. Also, the very first time I conquered a Caretaker
                          base, H'minee called me up and we arranged a Truce, but when I exited from the base
                          screen she declared Vendetta on me again. I also noticed that my reputation dropped to
                          Scrupulous, apparently because of this. I certainly had not done anything up to that point
                          that could reduce my reputation.

                          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                          • #28
                            BugID: #0027, Research_Limits
                            Submitter: Dreifels,
                            Version: Alien Crossfire
                            Category: General
                            Status: Pending
                            Priority: 3
                            Save before: N/A (not available)
                            Save after:
                            Description: had the problem in alphax.txt that there are set at socials (research) -5 to +5 only but
                            Cyborgs have +6 or +7 and that doesn't count. So in fact their research isn't faster than
                            the research of other factions, e.g. Angels having +5

                            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                            • #29
                              BugID: #0028, Invincible_Base
                              Submitter: swisscheese4,
                              Version: Alien Crossfire
                              Category: Combat
                              Status: Pending
                              Priority: 3
                              Save before: N/A (not available)
                              Save after:
                              Description: I just bought the UK version of SMACX this week, and started a game with the Data
                              Angels. The caretakers started to kick butt, killing off the cyborgs pretty early. However,
                              ever with the best army on the planet they could not finish off the drones. At first I thought
                              that the drones were just pumping out defensive units like mad, but when I got a pact with
                              them and was able to look inside the base, it was full of caretaker troops!!! Even thought
                              they were still at war. Later I looked in on that one base again to see that it was full of
                              Pirates even thought I had all but destroyed that faction!!

                              To find out what was going on I turned on the scenario editor and created 10 mark III
                              battle ogres to capture the base only to find that every time I killed off the troops inside a
                              new bunch would appear!!!! Each time I destroyed a group, a new group would appear
                              belonging to another faction until it was my only Data Angels appearing!!! These to had to
                              be killed and still more troops appeared.

                              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                              • #30
                                BugID: #0029, Instant_Demon_Boil
                                Submitter: Urban Ranger,
                                Version: Both AX and AC4
                                Category: Movement
                                Status: Fixed
                                Priority: 3
                                Save before: N/A
                                Save after: N/A
                                Description: The instant demon boil bug. Whenever a
                                native lifeform unit is given a patrol route with several way points, the unit instantly
                                becomes a demon boil with the patrol route now pointing offscreen somewhere. This
                                works all the old units and at least the spore launchers.
                                This bug is a carryover from SMAC.
                                Note by Aredhran: The patrol must have the maximum number of waypoints (can't remember if it's 3 or 4)
                                Note by Zsozso: The bug occurs with Isle of Deep and Sea Lurker units too.
                                The bug has been fixed by patch v2.

                                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]

