I would like to know how the building queues of Your base look like, because perhaps their is a better way to use them in case of turn advantage than I do. My queues always end with a base enhancement to prevent unwillingly building endles units.
My queues (after building garrison, probe team and basic enhancements):
Science bases: Crawler - base enhancement
Military bases: crawler - unit - (2. unit) - base enhancement
Crawler and trawler bases: crawler - crawler - base enhancement
Another thing that would interest me, is when You get a new tech, that gives You both the ability to build a new unit and a related base enhancement, what do You build first: the unit or the enhancement?
Example: If You got D:AP, do You build first the needlejet and then the aerospace complex, or do You build the aerospace complex first, and then the needlejet with better morale.
I normale take the first way, but I have doubt's if it is the best, so I would like to know Your opinion.
"Steelborn, Starborn"
My queues (after building garrison, probe team and basic enhancements):
Science bases: Crawler - base enhancement
Military bases: crawler - unit - (2. unit) - base enhancement
Crawler and trawler bases: crawler - crawler - base enhancement
Another thing that would interest me, is when You get a new tech, that gives You both the ability to build a new unit and a related base enhancement, what do You build first: the unit or the enhancement?
Example: If You got D:AP, do You build first the needlejet and then the aerospace complex, or do You build the aerospace complex first, and then the needlejet with better morale.
I normale take the first way, but I have doubt's if it is the best, so I would like to know Your opinion.
"Steelborn, Starborn"