I have nothing against communism, but look at every communist country in the world. EVERYONE (except the leader, somehow) is poor.
Thus making your point deflate.
But come to America with a free market, and very few people are even close to poor.

The people run Europe,
America stills stands as the leading economy, only superpower, and largest industry in the world.
Russia couldn't keep people under communism, and lost its control.
he only country still standing is China. And the only reason is because any one who disagrees is killed or thrown in jail for a couple (actually a lot) of years.
The only reason its economy has fallen is because it has 2 billion people all working crappy jobs.
China took the liberty to kill its own people.
But look at China and old USSR. Practically everyone, with the exception of the politicians, is way under the American and European living standard.
And remember that the Chinese middle class is larger than the entire population of the United States.