I had not played Civilisation since the glorious days of the Amiga and thought I would return to it by purchasing Call to Power 2. I was incredibly disappointed as it came nowhere near to the addictive pleasure I remembered from the original. Is SMAC worth a try or it does it suffer from the same A.I weaknesses as Call to Power 2? I naively assumed that a game with such development history and customer support would be bug free, have a sophisticated "realistic" and appropriately responsive A.I. How wrong I was!!!
I would be interested to hear the views of anyone who has played both.I know SMAC is available very cheaply now but I am reluctant to spend my limited gaming time on something that offers no real startegic challenge.
Cheers, Waylander.
I would be interested to hear the views of anyone who has played both.I know SMAC is available very cheaply now but I am reluctant to spend my limited gaming time on something that offers no real startegic challenge.
Cheers, Waylander.