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Alternate interface graphics

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  • #16
    Seeing these pictures (and others in various places), a big disappointment for me is the abandonment of the supercool Alpha Centauri font and the use instead of boring generic lifeless soulless Arial blegh.
    Surely Alpha Centauri could have been kept for menus, lists, captions, and such?
    I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


    • #17
      It would have been a nice bit of added flavor.
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #18
        I didn't know about the proposed different interfaces for each faction (individual sounds would have been nice too!). It might seem a very minor cosmetic point in the grand scheme of things, but if anyone here has played Birth of the Federation you'll know what an effect it has on atmosphere. BOTF was a very flawed game but it oozed authenticity mainly due to really 'feeling' like the hub of the warlike Klingon empire, or the clean bland Federation in fonts/graphics/voices etc.
        It seems an even greater shame considering what fantastic characters were created for the game - the best and most complex in any computer game ever probably, I would have loved to get even further into their psyches!


        • #19
          Oh I played ST:BOF! It is like SMAC - great even with some flaws. It was not the interface that appeals me to it - but excellent music and quotes (opening and ending only). It really gives spirit to the game. You just know when you are playing arrogant Romulans or warlike Klingons, fascist Cardassians, greedy Ferengis or boring Federation. And music runs through your head for days... That is one great game, but seems everyone has forgotten it. Luckly this is not like with SMAC - we have Apolyton.
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