In a straight fight, with situations being the same, IMO Deirdre should have the upper hand over Cha Dawn although they are both inclined to native armies.
Mindworms being intrinsically more expensive than normal troops, the -1 Industry penalty for Cha Dawn really hurts a lot. Coupled with the fact that you can only capture about 6 or so "free" mindworms, Deirdre can field a much larger "green" army. The extra +1 Planet of Cha Dawn simply is not sufficient to even the odds.
Furthermore, Gaian advantages of +1 nutrient in fungus and +2 Efficiency are much more useful and practical than the Mindworm double police duty and free Brood Pits (comes too late to be useful) of Cha Dawn.
Possible Remedies:
Cha Dawn can't use Wealth SE to remedy the -1 Industry. How about Free Market, which Deirdre can't use ? However, free market is crippled for Cha Dawn, because of -1 Economy and adversion to Wealth SE. So monetary gain is limited. This also completely negates the +2 Planet advantage.
The remedy might be Planned SE, although Deirdre has the advantage of +2 Efficiency. The -1 growth of Deirdre hinders Pop Boom, so if Cha Dawn Pop Booms effectively, he might be able to match or overcome Deirdre's forces with his bigger bases and consequently production power.
Mindworms being intrinsically more expensive than normal troops, the -1 Industry penalty for Cha Dawn really hurts a lot. Coupled with the fact that you can only capture about 6 or so "free" mindworms, Deirdre can field a much larger "green" army. The extra +1 Planet of Cha Dawn simply is not sufficient to even the odds.
Furthermore, Gaian advantages of +1 nutrient in fungus and +2 Efficiency are much more useful and practical than the Mindworm double police duty and free Brood Pits (comes too late to be useful) of Cha Dawn.
Possible Remedies:
Cha Dawn can't use Wealth SE to remedy the -1 Industry. How about Free Market, which Deirdre can't use ? However, free market is crippled for Cha Dawn, because of -1 Economy and adversion to Wealth SE. So monetary gain is limited. This also completely negates the +2 Planet advantage.
The remedy might be Planned SE, although Deirdre has the advantage of +2 Efficiency. The -1 growth of Deirdre hinders Pop Boom, so if Cha Dawn Pop Booms effectively, he might be able to match or overcome Deirdre's forces with his bigger bases and consequently production power.