Originally posted by RedFred
And finally for completeness, just a reminder that the type of upgrade affects the experence level. If you globally upgrade via the design workshop rather than 'control u' you seem to have the effects of any previous battles wiped out.
And finally for completeness, just a reminder that the type of upgrade affects the experence level. If you globally upgrade via the design workshop rather than 'control u' you seem to have the effects of any previous battles wiped out.
Perhaps, RedFred, your experience involved the trained ability as well as combat derived promotions?
To reiterate what John said and to elaborate a bit... DW upgrading a trained unit loses the trained morale effect unless the design to which you upgrade also has the trained ability. Oddly enough, making the same upgrade on the map *ctrl-u* preserves the morale enhancement from the trained ability. The corollary is also true...a DW upgrade to a trained design GAINS the morale enhancement from training while ctrl-u to a trained design does not improve the morale of the unit.