Can somebody answer if a free fac actuly cost upkeep, I don't think the Network Nodes of Zak actuly cost something.
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Fixing Ms. Roze
What do I care about your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
The definitive answer is NO. Zakharov's Network Nodes cost no upkeep. Don't believe it? Just open a game where you're Zak, and hit F3. In the lower right-hand corner, there's an itemized breakdown of upkeep costs by facility. It tells you how many of every facility you've built, and how much upkeep they're costing you. Next to Network Node (you'll have alot of them) you'll see 0.
It will be changed to facility then
Now I can establish my KGB network without it mirroring the Soviet Union
For the curious:Attached Files
Am I the only one to think that immunity to mind control is meant to be exclusive to the believers running fundie, and that the angels while great hackers do not have such strong beliefs and unity as Believers (come on, they are anarchists! Most of them probably only belive in themselves!). As such, while great on the probe-offensive the DA's are by no means uncorruptable, and when offered the chance to join a REAL* faction, many jump at it
It's not as if they need immunity to mind control, they are already a strong faction, and smart datajacks will have elite probe teams coming out their ears, meaning any enemy probe should have a tough fight before being able to mind control...
*I have no problem with the DA's ideology, altough many seem to consider it implausable.