In the late game, various techs jack up the resources yield of native fungus to amazing levels. I was wondering about this because I like to plant lots of forests and harvest them with Tree Fams and Hybrid Forests to get to 3-2-3, plus economy, ecology, and psyche bonus.
However, I have been wondering whether or not it is worth it to go pink instead nearer the endgame. Fungus is around 4-4-5 (I think) if you have all the booster techs.
What do other people do? Do Tree Farms and Hybrid Forests boost econ/eco/psyche stats even for non-forest squares? Does anybody favor self-inflicted Fungal Missile hits around bases that already have the Farms/Forests combo?
However, I have been wondering whether or not it is worth it to go pink instead nearer the endgame. Fungus is around 4-4-5 (I think) if you have all the booster techs.
What do other people do? Do Tree Farms and Hybrid Forests boost econ/eco/psyche stats even for non-forest squares? Does anybody favor self-inflicted Fungal Missile hits around bases that already have the Farms/Forests combo?