I didnt say SOB was huge. I sed that Zak would get it if he was gna run free market. or really if neoen was gna run free market I'd go get it. miriam wants it, but really she can't research it, too many other important techs.
the social pscyh point is that its quite unlikely that neone wont have social psych by the time u contact them. unless they aren't goin for an early project, which I think is a pretty silly thing.
I have played games w/ my friends, tho I really can't stand how long it takes
. and in MP it only gets wrose, cause one, ppl get very homogeneous tech routes, so if ur behind, u have nothing to trade. two, ppl know your behind, but that if u weren't u'd be a big pain to deal w/, so they're unlikely to give u techs u want.
this IS miriam's chance. get planetary networks, make a buttload of probes, steal a buttload of tech, make an army. should that fail newhere along the way, u'll be technologically backwards, have inferior weapons, inferior infrastrcture.
and btw, I know no1 plays miriam much, but i do, she don't get the fanatic bonus on native life attacks
the social pscyh point is that its quite unlikely that neone wont have social psych by the time u contact them. unless they aren't goin for an early project, which I think is a pretty silly thing.
I have played games w/ my friends, tho I really can't stand how long it takes

this IS miriam's chance. get planetary networks, make a buttload of probes, steal a buttload of tech, make an army. should that fail newhere along the way, u'll be technologically backwards, have inferior weapons, inferior infrastrcture.
and btw, I know no1 plays miriam much, but i do, she don't get the fanatic bonus on native life attacks
