quite good point white elephants, that is sometimes ignored.although I meant it implicitly when I sed scope, I did not say it.
the free for all nature of games can generally lead to just about anyone winning, which is much more evident in smaller games that can be played 1v1. though still, all things equal, the stronger factions have better chances. I was probably misguided in my attempt to guide the thread. but as u can see I had something I wnted to talk about, and no1 talked about it, w/ the exception of blake, and only after some stirring.flubber was of zero help, and really only aggrivated it with his forum nazi reflex action to someone saying something contrary to him.
I obviously can not stop the thread from going in any direction, as is observationally true, but its important to piont out I didnt want this. I know on every forum there are old forum lurkers who just luv their old held views, and jump like rabid heyenas on anyone not in line. I was hoping to avoid them(flubber) but I did not. flubber is amusing I guess in a way, but in another more accurate way, he's not. perhaps it is my fault, I should have taken more care to word my original post.
the free for all nature of games can generally lead to just about anyone winning, which is much more evident in smaller games that can be played 1v1. though still, all things equal, the stronger factions have better chances. I was probably misguided in my attempt to guide the thread. but as u can see I had something I wnted to talk about, and no1 talked about it, w/ the exception of blake, and only after some stirring.flubber was of zero help, and really only aggrivated it with his forum nazi reflex action to someone saying something contrary to him.
I obviously can not stop the thread from going in any direction, as is observationally true, but its important to piont out I didnt want this. I know on every forum there are old forum lurkers who just luv their old held views, and jump like rabid heyenas on anyone not in line. I was hoping to avoid them(flubber) but I did not. flubber is amusing I guess in a way, but in another more accurate way, he's not. perhaps it is my fault, I should have taken more care to word my original post.