Here ya go, YT (and anybody else who might be interested)....I played out fifty turns of a new game, just to use as an game file available if anybody wants it.
Settings: SMACX, Huge Planet, 50-70% Water, Lots of Erosion, Average worms, Lots of clouds, random opponents, directed research, ironman, transcend level
2100: Free tech taken: Centauri Ecology
2102: Pod poppin! Founded Uni Base at the head of a river, right on an energy resource! AND, got 75 credits from the pod!
2103: Base 2 founded
2105: Tech Advance: Biogenetics
2107: Alien ship lands// Tech Advance: Social Psych
2110: Tech Advance: Secrets of the human brain - Free Tech: Planetary Networks (Switching to Planned)
2114: Tech Advance: Industrial Base//Upgraded my existing scout patrols to Trance Scouts
2121: Base 3 Founded.
2123: Tech Advance: Industrial Economics//Base 4 Founded.
2130: Base 5 Founded.
2132: Tech Advance: Industrial Automation (adding Wealth)//Continent mapped out...looks like room for 14 bases total. Begin dramatic slowdown of base expansion plans, considering the remaining room....after the current wave of colony pods find homes, I'll turn my attention to development (and crawlers!)
2135: Base 6 Founded.
2137: Bases 7 & 8 Founded.
2139: Tech Advance: Doctrine Mobility.
2141: Base 9 Founded.
2144: Bases 10 & 11 Founded.
2146: Tech Advance: Doctrine Flexibility
2150: Pod for Base 12 in position for deployment next turn
As is plainly visible in the save file, I'm prepping Relativity School and Zarya Sunrise to be the first of my "Project Bases" (they've already got two supply crawlers built each). Relativity School, due to placement, might seem like a weaker choice, but it's surrounded by mineral specials, and will likely need less "assistance" than Zarya in the completion of the initial projects.
I've still got room for two more bases on the continent (another one right on an energy resource square), but I'm in no particular hurry to add them....I'm happy with the pace of development, and besides that, theres a good bit of fungus around where the two remaining bases will go, so I can expect a bit of lag in their development. I am reluctant, as yet, to switch to Democracy though, as the gains will be minimal compared to the added support costs....and besides, I don't want anything slowing me down where those projects are, I'll be happy with my hefty +3 Industry bonus and just build stuff for a while.
Next game phase: 2151-2200: Goals: Key projects I want to go for: HGP (for switch to market)//WP (early boreholes and speedy forming)//Virtual World (to totally eliminate pre-boom drone problems)//Planetary Energy Grid (love that cash!)//Empath Guild (lock down the elections)//Command Nexus (Counteract Wealth's morale hit)
Get that spiffy tech that lets me build the Planetary Energy Grid!!! Also get the TreeFarm Tech. Ideally, I'd like to have my last two bases dropped into place, sea formers built at all coastal bases and out doing their thing, transports built at all coastal bases and out doing THEIR thing, and probe foils built at all coastal bases out grabbing techs, maps, and generally stirring the pot. Additionally, I'd like to see all CC's and TreeFarms built, and all prototyping done. We'll see how it goes....
Settings: SMACX, Huge Planet, 50-70% Water, Lots of Erosion, Average worms, Lots of clouds, random opponents, directed research, ironman, transcend level
2100: Free tech taken: Centauri Ecology
2102: Pod poppin! Founded Uni Base at the head of a river, right on an energy resource! AND, got 75 credits from the pod!
2103: Base 2 founded
2105: Tech Advance: Biogenetics
2107: Alien ship lands// Tech Advance: Social Psych
2110: Tech Advance: Secrets of the human brain - Free Tech: Planetary Networks (Switching to Planned)
2114: Tech Advance: Industrial Base//Upgraded my existing scout patrols to Trance Scouts
2121: Base 3 Founded.
2123: Tech Advance: Industrial Economics//Base 4 Founded.
2130: Base 5 Founded.
2132: Tech Advance: Industrial Automation (adding Wealth)//Continent mapped out...looks like room for 14 bases total. Begin dramatic slowdown of base expansion plans, considering the remaining room....after the current wave of colony pods find homes, I'll turn my attention to development (and crawlers!)
2135: Base 6 Founded.
2137: Bases 7 & 8 Founded.
2139: Tech Advance: Doctrine Mobility.
2141: Base 9 Founded.
2144: Bases 10 & 11 Founded.
2146: Tech Advance: Doctrine Flexibility
2150: Pod for Base 12 in position for deployment next turn
As is plainly visible in the save file, I'm prepping Relativity School and Zarya Sunrise to be the first of my "Project Bases" (they've already got two supply crawlers built each). Relativity School, due to placement, might seem like a weaker choice, but it's surrounded by mineral specials, and will likely need less "assistance" than Zarya in the completion of the initial projects.
I've still got room for two more bases on the continent (another one right on an energy resource square), but I'm in no particular hurry to add them....I'm happy with the pace of development, and besides that, theres a good bit of fungus around where the two remaining bases will go, so I can expect a bit of lag in their development. I am reluctant, as yet, to switch to Democracy though, as the gains will be minimal compared to the added support costs....and besides, I don't want anything slowing me down where those projects are, I'll be happy with my hefty +3 Industry bonus and just build stuff for a while.
Next game phase: 2151-2200: Goals: Key projects I want to go for: HGP (for switch to market)//WP (early boreholes and speedy forming)//Virtual World (to totally eliminate pre-boom drone problems)//Planetary Energy Grid (love that cash!)//Empath Guild (lock down the elections)//Command Nexus (Counteract Wealth's morale hit)
Get that spiffy tech that lets me build the Planetary Energy Grid!!! Also get the TreeFarm Tech. Ideally, I'd like to have my last two bases dropped into place, sea formers built at all coastal bases and out doing their thing, transports built at all coastal bases and out doing THEIR thing, and probe foils built at all coastal bases out grabbing techs, maps, and generally stirring the pot. Additionally, I'd like to see all CC's and TreeFarms built, and all prototyping done. We'll see how it goes....
