Hey Kaz....yep....I agree that in MP, especially on smaller maps, getting some well seasoned troopers in the field early can have a big impact....esp. if you happen to start on the same landmass as one of your opponents....I think I will experiment with the idea, but when I implement it, I will probably build it into the overall scheme of things thusly:
Thin expansion per my previous posts, and, as I begin to spread out, take one of my core bases (which can now no longer participate effectively in the continued expansion), and set him up to do military stuff exclusively....that will, in effect, be that base's "secret project." I'll see how that goes....
Oh, and, to continue the timeline I began earlier, last evening I played out the next fifty turns of the game, with results as follows:
2151: Base 12 Founded
2152: Tech Advance: Ethical Calc.\\Weather Paradigm and Genome Projects begun.
2158: Tech Advance: Gene Splicing
2161: Weather Paradigm and Genome Projects completed.\\ Planetary Transit System and Virtual World begun\\Base 13 Founded.
2165: Tech Advance: Ecological Engineering
2166: Virtual World begun at another base, with an eye toward switching to the Empath Guild as soon as I get the tech.
2167: Virtual World complete.\\Pact with Deirdre against the lizards.
2170: Planetary Transit System Complete\\Tech Advance: Environmental Economics\\Adding Deomcracy to the SE mix.
2172: Base 14 (final base for the continent) built\\Tech Advance: Centauri Empathy (switching project from VW to Empath Guild)\\Contact Svensgaard: Traded for Applied Physics
2174: Empath Guild complete
2175: Contact Roze. Traded for Progen. Psych. Got myself elected Governor.
2177: Yang declares vendetta (yawn).\\ Begin Prototype work for a Recon Rover and a Synthmetal Rover\\Tech Advance: Bioadaptive somethingorother....work begun on the Planetary Energy Grid
2181: Tech Advance: Doctrine Initiative
2182: Work begun on the Maritime Control Center
2186: Planetary Energy Grid complete\\Tech Advance - Doctrine Loyalty\\Work begun on Command Nexus
2190: Tech Advance: Intellectual Integrity.
2193: Martime Control Center completed.\\Work begun on the Citizen's Defense Force.
2195: Tech advance: Cyberethics\\Treefarms have been built everywhere by this point, so I'm switching to Planned to boom my bases bigger.
2196: Begin to cash in my previously built crawlers to make room for more workers and continued growth.
2198: Citizen's Defense Force Completed\\Work begun on the Planetary Datalinks
2199: After the sunspots activity, I contacted Deirdre and bought Field Modulation and High Energy Chemistry from her....goody!
\\Began Prototyping a Plasma Rover
2200: Tech Advance: Planetary Economics\\Plasma Rover rolls off the line, with an eye toward upgrading my military across the board....I am researching Synthetic Fossil Fuels though, so I might make do for a few more turns, and do a weapon AND armor upgrade once Missile weapons have been prototyped....then I think it will be time to go have a little talk to Yang....\\called Roze up and traded techs to get Neural Grafting (she just finished building the Neural Amp....I like the project, but was not hurt by not getting it).\\Datalinks come online next turn.
Immediate goals: crop failures at one of my bases threaten to ram it back down to size five unless action is taken, so plans are in the works to rush build a hybrid forest there to offset the crop failure (and to that end, I will be switching back to Market next turn). That, upgrading my military to plasma\missile, and gearing up to enslave or elminiate Yang will be the main goals of the next segment (2200-2250).
Depending on how long the war with Yang takes (he's only got five bases, so I do not anticipate it being a drawn out affair....once I apply the full weight of my economy toward the creation of war materials, I expect it to be a short fight), other goals include finishing Hybrid Forests everywhere, building the Aesetic Virtues (and whatever other projects look interesting), booming all mainland bases up to size sixteen, and expanding into the sea.
I've also got my eye on a sizable landmass just south and east of my continent which appears to be empty, and pretty close, too....there are half a dozen formers already in position to begin raising land to it....
Thin expansion per my previous posts, and, as I begin to spread out, take one of my core bases (which can now no longer participate effectively in the continued expansion), and set him up to do military stuff exclusively....that will, in effect, be that base's "secret project." I'll see how that goes....

Oh, and, to continue the timeline I began earlier, last evening I played out the next fifty turns of the game, with results as follows:
2151: Base 12 Founded
2152: Tech Advance: Ethical Calc.\\Weather Paradigm and Genome Projects begun.
2158: Tech Advance: Gene Splicing
2161: Weather Paradigm and Genome Projects completed.\\ Planetary Transit System and Virtual World begun\\Base 13 Founded.
2165: Tech Advance: Ecological Engineering
2166: Virtual World begun at another base, with an eye toward switching to the Empath Guild as soon as I get the tech.
2167: Virtual World complete.\\Pact with Deirdre against the lizards.
2170: Planetary Transit System Complete\\Tech Advance: Environmental Economics\\Adding Deomcracy to the SE mix.
2172: Base 14 (final base for the continent) built\\Tech Advance: Centauri Empathy (switching project from VW to Empath Guild)\\Contact Svensgaard: Traded for Applied Physics
2174: Empath Guild complete
2175: Contact Roze. Traded for Progen. Psych. Got myself elected Governor.
2177: Yang declares vendetta (yawn).\\ Begin Prototype work for a Recon Rover and a Synthmetal Rover\\Tech Advance: Bioadaptive somethingorother....work begun on the Planetary Energy Grid
2181: Tech Advance: Doctrine Initiative
2182: Work begun on the Maritime Control Center
2186: Planetary Energy Grid complete\\Tech Advance - Doctrine Loyalty\\Work begun on Command Nexus
2190: Tech Advance: Intellectual Integrity.
2193: Martime Control Center completed.\\Work begun on the Citizen's Defense Force.
2195: Tech advance: Cyberethics\\Treefarms have been built everywhere by this point, so I'm switching to Planned to boom my bases bigger.
2196: Begin to cash in my previously built crawlers to make room for more workers and continued growth.
2198: Citizen's Defense Force Completed\\Work begun on the Planetary Datalinks
2199: After the sunspots activity, I contacted Deirdre and bought Field Modulation and High Energy Chemistry from her....goody!

2200: Tech Advance: Planetary Economics\\Plasma Rover rolls off the line, with an eye toward upgrading my military across the board....I am researching Synthetic Fossil Fuels though, so I might make do for a few more turns, and do a weapon AND armor upgrade once Missile weapons have been prototyped....then I think it will be time to go have a little talk to Yang....\\called Roze up and traded techs to get Neural Grafting (she just finished building the Neural Amp....I like the project, but was not hurt by not getting it).\\Datalinks come online next turn.
Immediate goals: crop failures at one of my bases threaten to ram it back down to size five unless action is taken, so plans are in the works to rush build a hybrid forest there to offset the crop failure (and to that end, I will be switching back to Market next turn). That, upgrading my military to plasma\missile, and gearing up to enslave or elminiate Yang will be the main goals of the next segment (2200-2250).
Depending on how long the war with Yang takes (he's only got five bases, so I do not anticipate it being a drawn out affair....once I apply the full weight of my economy toward the creation of war materials, I expect it to be a short fight), other goals include finishing Hybrid Forests everywhere, building the Aesetic Virtues (and whatever other projects look interesting), booming all mainland bases up to size sixteen, and expanding into the sea.
I've also got my eye on a sizable landmass just south and east of my continent which appears to be empty, and pretty close, too....there are half a dozen formers already in position to begin raising land to it....
