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Foils after Doc: Initiative

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  • #16
    I do still use foils after doctrine iniative although when the map geography supports it though. Generally Foils get a nudge over their cruiser equivalants for me when I the war I am prepping for or alternatively actively fighting in requires me to only move a short distance between myself and the target base. For instance the way computer Svengaurd tends to hug my coastline means that I can hit several of his bases from my coastal cities with a Foils movement range. After the war these foils tend to be relegated to either defensive duties or more exposed positions that I feel require a naval pressence but I do not wish to risk a cruiser.

    Another common reason for me to create new generations of foils is related to though not completely the same is what I call the thief design. In the post airpower enviroment I frequently find myself using my airforce to take out a bases defenders (until they firm up and start to specialize in effective air defense). During these wars while I tend to start them with as modern a cruiser design as I can manage I frequently find that for a variety of reasons I am unable to maintain enough cruisers to keep up with my air offensives. At that point I start building thieves (basically 1-1-4 shell with or without clean reactors) in frontline frequently recently captured cities with no job in the world other than to occupy sea bases whose defenders have just been eliminated due to the application of air or naval assets. After the war any surving thieves get upgraded typically in support roles for my cruisers.


    • #17
      Doesn't the cost of a supply module equal the cost of a clean reactor + transport? What if the ORP with a supply module will be stationed on a very deep part of the ocean? Is it worth it?

      Plus an ORP can always be used as a transport in a pinch.
      "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
      "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
      "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


      • #18

        Originally posted by Christantine The Great on 03-24-2001 11:33 PM
        Doesn't the cost of a supply module equal the cost of a clean reactor + transport?

        Yes, but the supplay module pays back this cost, not the clean reactor


        What if the ORP with a supply module will be stationed on a very deep part of the ocean? Is it worth it?

        Even in deep sea, a trawler can harvest 1 nutrient per turn. Simply said,
        it is worth it if it survives long enough.


        Plus an ORP can always be used as a transport in a pinch.

        True. Perhaps a good idea to build those units for transport purposes and park them as ORP's, when not neede for transport.


        • #19
          If you have a base just offshore (perhaps one you took from the AI) a cheap foil transport stationed in the base will allow you to move land units into and/or out of the base without the need for the amphibious attribute.


          • #20
            Foil probes and supplies are a design that lasts me well throughout the game, but I don't build a whole lot of attack foils. In the mid-to-later part, I use IOD's for the majority of naval control (capturing bases, shuttling troops). The fungus movement is a huge advantage before Xeno dome. Best for hunting other IOD's and cleaning the seas of tasty pods. But I usually play Dierdre or ChaDawn, so these aren't so hard to come by.


            • #21
              Earwicker, The problem with IOD's is that PSI sea combat is 1:1, and IOD's never get the equivalent of a Fusion Reactor, which by its lonesome, inreases the effectiveness of PSI combat by a factor of two. I find that an IOD simply cannot defeat the lowliest Fusion defender in a city, let alone a Singularity defender. The latter, even without defensive multipliers, has 40 psi hit points vs. the IOD's 10.

              So, in contrast, I say, native life forms are truly ineffective in the late game - except, perhaps, when they are defensively located in cities and the defender has the Nural Amplifier.


              • #22

                Higher reactors do not increase the effectiveness of psi combat. The combat odds display says so, but it's not right(a bug). The "extra" hit points are cancelled by each hit being multiplied by the reactor level. It took me a few games of wondering why my drop fusion troops always lost badly when I used them to clean up mindworm outbreaks.

                IODs are the "best" sea unit, when you have the NA. They are the only sea unit that can stand a chance against enemy aircraft.
                Team 'Poly


                • #23
                  Indeed, I have noted that native life form do much better than the odds calculator says they should against many units. Does this continue with the lastest patch smax 2.0? (I have not run any odds study recently)
                  Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
                  Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
                  "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
                  From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Christantine The Great on 03-24-2001 11:33 PM
                    Doesn't the cost of a supply module equal the cost of a clean reactor + transport? What if the ORP with a supply module will be stationed on a very deep part of the ocean? Is it worth it?

                    Plus an ORP can always be used as a transport in a pinch.

                    What's an ORP?


                    • #25

                      IODs are the "best" sea unit, when you have the NA. They are the only sea unit that can stand a chance against enemy aircraft.

                      This I cannot agree with, mainly because all the attacker needs to do is attack with an empath equiped unit, and there goes the NA bonus, then the attacker also gets planet bonus, and if using 6r the +25 resonance attack, this leaves the attacker with about 1.4 times the power of the IoD, also usually conventional units are generally higher morale, cheaper, and can be "trained". I like to have a few <6r> fighters/choppers around for killing native life outbreaks, another factions native unit gets the same treatment.

                      A ship with plasma armour and AAA defends 1:1 against missile weapons, and a ship with no weapon is VERY cheap, chances are chaos gun will come before Silksteel, and eventually weapon strength will outstrip armour strength, however if you make it your aim to research armour you can probably have <6> ships while your enemies are still totting the fusionlaser/tachyeon bolt/plasma shard, which the 6 armour breaks even against. Ofcourse following the armour line takes you to Tachyeon bolt anyway, which is a nice weapon, and then your a short hop to Quantum power.

                      AAA Ships defend better against locusts than IoD's.

                      So in short my opinion is the IoD's vunerability to being bombarded, and empath units make cruiser transports escorted by AAA cruisers a better choice of transport, the big plus with IoD's is they are often free, and move faster than foils.


                      • #26
                        Keeping IOD's on the offensive, with support of aircraft and the occasional conventional ship, best exploits their power. A faction like Gaians or Cult, playing at Green Cybernetic, holding the Manifold Nexus, gains a tremendous advantage on attack. The odds calculator says +70%, but is is truly conferring such a modifier (or does it max out at +40% or +50% in practice)?


                        • #27
                          It'sLikeThat, an ORP is an Offshore Radar Platform. I invented it, of course.
                          [This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited March 27, 2001).]
                          "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                          "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                          "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me

