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How many hours?

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  • #31

    I think I've managed to play Civ2 for real close to 24 hours

    Blake still has the advantage -- come on, people! How dare you have lives!


    • #32
      No he doesn't ... I already posted to say that I've done 36 hours straight. Seriously ...

      But not for a *very* long time now, and hopefully never again ...
      Team 'Poly


      • #33
        Actually I said I only played for 18 hours straight (maybe a break for dinner), After having breakfast I would have passed out until dinner, then played multiplayer until atleast midnight (at which stage all but the most devoted/stupid game players go to sleep). So in one 36 hours period I played 24 hours of SMACX, but only 18 hours straigt


        • #34
          I'm afraid it is. But I could not do that on multiplayer - it's usually the single-player challenges that pull me in to the point where I can't put them down ...

          I have to wait until the rest of the family are away to indulge in this ridiculous stuff of course. They'd kill me if they knew
          Team 'Poly


          • #35

            No he doesn't ... I already posted to say that I've done 36 hours straight. Seriously

            Sorry, I just didn't think that was possible So - 36 hours is the new high then, eh? Any challengers ?


            • #36
              Due to my crappy chair, my longest straight sitting is only about 6hours. However, I have probably logged several hundred hours in the past year since I acquired SMAC.

              However, I must confess to a sever case of JOMTS (just one more turn syndrome).

              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
              "My dear girl don't flatter yourself. What I did this evening was for king and country. You don't think it gave me any pleasure do you?

              --- James Bond
              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
              [This message has been edited by niteowl (edited January 09, 2001).]
              Read my SMAC fiction @

              Give your comments @


              • #37
                Any prizes for the 'least addicted' here? Based on what I've heard I could get that one - the longest sitting in one go IIRC was about 4 hours....still, I have a lot of strategy games, and tend to juggle between a few of them - I managed to get Colonization recently, and am now hooked
                We're back!


                • #38

                  Due to my crappy chair, my longest straight sitting is only about 6hours.

                  Get Misotu's chair, it'll carry you on for 30 more Really, is your chair the kind that break in half every few hours ?

                  [This message has been edited by SMACed (edited January 09, 2001).]


                  • #39
                    Sorry for chiming in so late on this thread....didn't see it till I had a chance to browse some of the ones I'd been missing....LOL

                    When I was working to finish up the latest version of the strat guide (there's a good bit more to be said on the subject of our favorite game, and rumor has it that I might be convinced to expand it once more....a little birdie tol' me... ), I took two days off from work, combined it with the weekend, and sat here in this hardwood, straight-back chair for pretty much the entire time. Can't say for sure how many hours straight I played, cos I fell asleep at the keyboard at least twice, but that was my longest stint any game...OUCH...and yes, I'd offer to buy Mis's chair in a heartbeat! Anything would be better than the one I got...

                    [This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 11, 2001).]
                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #40

                      I took two days off from work, combined it with the weekend, and sat here in this hardwood, straight-back chair for pretty much the entire time. Can't say for sure how many hours straight I played, cos I fell asleep at the keyboard at least twice, but that was my longest stint any game...OUCH...and yes, I'd offer to buy Mis's chair in a heartbeat! Anything would be better than the one I got...

                      Okay, counting rest (assuming you spent 8 hours asleep at the keyboard each time?) you played for 80 hours. No, no, wait - you must be joking... poor Vel...

                      I think that record's going to stand for a looong time...


                      • #41
                        At least, I hope that record stands for a loooong time....
                        We're back!


                        • #42
                          I dunno...LOL...I've been parked here at the desk editing for almost as long a time this weekend....but alas, not playing much....mostly just cranking out the new material, combining, editing, and sifting through.....

                          (who's off to do more editing!)
                          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                          • #43

                            Originally posted by mark13 on 01-15-2001 08:33 PM
                            At least, I hope that record stands for a loooong time....

                            [This message has been edited by SMACed (edited January 16, 2001).]


                            • #44
                              Vel, this is *not* in your best interest

                              I think I should donate my chair to Vel in the interest of dedicated SMAC/X gamers everywhere ... it's reasonably comfy, although it could do with considerably more padding, I have to say ...
                              Team 'Poly


                              • #45
                                Yeah, autograph his strat guide and he'll send you a ... chair

