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How many hours?

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  • #16
    I remember I used to play about 5 hours straight every chance I got, but that got me into some bad headaches Now I mostly play a single game over the course of about 12 days - it gives me time to think about it when not playing, rather than one massive eye-straining game all happening at once. When I played civ2 I hated looking up at the clock at seeing I had just lost a day of my life Not something I want to repeat...


    • #17
      I'm certainly glad to see that I'm not alone on the hours spent. The reference to school getting in the way brings a warm, fuzzy feeling back. My wife told me it was either SMAX or her. She was a wonderful wife, and I'm going to miss her.


      • #18

        ROFLOL, Zonk

        Aki, Corrie, Dee, Miriam or Roze would be poor substitutes (to say nothing of H'minee)


        [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited January 03, 2001).]


        • #19
          Goes in fits and starts. I've just had a pretty bad week (well, depending on your point of view ) But I'm in so many email games, days with no SMAC are rare indeed. I probably average somewhere between 2 and 4 hours a day.

          Occasionally I still get my teeth into a good SP game (DiDad's AI's Revenge scenario is the latest) and then ... well, I don't think I want to talk about how long I can play straight through. Too long
          Team 'Poly


          • #20

            Originally posted by Googlie on 01-03-2001 12:24 AM

            ROFLOL, Zonk

            Aki, Corrie, Dee, Miriam or Roze would be poor substitutes (to say nothing of H'minee)


            [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited January 03, 2001).]

            Oh, I would like to teach Aki to pop-boom!


            • #21
              **shuffles up to the microphone, and clears throat**

              Hello. My name is Killjoy. And I have an SMAC problem!

              How many hours have I logged with SMAC? Far too many to count. I think I'm worse with SMAC than I ever was with CIV or CIv2. This game is totally captivating.

              My only disappointment is that there most likely will not be more in the way of expansions/patches/development for this game. Its a shame, because its an amazing game universe that calls out for more! Anything!!


              • #22

                about 7 hours in a typical day

                Now that's pretty bad

                I'll go for anywhere from 2-5 hours at a time. That used to be more frequent

                You know they say spend 10 minutes every hour while playing to rest eyes, hands, and joints... Oh, Kjoy, I know, it's a shame, isn't it?


                • #23
                  I seem to recall that I once spent a day playing smacx multiplayer, it went something like started a three player game at lunchtime, played until dinner. One of my friends wakes up and wants to play, so I played him until midnight, then seeing both of us are still alive we played until breakfast. My memory gets a bit dim then (as it does after 18 hours straight of SMACX) but I probably played another 6 hours that evening.

                  I also once played about 12 hours straight of CTP (four players), eventually I convinced one of my friends to play SMACX instead (someone had been spreading vicous rumours that SMACX MP was crappy), that first MP game of SMACX lasted until breakfast , ended with a PB the crap out of everyone victory (except my friend, only his HQ got hit). Luckily after showing my friends that SMACX MP was better than CTP MP I never had to play CTP again.

                  I'm a uni student, with 24hr access to the uni network, and other people just as badly addicted to computer games as me. Don't ask me how, but I managed to pass all of my courses too

                  Now it's holidays and I can only dedicate about three to six hours a day to SMACX


                  • #24
                    Can anyone top that ?


                    • #25
                      Er ... yeah. Not that it's an accolade or anything. But I have played SMAC/X for more than 36 hours straight on several occasions.

                      Don't ask. There are reasons. Honest.



                      Who am I kidding ???
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #26
                        I may play the longest games, I think. I like to start a CivII game as the Russians, and play that through until I reach "Alpha Centauri" and then continue to guide my civilization, or its remnants, to transcendence as the "University". I like the bigger maps and carefull management, so these tend to be marathon games. They take me months sometimes to play all the way through because I dont play very many consecutive hours. That is if the CivII "pre game" counts. I dont know.

                        Anyway its kind of fun to start in the stone age and progress all the way to Transcendence.
                        "Nine out of ten voices in my head CAN'T be wrong, can they?"


                        • #27
                          Wow, Blake's played more than all of you? I guess 24 hours isn't too shabby


                          • #28
                            Hmm, I decided to stop counting when I passed 1000 hours. I am pretty certain that SMAC is the first (and only) game that I passed 1k hours on. (Diablo 1 might have been close, but I just found that game to late. Had I gotten it when it came out I figure it would have been my first 1k game.)

                            I probably doubled the number of hours on smac by now, but I am far from certain. But, university is close to over, and come monday the 22nd I start to work as a software developer. That will probably drastically cut back all my game playing time. *sigh*

                            1000 hours of this game. And then another 1000 hours... Never played for longer than 18hours in one sitting though. And never more than 12 straight hours of multiplay.

                            And a ps: In Civ III, please give us the control over world parameters that players of FreeCiv have!


                            • #29
                              24 straight hours and the closest you people come is 18 ?


                              • #30
                                I think I've managed to play Civ2 for real close to 24 hours (well, ok, we broke for meals... well.. rather, we went to eat and talked about the game). It was one of the most memorable games I must say. Was playing with 2 of my buds, started around 9 or 10 am of one morning, played, ate, played, ate, and played till around 2am... by then my 2 friends realized the tech lead I'm having and decided to gang up on me and all hell broke loose... was one hell of a war, They managed to knock out all my defending troops in my capital but couldn't quite occupy it.... topped off by the fact that the difference between my victory and theirs was made by one Engineer on a forest (whom I used as a roadblock) somehow managed to fend off an alpine trooper(can you just picture that??? imagine an engineer slamming his shovel into an alpine troop going full speed downhill....). We still laugh about it when we talk of that game till this day. Anyway, basically we finished around 7 or 8 am that night and we went to breakfast... I almost passed out at Denny's

