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Who is the most beautiful person of Smac&AC

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  • #46
    I am surprised that so much people see Deirdre as a "good" leader.
    As Myriam and Yang, she has her truth: "Planet is alive". The difference between those three, is that - in the game - Deirdre is right.
    In real life, it is much more difficult to say who is right: does God exist? Is Earth alive? Do individuals have to work for the community? Are resources there to be consumed?
    Deirdre is the "good" character, as are all "good" fictional characters: they know the truth, as unbeleavable as it is. Take any character from a time travel story: in the story they are "good", put them in reality and ...
    Please do not make confusion between fiction and reality...

    Deirdre is to me the less worse character.
    As I said, like all others she has her truth, the little difference is that she does not take her truth as the reason for being the leader.
    Most SMAC (and reality) leaders say: "I (am the only one to) know the truth and therefore I must be your leader and you, little people wandering in the darkness, must do what I say". I do not perceive this attitude so strong by Deirdre.

    Do not forget Deirdre has some (real) communist sides: she is against free market, a bigger communist chacacteristic than the non-democratic one (which is IMO a secondary effect of communism). If I look at people around me I see clearly that those who had yesterday communist tendencies have today green tendencies: they are first of all against free market.
    It look nice at first sight (defense of weaker persons,...), but then, when you have them at leading places, like the communist of yesterday, they have tendencies in removing democratic rights: you do this or that wrong, don't eat this, eat that, do what your daddy say... (what was the nickname of Stalin again ?)
    Don't understand me wrong: I like Greens and commies, but *NOT* at decision places. They are really good in the opposition, to kick sleepy politicians @$$e$, but please, never put them at leading places.

    People having the truth must all be eliminated, believe me, join the crusade, I speak the truth, let us kill them to the last
    The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


    • #47
      Helium Pond - That is rather worrying. That sounds like an rather accurate description of my family, especially the whole part about communcication! Colour me "hippie"!

      Deidre as "Good" - I think that just shows how narrow-minded certain people are. What "good" are you talking about? ALL the faction leaders represent their OWN brand of "good", ALL of them appeal to some people. Yang is "good", in his own way. He's less vindictive and more thoughtful than Dee, and whether you like Communism or not, he believes he is "good", and is doing HIS BEST to "help society". It's just not a very "pleasant" or "western" "good". He is NOT a real villian, because he is not conscious of any "wrong-doing" on his part. Both he AND Dee believe that people must SUFFER for the ideals to prosper. Most of the leaders think this.

      The ONLY possible way Dee is "good" is that she is similar to "Bourgoise Green Western English-speakers". Alot of you people are that. So you share her values. Doesn't make them GOOD, just means YOU BELIEVE that they are good. Frankly, I amazed that people like could even play SMAC. I'll happily play as ANY faction, because, in their own way, they're ALL right, all "good", (even that maniac Miriam). In their own way. On their own terms. There is NO absolute good IRL, not that we know of, so to blindly call Dee "good" is madness. She's more "normal" than the others, that's all.

      Anyway, that NOT my main objection to her. That is that she is shallow and boring, and seems to have no flaws (apart from hints of vindictiveness), and is an irritating sci-fi cliche (Green Celt).

      Any SMACer who mindlessly claims that Dee is ACTUAL, INTENDED "good guy" needs to lay-off an entirely different kind of "smack". She's just the more normal person. Those with geniunely open minds can see that.
      "You're standing on my neck."

