I was just wondering what everyones opinion
on SMAC and SMACX are. Does everyone like both games equally, or are there purests out there like me, who loathe SMACX - not only for its many bugs, but also because of the awkward aspects the new story line introduces?
So if you could take the time to state if you either like both, are indifferent, or prefer SMAC over SMACX, or vice versa, I would be greatly interested. If there are enough replies, I will collate the results.
on SMAC and SMACX are. Does everyone like both games equally, or are there purests out there like me, who loathe SMACX - not only for its many bugs, but also because of the awkward aspects the new story line introduces?
So if you could take the time to state if you either like both, are indifferent, or prefer SMAC over SMACX, or vice versa, I would be greatly interested. If there are enough replies, I will collate the results.