This is just a thread for former Morganites who might join us, to let them know that they are welcome and that their input will be appreciated
I don't know for sure if old Morganites will be allowed to join our team, but I sure hope so.
If you want something interesting to read, check out the council of war thread, that basically covers the discussions of why we invaded you guys. You were very close indeed to being spared ... It initially started out as a debate between me and Modo on whether to attack the Angels or the Gaians
The place to find the old turnchat logs are here:
For what it's worth, I considered you guys very worthy adversaries, but I guess we caught you with your pants down
Mad love
EDIT: Also, check out the thread "Our current target" - there you will find the poll which lead to your demise.

If you want something interesting to read, check out the council of war thread, that basically covers the discussions of why we invaded you guys. You were very close indeed to being spared ... It initially started out as a debate between me and Modo on whether to attack the Angels or the Gaians

The place to find the old turnchat logs are here:
For what it's worth, I considered you guys very worthy adversaries, but I guess we caught you with your pants down

Mad love

EDIT: Also, check out the thread "Our current target" - there you will find the poll which lead to your demise.