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MY-2191 - Planning & Execution Thread

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  • #16
    Continuing .............
    • MM'd a Creche at Hero's Waypoint (using ARC's nut crawler from the farm between the 2 bases)
    • Put Fort Sol's crawler to work its mine, moving the worker from there to the mineral special. Put another crawler into production
    • Put Messena's crawler to work the mine, and another crawler put into production there (both these moves can be reversed to MM'ing a facility if needed, as only 1/3rd of their mp's have been used)
    • Agreed that the 18:30 tile is the best fungus hiding spot for the Disco Volante, so moved it there. Do we want to cover it with the General Tacticus, or might that be seen as too threatening if discovered? (right now the Disco is just "passing thru" en route to the Angels theatre)
    Edit: save removed as superceded by a later version
    Last edited by Googlie; October 10, 2005, 13:39.


    • #17
      Some choices to be made:
      • Sparta Command: do we commission another trance policeman, and then instabuild a creche next turn so that it can grow to pop-6? It can grow to size 9 without further terraforming (although it does compete for food tiles with Gythium Harbour and Santiago Citadel)
      • Citadel - do we MM a Tree farm (or a Research Hospital) there? A Tree farm would leave those condensor farms for Sparta Command anbd Gythium harbour to utilize. (upgrading the resident crawler and deploying same turn would do it)
      • Bunker 112 - MM a creche there (and then another trance policeman, to nudge it along to size 6?
      • Fort Buster - will grow to size 9 next turn, with a drone being produced (that 2/1/0 tile will become a 3/1/0 one) We can let it become a talent, and concentrate on satellites there, or else build a couple of crawlers and then facilties such as TF, research hospital and ultimately a Hab Complex
      • Minas Tirith - MM a creche there, and upgrade the Hoplite to Trance Police? It will quickly grow to size 6 - and beyond - limited only by its drones until we get an additional policeman then facilities there
      Some choices as to rushing:
      • Olympus Academy - 18 credits rushes the creche there
      • Craterwest - rush the former there for 15 credits?
      • 2 Nuts - rush the crawler for 16 credits (but to do what? It's scheduled to work the new mine when completed in a few turns. No point in its meanwhile crawling food, 'cos it would only lead to drones without a rec commons or summat else there
      • Ironholm's crawler can be rushed for 18 credits (after moving a worker from fields to forest) - but to do what?


      • #18
        Great moves.

        Originally posted by Googlie [list][*]Sparta Command: do we commission another trance policeman, and then instabuild a creche next turn so that it can grow to pop-6? It can grow to size 9 without further terraforming (although it does compete for food tiles with Gythium Harbour and Santiago Citadel)
        Why trance policemen? IIRC they cost two mineral rows instead of CDFs only one. Also once we get Bio-engineering, do we want to have a clean reactor as the second special ability for all our units? Meaning we'd upgrade the unit in a few turns anyway.
        Though IIRC there's a reserve citizen defence force running around somewhere. SC2 possibly? One was trained in OA or SC4, but had no job at the time.
        In any case, a creche in SC1 sounds good to me.

        Citadel - do we MM a Tree farm (or a Research Hospital) there? A Tree farm would leave those condensor farms for Sparta Command anbd Gythium harbour to utilize. (upgrading the resident crawler and deploying same turn would do it)
        Building sky hydroponics labs would give all bases extra nuts, not only SC2.

        [quote]Fort Buster - will grow to size 9 next turn, with a drone being produced[:quote]

        Won't we have to change a worker into a thinker then, to prevent drone riots (and thus also a further popboom for now... )?

        Craterwest - rush the former there for 15 credits?

        2 Nuts - rush the crawler for 16 credits (but to do what? It's scheduled to work the new mine when completed in a few turns. No point in its meanwhile crawling food, 'cos it would only lead to drones without a rec commons or summat else there
        Then let's not rush it.

        Ironholm's crawler can be rushed for 18 credits (after moving a worker from fields to forest) - but to do what?
        It could be used for crawler-hurrying sky hydroponics labs in Fort Superiority. But when used for that specific purpose, hurrying the crawler production would be counterproductive. Hurrying a crawler costs more than two credits per mineral, while a goal of crawler-hurrying is to production and hurry costs for large buildings under two credits per mineral.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #19
          Carrying on .....
          • MM'd a creche at Sparta Command for 16 credits (shuffled workers around a bit to accomplish it, moving a worker from a farm to the new mine)
          • Moved a CDF from OA to SC1 (OA has a rec commons and can get another police unit in a turn or 2)
          • LOL - SC2 has spares, so moved a CDF from there to OA. Rushed OA's creche for 18 credits
          • reallocated Vlad's mine worker to the new forest, and sent the crawler to run the minerals. Put thinkers back to work, Put another crawler into production
          • At Fort Buster, to solve the pending drone, I moved the worker off the farm (which will be a 3-nut tile this turn when the unit rotation reaches those formers) to a forest, and put a crawler into production (1 turn) - 2 more 1-turn crawlers and we can MM another hydrosat (thus 4 turns versus 5 conventionally). If we want Rio Grande to utilize that 3 nut tile then we need another CDF there, and MM a creche, or else MM a rec commons first, then the creche. I put a crawler into production as a pending move at RG
          • Moved FB's worker off the northeast forest onto a northwest one, and reassigned an SC2 worker from its 4/1/0 tile to the vacated forest 1/2/1 tile (SC2 had a 2 nut ongoing surplus and can't grow any more without a Hab Complex). SC2 can run its 1 nut deficit for 12 turns (by which time surely we'll have another satellite or 2 up and running)
          • Assigned MT's forested minerals worker to the 2/1/0 rolling/rainy tile, and moved the currently working crawler to the vacated tile. Sent the new crawler to work the now vacated mine. Put a CDF into production (completes in 1 turn). Next turn we can reverse the crawlers moves and MM a creche, inducing a pop-boom to size 5 before we need another policeman to round us out at 6 (or pay 10 credits to change that hoplite to a CDF)
          • Argos - put a CDF into production (1 turn). That base can't go anywhere without another police unit
          • Assassin's Redoubt - same thing (reallocted a worker to a forest tile to accomplish the CDF in 1 turn there too)
          • Bunker 112 - MM'd a creche there for 16 credits

          Posting the new midturn while i have a look around the other factions to see what they're up to
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Things look good

            It's a shame we lost our ships. It's doubly sad that we lost a transport since this might reassure the Angels that we won't be able to invade them any time soon

            But anyway, for what it's worth, it all looks good to me It would be interesting to see a tally of our losses and casualties inflicted on the Angels these last couple of turns after their self-pwnage ( as I believe Maniac put it ).


            • #21
              Additional moves: ......
              • Invincible frolicked in the seafungus but stirred nothing up
              • 2Nuts 2 formers completed the road so commenced building a mine
              • MT's former finished the forest, so moved to assist the 2 others mining the 60:24 tile
              • 2 formers at Gythium Harbour move to 58:24 and commence boreholing - they can be joined by the 3 mining formers in 3 turns for faster completion
              • SC1's lone former (among 3) with mps left moves 1 tile southwesyt and commences farming. It's 2 colleagues can join it next turn and the farm will complete the turn after
              • sent FB's Kaj Kaoos over Buster Ocean to check that Morgan probes were behaving themselves - found nothing
              • left Craterwest's F-6 on sentry duty (but not "on alert" - the AI does stupid things with interceptors placed on alert)
              • As suggested, moved only 1 of messena's surplus formers to assist in boreholing, sent the other northwest to place a road on that rocky square there - to be mined when the borehole is completed
              • continued the 2 hoplites' efforts at Mt Taygetus in stirring up mindworms - nothing
              • only 1 of vlad's 2 formers could move, so ran 1 tile SW to 64:12 and commenced foresting
              • lone former between bases in central Arcadia moved 2 tiles along the road to Vijay and commenced forestry operations
              • Moved the trannie that unloaded the 2 missilemen south towards kel harbour - it'll form part of any Gaian invasion fleet we create (and it passed undernearth the University's noodle - flying goodness knows where - prolly to attack a Gaian base!!. We really should come to a decision as to whether we want Morgan to call of his vendetta against Zak - he (we) could use the increased commerce income
              • redeployed Ass Red's two F-8's to Def F'hold
              • redeployed ARC's F-8 to Hero's Waypoint
              Still about a dozen moves to make (formers, crawlers and ships) but most need discussion and concensus

              Edit: save deleted as superseded by a later version
              Last edited by Googlie; October 12, 2005, 01:28.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                But anyway, for what it's worth, it all looks good to me It would be interesting to see a tally of our losses and casualties inflicted on the Angels these last couple of turns after their self-pwnage ( as I believe Maniac put it ).
                I don't know by heart what they lost, but we lost 15 rows worth of minerals IIRC: two B-4s, an F-8, a transport foil and a coast guard.

                I'll have a look at the turn btw. I had a look yesterday and I think there are some workers that could be relocated for better effect. Otherwise everything looks great judging from Googlie's report.
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #23
                  • How about moving one F-8 to Kel Harbour next year? It's the only base in range of Gaian needlejets.
                  • May I suggest letting patrol choppers end their turn in base always? Otherwise they have to spend half their time repairing.
                  • One of the formers building a borehole near GH has been changed towards building a road on that tile. No turns wasted then when the other formers join.
                  • Moved the old KH crawler a little further to make room for the new one.
                  • Refocused an ARC worker on mineral production. All that energy is lost to inefficiency anyways.
                  • One extra Tegean worker put on the forests. Now the base can popboom withour riots.
                  • Relocated the FL condenser farmer to a forest. Next year we can put another thinker back to a forest (now would mean one mineral waste).
                  • Put an IH worker back from where it came: a farm. While normally I'd prefer a forest too, now this one extra nut means the base can grow a turn earlier. That base will need another police unit btw. How about moving the Argonite CDF to Ironholm right now? Argos will complete a CDF itself, so no riots will happen.
                  • Gythium Harbour can now popboom without riots.
                  • For the former two tiles south of ARC and the two formers NE of Fort Buster: build a road!
                  • I have to go to lessons now for six hours in a row: Tuesday sucks.
                  Attached Files
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maniac
                    For the former two tiles south of ARC and the two formers NE of Fort Buster: build a road!
                    - Roads built

                    How about moving the Argonite CDF to Ironholm right now? Argos will complete a CDF itself, so no riots will happen
                    - CDF en route

                    Some additional moves ...........
                    • sent the Argos crawler 1 tile NW to harvest 2 nuts per
                    • moved the Ironholm former (the only one with a movement point left) south 1 tile to assist in the mining of 81:15 - two others will join it next turn
                    • set FL's 3 formers to foresting 87:15
                    • Moved FL's 4th to roadbuild at Ironholm's east suburbs
                    • Brought the mercury class transport into Gagarin Memorial
                    • sortied the B-4 from there to see if Morgan was hiding anything in the seafungus (nothing) - returned to base
                    • Sent RG's new crawler to run the 3 nuts from NE of FB
                    • moved an SC2 worker onto a forest tile and sent the new crawler to run the 4 nuts from the empty site
                    • sortied MT's B-4 south to the Hiverian fungus to see what Yang might be up to - he is morale-boosting a Chaos Speeder at the monolith there - returned the B-4 to base
                    • ran the General Tacticus thru some seafungus tiles, but found nothing except a Yang noodle on an exploration mission - unfortunately I misjudged the movement points so didn't finish on a fungus tile
                    • ditto with the nearby IoD, but did stop on a fungus tile (with 1 mp left) - again nothing
                    • ran the coastguard cruiser northeast of Defiance Freehold, trolling those 3 seafungus tiles, but nothing stirring
                    • rumbled in the seafungus west of Gaialand with the IoD there, but nothing stirring
                    • Ran the Njord back west to the seafungus offshore the Gaian southeast peninsula (mainly to keep it out of Angels' chopper range) - there is some decent fungus for it to play in there
                    • ran TH's 2 formers south and started foresting in Vijay's radius. As a result, changed VJ's production from a former to a crawler, to work the resulting forests
                    • Put our Crypteia at Gagarin Memorial on "hold" rather than sentry (he awoke when I sailed the transport in - that way he won't inadvertently board when it leaves)
                    All units have now moved. Some worker allocations can be changed, or formers re-ordered - and some crawlers have 1/3rd point left, so there still is lots of time to undo any "malmoves' I might have done

                    All the crawlers can get back to base next turn if we are thinking of using them to MM a facility there

                    Edit: save deleted as superseded by a later version
                    Last edited by Googlie; October 12, 2005, 01:27.


                    • #25

                      Hurried the crawler at Ironholm for 18 credits (moved a worker from a 2/1/1 tile to a 1/2/1 forest tile - set back growth from 2 to 3 years - but Ironholm will need a CDF next to avoid the extra pop being a drone)

                      Suggested to Morgan that he calls off the vendetta with Zak

                      How does the team feel about offering Morgan a straight swap of Applied Relativity for Bioengineering - subject to no onward trade for ten years.? I'd rather see us get it peacefully than go to war over it before we are ready. But if they refuse, steal it anyway next turn

                      Our turn is due in under an hour, so I'll leave it open with the trade in the diplo box, but if no-one comments I'll take it off the table before finalizing it and sending it on to the Gaians


                      • #26
                        didn;t get any replies (but, of course, i left it a bit late to solicit opinion

                        here's the 2191 final save - turn has been posted and sent to the Gaians
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Hmm - as I hit "turn complete" I saw a mindworm srotming south from the great Fungal Wall - it destroyed the crawler working the mine at 2Nuts Strand

                          That crawler was homed to Vladivostok, so the only damage was that it's mineral output dropped from 18 to 14 - it'll still complete the crawler that's in production in 2 turns

                          The flip side (good news?) is that the about-to-be-commissioned 2 Nuts crawler will now have a mine to work immediately - and we have a rover adjacent that can flame the mindworm first thing in 2192


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Googlie
                            How does the team feel about offering Morgan a straight swap of Applied Relativity for Bioengineering - subject to no onward trade for ten years.? I'd rather see us get it peacefully than go to war over it before we are ready. But if they refuse, steal it anyway next turn

                            If they agree, great!
                            If they refuse, we can use it as further proof that the other factions are intentionally isolating us from tech trades, and thus have greater justification to use less peaceful ways and go steal their techs.
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #29
                              As I'm crafting the diplo message I'm wondering if Orbital Spaceflight might not be a better bait (given that with Applied Relativity there is only 1 tech remaining to be researched before they can go for Unified Field Theory and the ToE (plus Tachyon Bolt weapons). And that tech (Monopole Magnets) is fairly attractive for a faction expecting an invasion force at some point.

                              At least with Orbitals, they'd need Organic Superlubes before getting Shard weapons - and with Orbital Spaceflight I don't think we care so much about possibly losing the Living Refinery than we would at losing the Theory of Everything. No?

                              Thoughts, before I send the diplo offer


                              • #30
                                No, applied relativity is the better thing to offer. Remember: mag tubes doesn't just mean easier defence - it means more rapid conquests as well!

                                I don't want the morganites prototyping a Planet Buster and taking out our core!
                                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

