Engineering Corps
Engineering Corps
- Messena environs: 5 formers have commenced a borehole on the flat arid coastal tile at 55:5. They will be joined by the other 2 formers immediately south, and should complete in some 3 to 4 turns thereafter (I suggest that this fleet be maintained as a boreholing gang, to build one per base)
Messena needs a hab Complex to grow beyond its present size 9, and thus a Tree Farm and possibly a Research Hospital to contain drones. thus crawlers are a necessity (to MM facilities as well as to free workers into thinkers) - Rio Grande environs: 2 formers are condensing the farm on 65:14 (5 turns) while another 3 are farming immediately southwest on 55:15 (2 turns to go) The crater rim between their current position and santiago citadel needs clearing of fungus to maximize Fort Buster's growth
- Sparta Command: southeast, 3 formers are minebuilding (2 turns) while a fourth (northeast) has just started clearing fungus. this latter is not critical, but if we want to grow the SC-OA-SC2 triangle, then the area needs de-fungussing
- Gythium Harbour-Minas Tirith axis: 2 formers (on 60:24) are minebuilding (4 turns) and 1 (at 59:23) is foresting (2 turns). 2 are idle (1 at 58:22 and the other at 60:26). I suggest the latter joins the mining gang, while the first one moves south and commences a borehole for GH on 58:24. It can be joined by the 4 others when they have completed their mining and forestry works
- Rio Rojo team: 2 formers are constructing a mine at 61:33 (4 turns)
- 2Nuts Strand: 2 formers are roadbuilding on 67:29, and will commence minign operations when complete
- Vladivostok team: 2 formers are foresting just northwest of the base (2 turns). After completion they should forest the adjacent southwest tile (64:12) - and Vlad needs a Tree Farm and Hab Complex - we can MM the latter next turn with the completed crawler (the base can support another 2 pops before drone problems)
- Research Diamond (AU, FS, Argos and Ironholm): needs more formers!!. Currently 2 are forresting northwest of ironholm (2 turns) and 1 is roadbuilding (also 2 turns) immediately to their south. After finishing current tasks, i suggest a mine where the road is being built - 81:15. We do want a solar collector on the special at 76:14, to be crawled to AU (or worked by Argos), and also a borehole at the solar special on 78:18, again to be worked by Argos
- FS has a former defungussing in its suburbs (4 to go)
- Fort Liberty has 4 formers in the vicinity. 1 (86:16) has completed a road - should it mine next? while the other 3 are in various stages of defungussing the flat, rainy, river tile on 87:15) - 2,1 and 2 turns respectively!! Shoiuld they farm& condense that tile, or forest it, or join the 4th in mining the tile to their southwest?
- Tegea Harbour has 2 idle formers. I suggest they nborehole at 86:26 Or head south to improve Vijay?
- I sent Iaci Base's former en-route to Vijay to work the surrounds there
- ARC has 2 formers foresting the river tile in its southeast suburbs (86:36), and a 3rd idle adjacent to the southwest on a nut special on a rainy flat tile, crying out to be farmed/condensed and crawled to a base to foment growth