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MY-2185 - Planning & Execution thread

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  • #16
    I think we're just a turn or two away from silksteel

    In the sim I ran 2 turns ago (cashing in the AA) the results were silksteel about 50% of the time, with the others split between Cent Empathy and AMA, and 1 iteration gave Superstring.

    Now that we have Superstring, and after we get AMA next turn (and cent empathy the turn after thru the PDL, it will either be silksteel (I'd say a strong probability), MMI, Bio-engineering or PSA

    That's why I'd like for us to trade for Bio-Eng from Morgan, to remove that card from play (the Angels are just ignoring our question about MMI - my guess is that they won't deal with us any more)

    Of course, if we want to change from the 3 F-8's (remember, Yang has oodles of noodles, including 13 at Manufacturing Warrens, his base closest to Morgan) we can always just retire that design and switch to summat else - but we can't give defenders AAA capability until next turn, after we get AMA


    • #17
      • I see that the former near Vladivostok that was building a condenser has somehow lost all its former turns, and is back at '12 turns to go'. Seeing this situation, how about cancelling the condenser construction and starting on some forests instead? We could begin with a road on the flat tile to the south.
      • Spore launcher stirred up near the Unity Wreckage. I let the rover trawl the fungus further and another worm popped up. Unfortunately the rover only has 1/3 MP left. There's a F-6 ready in Vijayanagar. Attack the worm with it, or just provide cover for the rover to avoid damaging our fighter?
      • Road/forest plantation underway near Twonuts Strand.
      • Forest planted near OA.
      • New AU former helps construct the mine. The sooner that mine is built, the sooner the whole group can forest (80.14).
      • Mine started near TH.
      • New ARC crawler crawls mine. Not much point in bringing in nutrients before we have a creche there.
      • A whole crawler shuffle around RG & MSN to harvest a farm near MSN. The worker freed up has been turned into a librarian.
      • A whole worker shuffle in VV/OA/SC1/SC2/GH to make use of the new forests.
      • 2NS librarian placed on a new forest.
      • Fort Sol worker moved to the more productive four minerals mine.
      • Skanky's Sileni didn't have luck in worm hunting.

      Edit : oops - edited the wrong post - last time i looked my previous one was still the latest

      Maniac - can you rehang the turnsave that I accidently deleted
      Last edited by Googlie; August 27, 2005, 22:50.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        my save removed as I overlapped with Maniac
        Last edited by Googlie; August 27, 2005, 22:52.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Maniac
          • I see that the former near Vladivostok that was building a condenser has somehow lost all its former turns, and is back at '12 turns to go'. Seeing this situation, how about cancelling the condenser construction and starting on some forests instead? We could begin with a road on the flat tile to the south.

          • Spore launcher stirred up near the Unity Wreckage. I let the rover trawl the fungus further and another worm popped up. Unfortunately the rover only has 1/3 MP left. There's a F-6 ready in Vijayanagar. Attack the worm with it, or just provide cover for the rover to avoid damaging our fighter?
          I'd provide cover this turn and let the rover attempt capture next turn when it has all its mp's restored - the F-6 can then head west to eventually join the Hive front

          We need just 56 labpoints for AMA next turn - and are producing 202. Do we want to carry over the balance till next tech, or adjust the sliders for maximum energy (plus change the librarians into economists) - we'll be needing cash in the next few turns for adding AAA to policescouts, etc etc


          • #20
            Originally posted by Googlie
            my save removed as I overlapped with Maniac
            Darn. Sorry. Did you play a lot?
            Attached Files
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #21
              no - it was mainly aircraft redeployment gettting ready for Yang's battles, and some worker shuffles (similar to yours)

              But I'll hold off playing any more, as tomorrow I leave and will be about 48 hours before I can check the net again

              (and correcting the misspelling basename for Assassin's Redoubt)

              I see that the Angels have joined in the fun of landmark naming


              • #22
                Things are looking good

                Originally posted by Googlie
                I see that the Angels have joined in the fun of landmark naming
                Oooh nice. We should highlight this somehow, make a little article about it or something. Let's encourage all kinds of RP:ing

                R-112, Steppenwolf and the Janissary moved from Fort Sol to the spit of land to its west ready to board the Southern Arcadian Transport fleet next turn, for eventual Hive theater deployment
                Hmmm, if I were the other factions, I would love to see us attack the Hive. I think it would be better to attack one of the human factions. We should hold a high level Junta summit meeting to decide on our next step. Something to do with our troops while we're infrastructurizing


                • #23
                  Now that we are at war with the Hive, I think we should take the two closer bases and get a land choke point set up. We have to kick Yang anyway, so let us make the best of it.
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Modo44
                    Now that we are at war with the Hive, I think we should take the two closer bases and get a land choke point set up. We have to kick Yang anyway, so let us make the best of it.
                    I agree

                    This is easily accomplished with our new missile infantry sitting on a ship just south of that choke point. But what to do with our boys in southern Arcadia?


                    • #25
                      Some suggestions:
                      • Move the spare probe (prolly the longstrider) from Aid Station to Kel Harbour, to board the trannie that'll be heading past with the R-112, Steppenwolf, et al. We need probes in those bases that we'll capture
                      • change 2NS production to a Crypteia, and rush next turn. Thiis turn, move the longstrider there to join the rover northeast of Labourers Throng. Next turn we can empty the base of defenders again, and move the rover and crypteia to the suburbs, covering with a B-4, then repeat in 2187 and occupy the base (man, it'd be great to get MMI from the Angels and have some drop troops and drop probes handy)

                      edited for typos
                      Last edited by Googlie; August 28, 2005, 12:24.


                      • #26
                        For the record, I can't play the turn further.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #27
                          me neither - I'm just killing time now until the taxi arrives to take me to the airport

                          gotta go - will keep my fingers crossed for a favourable trade with the Angels
                          Last edited by Googlie; August 28, 2005, 12:31.


                          • #28
                            ha - the airport is a "hot zone" and i can use my laptop!!

                            question - do we want to change again to Fundy for a few years, for the war on Yang?

                            When the sunhaze lifts from AU it'd make sense to switch back, for the better research rate, but the fundy morale boost might be worthwhile having in the meantime


                            • #29
                              Without democracy we can't popboom!

                              (And next year we have Power, if we'd want extra morale)
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #30
                                Not slept for 36 hours...

                                -- Do you need me to complete the turn or is it ready? (and where is the last save?)
                                -- I don't like Fundy
                                From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!

