2183 turn's up
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MY-2183 Planning & Execution Thread
Mindworm action:
Santiago Citadel veteran killed off the one at the gates, got promoted to Commando
Fort Buster's 2 Disciplined units each take out a mindworm, and both got promoted to hardened
F-6 at Sector Craterwest sortied out to destroy the remaining mindworm
Temple action:
B-6 from Health Authority takes out the remaining plasma defender
R-112 enters and occupies the base - 174 credits find their way to our coffers. R-112 crew hang new sign at the Command Center: Fort Sol
B-4 from HA takes out that sporelauncher at the gates
Probe team shuffle - HA's to Fort Sol, ARC's to HA and the travelling one into ARC
Janissary and Steppenwolf move into Fort Sol for garrison duty while a CDF gets built
The 2 Noodles outside Fort Sol land in the base
Here's Southern Arcadia:
and here's the early.sav with those moves.
Do we want to cash in the AA at Argos this turn? (Maniac - you prolly can check this best, but as I apply the tech tool, if the AA gives us AMA, then I don't see PSA coming as a choice until we get either Centauri Empathy or Silksteel Alloys (so maybe we need to instabuild the Collider, and gift Zak all our techs, and boost our rate so that we'll get AMA in 2 turns and Zak will get another tech the turn or two after that - then we should see PSA come as a choice)
I assume we'll go ahead and cash in the ginfreighter and builder crawlers to instabuild the Supercollider at AU
We can also afford to upgrade a few other crawlers for instant Tree Farms or Hybrid forests
EDIT: save removed as later version posted belowLast edited by Googlie; August 11, 2005, 16:15.
Oh - and here's the save after we repaid the loan of 140 credits and extorted 225 credits from the University
Our reserves now stand at 599 credits
(also sailed the southern fleet further round the Arcadian southcoast - waving to an Angels probefoil crew as we passed them - and returned the B-4 that was covering them to Kel Harbour)
Save removed as a later version appears in a subsequent postLast edited by Googlie; August 11, 2005, 21:29.
The PDL should grant us Centauri Empathy in 4 turns if I remember correctly. Are we in a hurry or can we wait until then to cash the AA?
Would be too bad to see it give us CentEmp...
600 credits? Wow!
Of course, I advocate instabuilding the Supercollider AND H-Forest at Fort Sup (if resources permit without waste. But let me recall a credit invested in a big base brings back more!)
BTW: forest expanded at FS this turn (but nowhere else. I'm a little disappointed)
TH and FL will probably need Rec Commons soon. That means one crawler for each one.
And we should be ready to instabuild the HSA if we can get it.
Tegea Harbor: we can relocate a worker from the farm (2-1-0) to a forest (2-2-1).
Question: Do we make a decision now about Center/South Arcadia? Which base to favor and how?From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!
Originally posted by vishniac
The PDL should grant us Centauri Empathy in 4 turns if I remember correctly. Are we in a hurry or can we wait until then to cash the AA?
Would be too bad to see it give us CentEmp
We should ****** our research rate so that we get AMA in 5, but we'll get it from Zak in 4, plus cent Empathy from the PDL in 4, so then we'll insta-change to "whatever" (hopefully PSA) and still get it before the Angels do
The risk of us advancing our rate (to get AMA in 3) and of gifting all our techs to Zak would be that he then instagets Centari Empathy, which would indeed be a waste
A base-by-base analysis of what we need:
Arcadia Regional Command: is stagnant growth, size 5 with 3 policemen. It has four 4-mineral mines in its base radius, so I suggest its next 4 builds be crawlers to work those mines (or home to other bases to work those mines)
Arcadia University: is size 13 and will grow to size 14 next turn. Needs to convert the librarians to doctors to accommodate the extra citizen as we are maxxed out at 3 policemen (6 citizens) and 2 facs (rec commons and holotheater, at 2 citizens each - plus the 2 doctors giving the current size 13 population). TF there gives a talent, that will take care of that extra citizen, but I suggest that we need a Research Hospital immediately after the Supercollider in order to grow to the AV's limit of 16 (makes 1 drone happy, but multiplies TF's psych so that a base of 1 becomes 1.5 with the TF and 2.25 with the HF)
Argos: stagnant growth, but 7 mins per right now. It can produce a crawler in 4 turns or a former in 2 ( 2 formers in 3, with some cash thrown in). I suggest formers, to get a gang going for borehole building
Assassin's Redoubt: will grow to size 2 in 2 turns, but has a policeman, so no drone problems yet. Currently just over 1/2 way to a Crypteia (not needed now) so I suggest that we change to a crawler - we'll lose 1 mineral - and start bringing in minerals from those forest tiles until we get the population up and running to the state that it needs facilities (it has a PK built Energy Bank)
Bunker-112: is size 3 (with 2 police) and will be 20 turns before growing. Can produce a crawler in 5 turns, so i suggest we leave those in production for the time being
Fort Buster: has a Creche, but growth stunted until we deal with the fungus round the base (had a fungus pop there this turn)
Moved the crawlers off the 2-mineral and the 4-min forest tile to the 3 nut tile, and put the displaced worker onto the forest tile, plus redeployed a worker that was on a 1/1/0 tile. Nut surplus now 2, so a new citizen next turn (to size 7 - 2 are hapopy with the rec commons, and 4 are being policed by 2 policemen, so I moved a surplus policman from Santiago Citadel to Fort Buster). Is currently finishing a crawler, so needs a decision next turn. has a spare crawler now - do we want to instabuild anything at Craterwest or Cratersouth with it this turn?
Fort Liberty: will grow to size 6 next turn (has 3 police, so can accommodate that growth) then to size 7 the turn after, unless we control its growth. Tegea Harbour's forest crawler, plus 2 credits, would instabuild a rec commons there. I suggest that we MM a rec commons thisa turn at Fort Liberty
Fort Sol: is size 3 and stagnant. Is building a CDF this turn, and I suggest another next turn, which will deal with forseeable drone problems. Then we can think about crawlers for those mineral tiles, or colony pods to extend our control in southern Arcadia
Fort Superiority: I've suggested (earlier post above) that we build a Longstrider here this turn (will complete exactly with no minerals loss if we move a worker from the 2/2/1 tile to the nutted 3/1/0 tile - would also halt depletion of the nutbox) This would also let us upgrade the crawlers necessary for the Hybrid Forest at FS next turn
Gythium Harbour: Will grow to its AV max size 9 next turn, but it'll be a drone. I moved the worker off a 4/1/0 condensor farm to become a doctor, and sent the forestry crawler to the nutfarm (the new citizen will then replace the crawler on the firest when entering the workforce next turn) I suggest that we build another crawler or two here for an eventual MM Tree farm
Health Authority: Needs another name. Size 2 and will be size 3 in 4 turns. Lots of lovely forest to be crawled first, then worked with a Tree Farm eventually. I suggest that we commission another CDF there for polic duties, then focus on crawler production for a few turns
Iaci Base: Size 2, growing to size 3 in 2 turns. has 2 Policmen, so no imminetn drone problems. No mineral production (but new worker will go on a forest tile, and the ginfreighter will be cahsed in, so will then stagnate at size 3 with 2 mins - we can decide what to do then
Chopping this long thread in two, as it's getting a bit unweildy
Continuing with build recommendations:
Ironholm: stagnant growth, 13 mins per turn, and is currently building a crawler (can be rushed for 12 credits) I suggest we rush that crawler, and build another next turn, as we'll be seriously depleting the crawlers in north Arcadia with our SP and Hybrid Forest builds
Kel Harbour: lovely forest all around, crying out for crawler exploitation and then a TF and HF. population is 3, with 2 policemen - will grow to size 4 in 11 tturns. This might be a base that we home some units to, to free up minerals elsewhere. Currently buidling a crawler (8 turns to go)
Messena: currently size 8, and will grow to 9 next turn. Has a rec commons (2 drones quelled) and 3 policmen (another 6) Converting a worker to a librarian will let the base grow to size 9 next turn with no problems. 33 credits will rush the crawler there if needed
Minas Tirith: Size 3, growing to 4 in 5 turns, with an Ogre and 3 other units doing police duty. What to do with the just-commissioned crawler (use it to MM a seaformer, maybe?)
Olympus Academy: Size 3 and stagnant. Decent minerals base (17 per) Aerospace and Bio-enhancement center, so I suggest a F-6 be started (3 turns)
Rio Grande: negative growth right now, but nearby formers need to clear fungus and plant. crawler will be commissioned next turn
Santiago Citadel: slow growth (currently size 8) but good mins (13) [i]I suggest we produce crawlers there (2 turns per) or formers (also 2 turns) - even Wombats (fungiformers) cost just 2 turns here
Sector Cratersouth: size 4 and stagnant growth, has 2 cdf's. Just 1 mineral production - used as a "barracks base" with 9 units homed here
Sector Craterwest: stagnant growth (size 4, with an Ogre and a CDF) and no minerals (supporting 10 units)
Sparta Command: Stagnant, but 5 mins per. Size 4 with an Ogre and a trance policman, so no drone problems. Producing a crawler (5 turns)
Tegea Harbour: Currently size 4, with 2 cdf's. Will grow to 5 next turn and to 6 the turn after. Another CDF will be trained next turn, but after that it'll need a rec commons
Two Nuts Strand: Size 4, and will grow to size 5 next turn. 2 policemen and a unity rover, which will quell the resulting drone if we leave it in the base this turn. A CDF can be rushed for 19 credits, which will aloow unfettered growth to size 6 and free that rover for mindworm trawling up the Rojo River. I suggest that's what we do
Vijayanagar: size 2, and growing to 3 in 4 turns. has a CDF and a Hop;ite for policing. A 3/1/0 tile suitable for crawling (to free a worker to work a forest tile) suggests that we persever with building a crawler there (9 turns, but prolly can be inexpensively rushed after four or five)
Vladivostok: is size 8 and will reach its AV max next year.rec Commons and 3 CDF's keep 8 citizens happy, so have converted the surplus one to a librarian. There's a 4/1/0 tile that's a candidate for crawling, plus some crawlers would allow MM'ing a hab complex or tree farm - or wqhatever, so i suggest that we producr a crawler there, which can be rushed for 12 credits
Aid Station - needs a new name - size 2 and stagnant. Is training a Crypteia (but isn't needed as we have been able to place probe defenders in all SArcadian bases except Fort Superiority) But I suggest that we rush this Crypteia - 3 credits - and free up the longstrider I sent to Aid Station this turn to trek to Kel Harbour, board the trannie there, and pay a visit to Vale of Winds to see what's happening there in Gaialand
here's a later save with some of those pop-inducing shuffles accounted for.
I haven't done anything with the formers - and if we wanted to slow our research (to avoid Zak researching cent Empathy) should we just boost economy, or take librarians out of service for a turn or two
I won't do anything more with the turn for the rest of today (a lot of unit moves needed) - can you look at the base-by base situation and see if my analysis is sound re worker placement, etc
Also, I haven't executed any MM's
As an aside - do we want to try and trade with the Angels for MMI? - and with Morgan or the Gaians for Bio-engineering, now that the G's have built the Longevity vaccine they might be willing to trade
EDIT: save removed as later version belowLast edited by Googlie; August 12, 2005, 09:53.
Arcadia Regional Command
Arcadia University
Argos has lots of unused forests in its radius. How about first popbooming the base, and thus mass producing crawlers?
Assassin's Redoubt
Sounds fine by me. Though personally I'd feel more secure if we had more than one Crypteia in Aid Station.
Fort Buster
Don't really follow the worker moves - should see those.
FB'd production should be limited to at most 18 this turn btw. Otherwise we'll waste a bunch of minerals. Can be done with some crawler shuffling and rehoming.
Re hurrying something in FB, now that we're swimming in cash again at the moment, we could upgrade a crawler to an 8-row version and hurry a bioenhancement center with it next turn.
Fort Liberty
Fort Sol
Fort Superiority
Sounds good to me.Though I don't understand why we should switch a worker to the farm. There's nothing problematic with a mineral carryover as far as I can see.
Gythium Harbour
Crawlers for infrastructure hurrying sounds like music in my ears. Our problem in our home continent is though that due to our popbooming there are hardly any good tiles left to place crawlers while we're amassing them for an infrastucture build-up.
Health Authority
Iaci Base