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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
What would Lal ask for if we asked him to declare Vendetta on Morgan?
He gets a bit upset about us not wanting to give him Doc:Air of course, but he doesn't break the pact. To declare vendetta on Morgan he wants 225, and we don't have that much
Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
How about rushing a couple of minerals in S Citadel and S Craterwest so that we can get a cheaper rush next turn (having filled the first row).
Done and done (for 6 ec's at each base)
Also changed 2NS build from a Crypteia to a former
And I took the FB worker off the farm to alleviate drone problems next turn when the pop grows to 3
I think the turn is pretty final now - new save attached Edit: endturn save posted below
Well they couldn't mind control it this turn since a unit loses all its mps when it boards a transport. If they board the probe team next turn, we can begin to worry.
good point
I still think we could kindly ask them to move their transport though.
No harm in asking - at least it will shed further light on how they see relations with us
That was a race to the clock before my faculty's network node closes.
Why don't we switch back the energy sliders to 50-0-50? With FS finishing a holo theatre, there's no reason anymore to produce psych. In fact we could put that doctor back to the fields without a problem. May I therefore suggest:
Relocate the Argonite worker from the river forest to a normal 1-2-1 forest.
Put the FS doctor to the now empty river forest.
Reason is because the extra energy from the river is lost due to inefficiency at Argos, while it creates an extra lab at FS.
Why don't we pop that pod at (80.44)?
Why are we building a hoplite at Iaci Base?
What will be the purpose of that transport cruiser under construction in Tegea Harbour? If it's meant for an invasion of Morgan's west coast, why don't we build a transport cruiser at AU instead when the time is ripe? I'd suggest we switch Tegea Harbour to crawler production. If we'd want a trannie after all, we could always cash in that crawler anyway.
Fort Liberty will starve back to size 2 if we don't act. May I therefore suggest we use that Tegean crawler nearby to convoy a nutrient to Fort Liberty? Next year we could create a more permanent solution by hurrying a rec commons with that crawler.
If the above is done, may I suggest switching a Tegean worker from a forest to the now empty mine? By producing a new crawler in Tegea Harbour we could restore the old situation quickly.
Please throw that B-6 out of Olympus Academy's build queue. We're not getting the free "stockpile energy" credits otheriwse.
Since the crater squares (52.18) and (53.17) are now temporarily free, may I suggest putting the SC3 and SC4 forest workers there for an extra nutrient?
May I suggest building a B-4 at Fort Buster instead? If we want to build a B-6, it's better to build a crawler at another base and then use that one to crawler-hurry a B-6 at an aerospace complex base.
By using this method (B-4s directly at the aerospace bases, and crawlers in the other bases, to be cashed in at the aerospace bases) we can get higher morale aircraft than the current method (B-6s directly at the aerospace bases, and low-morale B-4s at all other bases).
Regarding the Gaians, I'd like to take a "hawk" position.
a) They have signed a pact with our enemies the Corporation.
b) Relations have always been uncooperative at best.
It seems very likely IMHO that we won't have to expect any cooperation with the Gaians for the rest of the game, and that they have clearly chosen sides in our little Sparta<->Morgan Great Power conflict. For that reason I think there's no advantage at all in keeping at peace with the Gaians.
I think we should declare war next turn and attack their worms at that chokepoint with our amphibious R-112. And with the unity rover perhaps head back on the river and destroy that new base if possible.
We will damage our enemies this way while it won't cost us anything. Also it might coerce the Gaians in immediate military production. On the longterm I think it's better for us if the Gaians are forced to produce military material now instead of us leaving them alone, allowing them to stick to the builder tactics and in a while start popbooming. A popboom (very easily done with Gaia) would exponentially increase their power, so the longer we can delay that, the better.
Another advantage, if we attack the Gaians the turn after they sign a pact with our enemies, could be that it will make the Angels think twice before they cross us (eg with the CDF). They'll see we can react quickly and effectively damage them if we want.
Oh yeah, and release the article of poor Debbie being murdered!
Originally posted by Maniac
Ah, so we'll build a couple B-6s later before an invasion? What will our B-4s do in the meantime btw? (haven't read that discussion very closely) After all, there aren't that many easy pickings (crawlers, formers...) in range, and I assume it would be risky to attack plasma sentinels in bases covered by sensor arrays, certainly for B-4s that haven't been built in Aerospace Complexes and thus only have hardened morale.
A question I asked before. Though of course the number of easy targets may increase exponentially now they're building lotsa crawlers - though if I were Morgan I'd immediately send them to the corelands after noticing Sparta has an airforce.
Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
He gets a bit upset about us not wanting to give him Doc:Air of course, but he doesn't break the pact. To declare vendetta on Morgan he wants 225, and we don't have that much
Since both the Hive and Lal are researching DAP now, a possible tactic could be to gift Lal DAP some two years before they get it themselves or so. That way they'll hopefully change to a more useful tech.
There are two clear disadvantages to such a tactic of course:
1> Lal could switch to Doctrine: Initiative.
2> As Lal now has widespread contact with the rest of Planet, we'd be giving everyone else an extra tech too, along with ourselves.
It's always good to have a second (and third) pair of eyes scanning the maps and bases
Originally posted by Maniac
Why don't we switch back the energy sliders to 50-0-50? With FS finishing a holo theatre, there's no reason anymore to produce psych.
Done - I keep forgetting that the game engine completes facilties first in order of processing the turn - I for years thought that drones prevented the minerals being used in that base
In fact we could put that doctor back to the fields without a problem. May I therefore suggest:
Relocate the Argonite worker from the river forest to a normal 1-2-1 forest.
Put the FS doctor to the now empty river forest.
Reason is because the extra energy from the river is lost due to inefficiency at Argos, while it creates an extra lab at FS.
Why don't we pop that pod at (80.44)?
Can do next turn (the SCC Iaci has already moved this turn)
Why are we building a hoplite at Iaci Base?
Just to put something in teh Queue. What do we need there - a former? A crawler?
What will be the purpose of that transport cruiser under construction in Tegea Harbour? If it's meant for an invasion of Morgan's west coast, why don't we build a transport cruiser at AU instead when the time is ripe? I'd suggest we switch Tegea Harbour to crawler production. If we'd want a trannie after all, we could always cash in that crawler anyway.
Fort Liberty will starve back to size 2 if we don't act. May I therefore suggest we use that Tegean crawler nearby to convoy a nutrient to Fort Liberty? Next year we could create a more permanent solution by hurrying a rec commons with that crawler.
Done - in my wrap-up I'd overlooked that we were starving at FL
If the above is done, may I suggest switching a Tegean worker from a forest to the now empty mine? By producing a new crawler in Tegea Harbour we could restore the old situation quickly.
Please throw that B-6 out of Olympus Academy's build queue. We're not getting the free "stockpile energy" credits otherwise.
Have done, but I was always under the impression (still am) that there is no bug applying to facilities' - or SP's completion - only to units' But there's no advantage anyway in putting anything in build, as there are no carry-forward minerals anyway (all 15 are being used)
Since the crater squares (52.18) and (53.17) are now temporarily free, may I suggest putting the SC3 and SC4 forest workers there for an extra nutrient?
Done - good observation
May I suggest building a B-4 at Fort Buster instead? If we want to build a B-6, it's better to build a crawler at another base and then use that one to crawler-hurry a B-6 at an aerospace complex base.
By using this method (B-4s directly at the aerospace bases, and crawlers in the other bases, to be cashed in at the aerospace bases) we can get higher morale aircraft than the current method (B-6s directly at the aerospace bases, and low-morale B-4s at all other bases).
Done (we can always upgrade from Impact to Missile after completion)
And why don't we take the FB worker off the 1-3-1 tile and put him on a 2/0/0 tile - it's the same effect, as the new worker would then be put on the 1/3/1 tile (instead of the 2/0/0) and the B-4 will still complete in 2 turns, but we'd save a nut in the box - or would the box empty anyway and we'd start the next one with zero nuts in either case?
Do you suggest then putting crawlers in production at those lesser bases where I have B-4's? ie at Craterwest (to be sent to FB for conversion to a B-6), Vladivostok (for sending to OA for conversion), and Santiago Citadel (same as V V)
And in retrospect, I wish I'd put the B-4 over MT's forested mineral special tile and attacked the regular Hive Impact Speeder - we risk that speeder moving onto the worked tile and denying us the minerals to complete the B-4 next turn. I was more afraid of their arty unit doing damage to all our units in MT, which is why I selected that one as the target (the SCC Minas Tirith would have lost an arty duel with the Hive Impact unit
In 2 years (unless rushed) the Hive produces a missile foil at Great Collective. What say you to the idea that we upgrade the SCC Minas Tirith to GT class next turn, then hit the Hive boat when it sallies forth from Great Collective (as it will be sure to do, as the 3 Hive rovers will have reported its presence)
Any interest in selling Zak's commlink to the Angels before they get it from Morgan?
Originally posted by Maniac
Regarding the Gaians, I'd like to take a "hawk" position.
a) They have signed a pact with our enemies the Corporation.
b) Relations have always been uncooperative at best.
It seems very likely IMHO that we won't have to expect any cooperation with the Gaians for the rest of the game, and that they have clearly chosen sides in our little Sparta<->Morgan Great Power conflict. For that reason I think there's no advantage at all in keeping at peace with the Gaians.
I think we should declare war next turn and attack their worms at that chokepoint with our amphibious R-112.
WOW - a 3-front war!! (or at least, just skirmishing action in the southlands)
It'd certainly make a statement - but I still think we should send the 3rd Ogre back to homeland for its double police capability (mind you, a rampaging missile rover teamed with an Ogre's res-6 armour would be a potent combo)
Do we take out all 3 mindworms with 1 attack (as is the case with wild MW's) - or do we need to pick them off 1 x 1?
And with the unity rover perhaps head back on the river and destroy that new base if possible.
It'll prolly use its mp re-entering that fungus tile on the river
We will damage our enemies this way while it won't cost us anything. Also it might coerce the Gaians in immediate military production. On the longterm I think it's better for us if the Gaians are forced to produce military material now instead of us leaving them alone, allowing them to stick to the builder tactics and in a while start popbooming. A popboom (very easily done with Gaia) would exponentially increase their power, so the longer we can delay that, the better.
I agree (they have been the least friendly faction since day 1)
Another advantage, if we attack the Gaians the turn after they sign a pact with our enemies, could be that it will make the Angels think twice before they cross us (eg with the CDF). They'll see we can react quickly and effectively damage them if we want.
Oh yeah, and release the article of poor Debbie being murdered!
Originally posted by Googlie
Do we take out all 3 mindworms with 1 attack (as is the case with wild MW's) - or do we need to pick them off 1 x 1?
Ran the sim. The first shot destroys the spore launcher, and collaterally damages the 3 mindworms and the probe. It's second shot destroys all 3 Mindworms and the probe, leaving the way clear for the Hive to run south into Gaialand
Originally posted by Googlie
And why don't we take the FB worker off the 1-3-1 tile and put him on a 2/0/0 tile
I guess leaving it as is (working the minerals tile) does give us 4 minerals carried forward after completing, versus just 1, so I'll leave it as is
Do you suggest then putting crawlers in production at those lesser bases where I have B-4's? ie at Craterwest (to be sent to FB for conversion to a B-6), Vladivostok (for sending to OA for conversion), and Santiago Citadel (same as V V)
As none of these 3 bases will have exceeded the ten minerals limit, there's no downside to changing to crawlers next year, if the concensus is that they'd be better, so the turn is now finalized as is, and will be sent imminently
Well - with one last thought - what would it take (and does it have enough movement points) for the Minas Tirith probe to mind-control that Hive Impact Speeder at its doors (thus securing the forest minerals for the B-4 build in 2163)
Originally posted by Googlie
Well - with one last thought - what would it take (and does it have enough movement points) for the Minas Tirith probe to mind-control that Hive Impact Speeder at its doors (thus securing the forest minerals for the B-4 build in 2163)
Just tested with the sim - it doesn't
So, turn complete, unless any last minute objections