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The Council of War

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  • Right. So all non-elites should eventually form the Fungus army, trudging for eternity thru fungus fields trying to stir up the mindworms by the vibrations of their rythmic boots stomping on the tendrils.

    And as and when they flame a worm and eventually reach Elite status, they get spanking new equipment and weapons - maybe even a fusion drive - so there's their incentive to succeed in their mission!! (self financing, too, as the pearls they generate from flames can pay for their upgrades)


    • Originally posted by Maniac
      Three recycling tanks give 3-3-3. One sky hydroponics labs gives some 15 nuts at the moment!
      How many freakin' times do I have to tell you we need the production and energy boost as well? The excess food will take time to get the bases there. Besides, we can easily make the Hydroponics Labs in larger bases, and put Rec. Tanks in smaller ones at the same time.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • Originally posted by Modo44
        How many freakin' times do I have to tell you we need the production and energy boost as well? The excess food will take time to get the bases there. Besides, we can easily make the Hydroponics Labs in larger bases, and put Rec. Tanks in smaller ones at the same time.
        How many freakin' times do I have to tell all those extra nutrients will result in much more minerals and energy than a couple recycling tanks will? Eg our single sky hydroponics lab has already restarted the popboom in Fort Buster, meaning the extra production in that base alone exceeds that of three recycling tanks. Also a crawler costs less and gives two minerals when placed on a simple forest. Which is as much as a recycling tanks when one considers one mineral worth double as much as a nutrient or energy (which AFAIK is the common exchange rate used). Not to forget that crawlers can be cashed back in for something else later. Such as an army to go conquer everyone else. Recycling tanks SUCK! The only time they are really worth building would be when the extra nutrient results in an extra popboomed citizen, as then the gain is not just one mineral and one energy, but three minerals and two energy, assuming the new citizen works a forest. The argument we can build both isn't really true either. With crawler-hurrying every mineral row used on rec tanks is one mineral row less for sky hydroponics labs etc.//[/rant]
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • I agree with Maniac on the Rec Tanks thingie, there are better facilities available this late in the game. Rec Tanks are good early on, but nowadays they are a bit obsolete, gotta love those satellites

          As for strategy, well ... It's very very difficult to decide on one right now, I need to keep thinking


          • I keep harping on at this one, but can we make a decision (or is everyone's silence a concensus decision not to?)

            Can we suggest to Morgan that they call off their vendetta with the University - and indeed, encourage them to treaty with Zak

            Apart from gettting Zak some more income (as, of course, will Morgan as well) - it will lull them into a false sense of security that we have no offensive plans for them


            • Originally posted by Googlie
              Can we suggest to Morgan that they call off their vendetta with the University - and indeed, encourage them to treaty with Zak
              Well, I guess this could work. It would speed up Zaks research somewhat and probably stop him from building stupid plasma transport cruisers. It has my support


              • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                Well, I guess this could work. It would speed up Zaks research somewhat and probably stop him from building stupid plasma transport cruisers. It has my support
                Do you also support stealing Bioengineering from Morgan, meaning we'd be at war with him?
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • I support both encouraging Morgan to sign a treaty with Zak and probing Bio Eng from Morgan. I also support a full-scale invasion of Morgan for our next target and a build-up for a military strike on Morgan after we get fusion.
                  Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                  • If we ask them to make a treaty with Zak, we can hadrly go and declare war at the same time. I we really want to try to look nice, we should try to trade for the tech instead. If they ingore our offer, nothing stops us from still probing them anyway, right?

                    I say we try to talk, urging them that it needs to be done quickly (it does, or they get probed, just do not add the "probed" part in the diplo message ). If they do not/will not/stall, we probe them, and that is it. If the trade goes well, we can then (or at the same time) ask them to sign that agreement with Zak.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • to Modo
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • Okay I've had some time to think
                        Actually, looking at the economic statistics I think we have one clear path:

                        Mineral rows per turn:

                        Spartans: 28.9
                        Zakharov: 3.5
                        Morgan: 24
                        Data Angels: 6.8
                        Yang: 45.8
                        We out-produce the Angels by more than 4 to 1. We also have a bunch of units in the vicinity which are about to become obsolete. We are also immune to probing at the moment. I suggest we attack the Angels with our soon-to-be-obsolete fission units.

                        I think shuttling back and forth with our transport cruiser to Kodycryptor a couple of times will be enough to conduct an invasion. We now have the fighter cover we need, and we still have a few bombers.

                        I think we are also in some hurry to strike before the Angels rebuild themselves and before our units become obsolete. In fact, if we steal Bio-Eng from Morgan and research fusion 2193, we will be able to upgrade a select few units and have a real killer force against the Angels.

                        This is just another idea thrown out in the open, maybe somebody has some thoughts on it


                        • Before we go after the Data Angels fully we'd need about 5 more interceptors. Then we'd be ready to go.
                          Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                          • We should earmark funds for the upgrade of our Mercury class transports to Fusion. Cargo capacity is basic x reactor, so they'll jump to 8 units capacity


                            • The decisive blow against the Angels

                              I suggest we drop a rover-chassis drop colony pod on 16:68 (instalink to the Angels' road network) followed by 6 interceptors, 8 bombers, three or four stout drop AAA garrisons, and as many rovers as we can upgrade to Chaos drop. We prolly wouldn't need a probe, given that we have the HSA - and the Angels have yet to discover nanominiaturization (algorithmic enhancement), but one or two wouldn't hurt

                              From there, in the next turn, we should be able to annihilate the Angels in one fell swoop

                              (Rover colony pod chassis so that it can found the base in the same turn as it drops)


                              • Cool, let's get this rolling! what will take the most time here? We have most of the planes, or we can easily produce them and ship them over fairly quickly. We have the units near Heaven which we can upgrade to chaos. What we need to build is that drop unit and some AAA garrisons.

                                How many new units do we need to build and how many can we upgrade of our existing forces in southern Arcadia? How much money will we need and ultimately how long will it take? Morgan will get fusion in what .... 8 turns or so? If we could have the attack well underway by then, it seems fairly easy.

