Proposed 2149 moves (excluding worker reallocation, and excluding the Command Nexus build - in case we pop another supercrawler and want to go straight to the MCC)
Build Orders
Unit Moves
- Call Zak, and discuss the weather
- Call Lal, and if Zak hasn't beaten to us:
- Sell him Morgan's commlink for 20 ec's
- trade Ind Econ for HEC
- trade Doc Loyalty for the PK maps
Build Orders
- Minas Tirith: - A super speeder crawler with Synthmetal Armor and trance (0-2t-2)
- Vladivostok: - likewise
- Sector Cratersouth: - likewise (in case I'm wrong about MT being the nearest base to the Hunter podpop)
- Olympus Academy: - The Command Nexus
- Gythium Harbour: - A Colony Pod (reaches 4 pops in 5 turns)
Unit Moves
- Pegasus: - W x 2, then drops off Elite probe team, and waits for infiltration results
- Pegasus: - If necessary, drops off second Longstrider, if not, then E x 1 to vamoose
- Hunter: - Pops pod to its southwest
- Hermes: - SW x 3, to return to Vladivostok
- Invincible: - S x 1 then W x 3 to continue exploring the Gaian coastline
- Mercury: - forays out of Vlad to pop the pod in its base radius
- R-112: - SE x 1 into the fungus
- Warwag: - Up the road into Vladivostok
- Shinsengumi: -follow the riverbend SE x 1, then continue SE to join the road network, and into Vlad (if its Elite movement points are sufficient)
- Chiron Knights: - From Sparta Command to Vladivostok
- Scout garrisonning OA swaps with scout in Santiago Citadel (which is homed to GH)
- Longstrider just SE of Gythium Harbour continues 2 tiles towards Minas Tirith
- Rolling Thunder II (1 tile south of Rio Grande) N x 1 then NW x 4 downriver past the working Tomcats to map our new western shoreline
- SC4's Colony Pod sets off to Vladivostok to reendezvous with the Hermes in Amursky Bay (and transfer at sea to the Mercury, when in range)
- GH's new Crypteia sets off for Vladivostok
- Minas Tirith's Hoplite heads east across the peninsula to board the Mercury as it steams south with SC4's colony pod