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Popboom strategy

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  • Popboom strategy

    This is the transcript of another thread from the now deleted Sparta Barracks:

    Originally posted by Maniac:

    Planet : A Survivalist Guide
    Some weeks ago I read a strategy for the Cult on CGN. Since the Spartans have much in common with the Cult (bad industry, good police and easy pod popping) I thought we could try out this strategy as well for the Spartans:
    Follow the above link to read the entire thread and comments from others.
    Disclaimer: I'm not as good as you guys I've never played multiplayer and my skill level at economic management is rather pitiable. I am however a longtime lurker here and at Apolyton and am marginally decent at single player

    Ever since I got the Planetary Pack a few years ago, the Planet Cult has been by far my favorite faction. I loved the ability to quickly mass a green army and go maruading. Slight problem: Objectively, they aren't very good. In fact, they seem to be the consensus weakest faction in the game, and rightly so.

    Still, I tried many different times to come up with an opening strategy to overcome the significant difficulties in getting these guys to parity with the other factions. Fast momentum, quick to centauri empathy, quick naval, going for the progenitor resonance weapons fast - none of it worked satisfactorily.

    Basically, I was always left, sometimes after conquering one or two other factions, with weak industry and a crippling, pathetic tech rate. I couldn't get crawlers fast enough, couldn't get restrictions off fast enough and was slower to all the important mid game SP's. Eventually, I gave up and switched to Morgan and the Drones, with much better success. Still, I wanted a way to make the Cult work.

    About a week ago I came up with an idea that seems to give them an equal footing to most other factions 50 years in. Basically, an extremely rapid pop boom. The cult simply can not get to Ind Auto as quickly as other factions, or use it as effectively once they do (no wealth). They can't use FM to boost their tech rate, since it only gives them +1, missing out on the critical +1 energy a square. What they can do is pop boom. In classical SMAX builder strategy, it's Ind Auto first, then restrictions off and a pop boom. People don't pop boom first because their aren't enough nutrients, it requires 4 techs (only one fewer than Ind Auto), and drone control tends to be difficult.

    The cult, for all their weaknesses, is uniquely well suited to dealing with these problems however. Firstly, as was previously mentioned, Ind Auto is both harder to get to and less rewarding once you are there, so the incentive for the counter strategy is not as great. Second, though it's often dismissed as a rather useless bonus, the worm police can be very handy for early drone control, almost as much as the PK and Drone bonuses. Third, no one pops pods as effectively as the Planet Cult. Pods give worms, energy credits, and most critically AA's. Fourth, their starting tech leans toward the pop boom while not helping the Ind Auto beeline at all. So using the AA's (almost always one, usually two, often three, sometimes four in my experience) and having dedicated a base rather early to starting it (preferably with a mineral bonus, with monoliths a decent second choice) build the WP very early. It's a nice project in any case, but here the critical idea is to quickly get condensor farm squares down, which bypass nutrient restrictions.

    As far as tech goes, info nets, plan nets, then eth cal is all that is needed, though biogenetics can also be somewhat handy as a fill in if you aren't allowed to get everything directly. Switch to planned as soon as you hit plan nets. Get creches and rec commons up ASAP, rushing when possible with credits from pods and worms that won't joing your cause. Then boom. With a rec commons and a worm or spore launcher, you can hit pop 5 without drone problems. While booming, continue building condensors and borehole any energy or mineral specials. Use librarians extensively and engineers when there is urgent need of energy credits.

    Originally posted by Zeiter:

    A pre-IA popboom, eh? Sounds like this has potential.
    This brings up a good question concerning general early game strategy. Are we pretty much agreed that if we meet Morgan or Deidre (or even the DataAngles) right on our border, we will be playing a conquest/extortion/bullying role? If we can settle that, then we need to decide:

    What will we do if we are all by ourselves, and the others are too far away to conquer/bully in the early game? How are we going to build as Santiago?

    Do we want to build vertically, trying this early pop-boom?

    Do we want to build and expand horizontally, with many cities?
    Generally, how many formers per base?

    Drone control: How many garrisons? If we have a pesky drone to quell, do we build a rec commons or build a scout patrol for another police unit? Do we even want to bother with holo theaters until much later?

    What should we build first in newly-founded cities? formers? rec tanks? a scout?

    What SP's should we concentrate on getting? We'll need HGP and/or PTS for horizontal expansion. Virtual World and/or WP for vertical expansion? Or just forget the builder SP's and go for the Command Nexus?

    Tech beelines: IA? or the techs needed for this early popboom?
    If we go with this early pop-boom thing...hmmm...with 2 police units and a rec commons, we can get up to size 5 without any drones. I guess you could build hologram theaters to get rid of 2 more drones and get to size 7, but ouch! Those holotheaters are not cheap, production-wise or upkeep wise. Creches take time to build too. We'd need a way to get the necessary nutrients. The WP would be essential. How much is this going to divert us from other things? What are the potential rewards from going with this strategy? I really need to playtest this, since I've never tried anything like this as Santiago before.

    "There are things I must see to. Questions, questions that need answering..."

    I think the reason that the Spartans are considered one of the most difficult factions to play is not because they are the weakest. Quite to the contrary - the Spartans simply have too many options, too many things that they are good at. They can do it all: popbooming, +2 energy, +4 efficiency, conquest, horizontal expansion, vertical expansion, you name it!

    Originally posted by Maniac:

    "This brings up a good question concerning general early game strategy. Are we pretty much agreed that if we meet Morgan or Deidre (or even the DataAngles) right on our border, we will be playing a conquest/extortion/bullying role? "

    Personally I have two reservations about an early rover rush.
    One is that the earlier one starts a military build-up, the more it will damage our other general economic development.
    Second is that the earlier we attack, the less useful techs and bases we'd gain from the conquered faction. Perhaps it would be better to let our preys first fatten a bit before we hunt them down. <--- evil maniacal laughter Or even if we go hostile, only steal all their techs but not invade them, so we can later probe rape them again when they've researched a couple of new techs again.

    So IMHO a lot would depend on how the faction we first meet behaves to us. If they're cooperative and willing to trade technology, we'd probably gain more out of peaceful relations with them. Who knows the ever present (but unspoken) threat that we'd go after them if they don't cooperate with us, would make them more willing to give us better trade deals than we'd normally get.

    Also there is the thingie that IIRC Vel mentions in the extract Googlie posted: the mere threat that we possibly might attack someone could be more to our advantage than in fact attacking someone. That way all factions would probably spend more than usual on military production, thus hampering their economic development, while we don't have to fear anything or anyone and can continue business as usual. So perhaps in our roleplay in the general ACDG forum we should let it appear that we have our eyes set on someone, though of course not mention someone specific.

    "Drone control: How many garrisons? If we have a pesky drone to quell, do we build a rec commons or build a scout patrol for another police unit? Do we even want to bother with holo theaters until much later?"

    Considering that a rec commons costs 4 mineral rows, and a scout patrol only one row, personally I'd opt for relying on police control as long as we can. Especially if we can build a command center somewhere and build veteran units right away. Those could later easy be upgraded to crack troops should we need some. On the other side, the drawback is that the more we depend on police, the more difficult it will become to switch to free market at a later date.

    "What SP's should we concentrate on getting? We'll need HGP and/or PTS for horizontal expansion. Virtual World and/or WP for vertical expansion? Or just forget the builder SP's and go for the Command Nexus?"

    As you can probably guess from this thread, personally I'd prefer to have a try at the WP. IMHO, though they're of course still useful, the HGP & PTS are less necessary for the Spartans than for any other faction. After all, if any other faction, after they've crossed their first bureaucracy limit, wants to continue expanding and also wants to have two workers in a base and no doctor, they need to either build an expensive rec commons, or have the HGP or PTS. The Spartans on the other hand can just build an extra cheap scout patrol to make the second worker content. So those two SPs will be much less useful for us as far as I can see.
    "Tech beelines: IA? or the techs needed for this early popboom?"
    Personally I'd prefer to trade IndAut with someone. If no one is willing to sell, I'd go steal it from whoever is closest to us. That should be easy if we already have researched DocFlex and can send a trannie full of probes to somewhere. After all we're the Spartans: We're not supposed to be nice to everybody the whole time.

    "If we go with this early pop-boom thing...hmmm...with 2 police units and a rec commons, we can get up to size 5 without any drones. I guess you could build hologram theaters to get rid of 2 more drones and get to size 7, but ouch! Those holotheaters are not cheap, production-wise or upkeep wise."

    I agree we should avoid hologram theatres as long as possible.
    Fortunately if we'd still want to continue popbooming beyond size 5, there's always the 'non-lethal methods' special ability for an extra two content workers. If we already have EthCalc, it's only two techs away from us (Doc:Loy & IntInt). And Doc:Loy we could perhaps trade or steal from our likely neighbour the Hive.
    Another benefit of the Intellectual Integrity tech is the 'high morale' special ability. With that ability it would be VERY easy to get elite units:
    +1 morale level from our +2 Morale SE, +2 from a command center/nexus, +1 from a monolith, and the final +1 from high morale. We wouldn't have to bother anymore with running Fundy, Power, no longer have to rely on battle morale upgrades, or the +1 morale of prototypes.

    "We'd need a way to get the necessary nutrients. The WP would be essential."

    Yeah, that's indeed the biggest question: would we have enough nutrients? To answer that question, I guess we can only wait until we see the map. If we can get the WP, success is practically assured. If not, it should still be easily possible if we're a bit lucky and get a couple of nutrient bonuses out of pods, or have rainy tiles in our neighbourhood. If we don't even have that, I guess we'd have to look for another strategy.

    "What are the potential rewards from going with this strategy?"

    I guess you could see it like this: With every pophead we can popboom, we save ourselves 30 minerals we don't have to spend on a crawler.

    Originally posted by Zeiter:

    Ah, so you're thinking that just the threat of military action should be our biggest tool, and probably not actually the rover rush conquest itself. I think you're definitely right. I guess we don't want to show our cards too early.

    So, with all of this probe-raping going on, will anyone want to cooperate with us? I mean, stealing useful stuff like IA would probably get us a bad rep among the humans. Of course, it would be nice if we could confine ourselves to stealing from the AI. Or will a bad rep even matter? Perhaps we can augment our probe actions with subtle reminders of who's the momentum faction in this game, like you said.

    Of course, Sparta is no slouch when it comes to research. Certainly not as good as Morgan, but just as good as say, the Peacekeepers, or even the Gaians.
    I pretty much agree with everything you said. We'll play it by ear when we see the terrain and starting position.

    Originally posted by Maniac:

    Reply to : Zeiter
    So, with all of this probe-raping going on, will anyone want to cooperate with us?
    That's indeed the biggest problem. One that would be even bigger if we actually full-scale invaded someone.
    I guess one solution could be to be hostile and exploitative towards the faction that is most close to us, but be extra friendly towards the factions that are on the other side of Planet and which we can't reach anyway, and make clear that our behaviour towards our immediate neighbours should be seen as completely seperate to our relations with all the other factions.

    Originally posted by Zeiter:

    could definitely see the Gaians and Morganites teaming up against us, because they'll probably just wanna be left alone and build, and if we start hassling them for tech or start bullying them, I could see them forming an alliance. Now the data angles on the other hand...they might not care if we probe-rape the Gaians and Morganites (they'll probably be doing it too) and they might be wary of letting the builders alone to build and getting too strong, so perhaps we could form an alliance with them, and have a Gaians/Morganites vs. Spartans/DataAngles war or something? This is just wild speculation of course. We'll just have to wait and see. But I do know one thing. If I was Morgan, I'd absolutely hate getting pushed out of FM by a couple of units on the border, and I'd do anything I could to get rid of the agressive and exploitative factions. That goes for the Gaians too, to a lesser extent.

    Originally posted by Kassiopeia:

    A Gaian-Morganite alliance would be an interesting sight, considering that the two ought to basically hate each other's guts. But then again, so did the national socialists and bolsheviks. The RP'ers in both factions would cry foul but cooler heads would probably prevail, so I do see it as a viable option.

    I also agree that the threat of the mighty Spartan machine falling down on the hapless opponent is our greatest asset. That's why the strength of foreign affairs should not be belittled, as it can tremendously help us keep everyone else in check. We could give an air of hardened, honourable and honest warriors (think Klingons from Star Trek) who will seek open and straightforward conflict. If we can keep up that impression, when we let out signs that we have our eyes set on someone, the others will take it for real and keep on their toes.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Bumped for its relevance as we enter our third decade on Planet


    • #3
      ^^^ again (as we enter our fifth decade!!)


      • #4
        I guess popbooming will have to wait until we have obtained the necessary technologies (SocPsych for rec commons and EthCalc for Creches) from Zakharov. However in the meanwhile there's plenty of other stuff to build, like hopefully building crawlers for mined rocky squares. Also since we've got gene splicing, if we build some more formers, we could already prepare some farmed rolling&rainy tiles for easy popbooming later on.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maniac
          Also since we've got gene splicing
          - Since we have Gene Splicing, let's use it to get to Enviromental Economics.

          Originally posted by Maniac
          if we build some more formers,
          - Formers. Yes, build Formers. (formers are the second most important unit in SMAC(X).

          Originally posted by Maniac
          we could already prepare some farmed rolling&rainy tiles for easy popbooming later on.

          - Oh no. Another farmer...

          - Easy popbooming = Children Creche + Tree Farm + (maybe a Recycling Tank, but not neccessarily so) + DEMOCRACY + PLANNED. Assumes some forest tiles too.


          Any ways. We're not too close to being ready whichever we decide...
          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Maniac
            we could already prepare some farmed rolling&rainy tiles for easy popbooming later on.

            - Oh no. Another farmer...
            So wait, are you saying that farming a rolling/rainy tile is a bad idea?
            Or perhaps you are saying that we should be using our former turns to plant forests elsewhere instead of plant those farms. I could understand that view, although I still feel that it would be best to enhance our growth and population first by farming those tiles. The growth pays dividends. Adding a single nutrient to a base's surplus causes that base to grow 3-7 turns earlier, gaining (assuming an additional 2-1-0 tile can then be worked) 6-14 extra nutrients, and 3-7 extra minerals. In addition, all this time that the base has been growing it has been working a 3-1-1 tile, so it's still getting a decent amount of minerals and energy while it grows.

            Also consider this:

            When we get EcoEng, we will be able to build boreholes, and we will be able to reap the full mineral rewards. So, if a base can manage to work two 3-1-0 tiles, then that base has an additional 2 nutrients, which lets it work a borehole with its final worker. Thus, the farms are, in a sense, acting as 0-4-1 tiles (or, when we get energy restrictions lifted, 0-4-3 tiles).

            Usually, unless you always pick rainy conditions when setting up a game, you don't get many 2-1-1 or 2-1-0 tiles, so it's mainly forest-and-forget. But the map we've been provided with has some absolutely gorgeous terrain that's just begging to be farmed, so we've capitalized on that. I'm very much a user of forest-and-forget, but the combonation of increased police power, lush terrain, and a decision to not beeline straight to crawlers has made farms more appealing in the game, at least early on.

            And yes, I agree, it's going to be a while before we can truly popboom, but we can grow the best we can and reap the rewards of growth to a lesser extent in the meantime. At least, that's how I see it.
            Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


            • #7
              I'll make it a point to answer this before I retire for the night.

              Stay tuned here...
              This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


              • #8
                Why I Don't Farm

                Zeiter in italics...
                Krysia's Krusader in normal writing...

                All my comments in this post assume the following: multi-player PBEM game, experienced opponents, transcende level.

                So wait, are you saying that farming a rolling/rainy tile is a bad idea?

                - Not neccessarily. Like anything in SMAC(X), it is "situational". In our present, and forseeable situation, I feel it is a waste of our formers time.

                Or perhaps you are saying that we should be using our former turns to plant forests elsewhere instead of plant those farms. I could understand that view, although I still feel that it would be best to enhance our growth and population first by farming those tiles.

                - And I understand your view. I used to farm myself, untill I discovered the concept of 'turn advantage'. Then I saw how important this is when playing against human controlled opponents.

                The growth pays dividends. Adding a single nutrient to a base's surplus causes that base to grow 3-7 turns earlier, gaining (assuming an additional 2-1-0 tile can then be worked) 6-14 extra nutrients, and 3-7 extra minerals.

                - In the begining: All you need is enough to get to size two. Then the base can produce a colony pod without being abandoned. If timed correctly (or rushed), the pod comes out the turn after it reaches this size (or soon after). I pay little attention to how long it will take it to get to anything bigger than size two. Cause I don't need it to get any bigger for a while. All I need is a two nutrient square to assure that it can get there in a reasonable amount of time.

                - After that base is no longer set to colony pod production. I may (depending on lots of things) build a recycling tank (usually rushed). That gives me an extra nutrient. Therefore, my worker can now be working a forest for increased mineral production.

                - By the time I'm ready to boom. Tree farms and forest tiles solve all my nutrient concerns.

                In addition, all this time that the base has been growing it has been working a 3-1-1 tile, so it's still getting a decent amount of minerals and energy while it grows.

                - All the time your base has been working that 3-1-1 tile, it could have been working a 1-2-1 tile. No need for it to be growing, when it can have a twin sibling, which the two of you working together can outperform the single larger base in total mineral production.

                - I would much rather have two size one bases producing three minerals (base square + forest), for a total of six - than one larger size two base producing four minerals (base square + two farms on rolling).

                - Minerals rule in the early game. I need minerals to crank out that pod (or whatever else) as fast as I can. Which will found another base and repeat the process.

                Also consider this:

                When we get EcoEng, we will be able to build boreholes, and we will be able to reap the full mineral rewards. So, if a base can manage to work two 3-1-0 tiles, then that base has an additional 2 nutrients, which lets it work a borehole with its final worker. Thus, the farms are, in a sense, acting as 0-4-1 tiles (or, when we get energy restrictions lifted, 0-4-3 tiles).

                - Not the way we're going. You need 24 former turns to dig a borehole (16 with the WP SP). Take a look at our former corps. Unless we start making some now... But can we afford to support any more...? I think we need some bases first, to spread the supported units around more, or at least more mineral production in those we currently have.

                - And since we aren't going for the WP; we can't even start drilling until we've discovered Ecological Engineering (!). Don't hold your breadth for any big benefits from thermal boreholes for quite a while. We may only even just dig a few during the course of the entire game, considering how things are now.

                - What I was looking forward to with EcolEng., was how much those forest would be worth in the crater. There we have a reasonable chance of cultivating extra minerals in little time.

                Usually, unless you always pick rainy conditions when setting up a game, you don't get many 2-1-1 or 2-1-0 tiles, so it's mainly forest-and-forget.

                - With my system, it is inconsequentional (<- spelling, someone please) what the conditions are. If there isn't a two nutrient workable tile, then the recycling tanks must (snould) be rushed on the turn the base is plopped down. Chances are, that you will always be able to find one tile that will provide a base with two nutrients any way.

                But the map we've been provided with has some absolutely gorgeous terrain that's just begging to be farmed, so we've capitalized on that. I'm very much a user of forest-and-forget, but the combonation of increased police power, lush terrain, and a decision to not beeline straight to crawlers has made farms more appealing in the game, at least early on.

                - From my perspective; it means I can pack my bases in closer together and have a bigger empire before anybody else. Less time to found a base, due to less travel time by the colony pod to destination. Means I can pump out another pod that much faster. Which in turn, means the next one can do the same. Each one means I am gaining that much time over everybody else multiplied by the amount of turns I am saving.

                - When I boom, I grow a population per year. I'd rather produce more minerals at sizes; one or two - than be farming my way up to sizes three and higher while producing less. Means I have to spend one or two more turns in a boom. A trade-off I gladly accept.

                And yes, I agree, it's going to be a while before we can truly popboom, but we can grow the best we can and reap the rewards of growth to a lesser extent in the meantime.

                - That we can discuss at a later time. When it is more feasible to popboom. In this post I was concentrating on why I don't farm.

                At least, that's how I see it.

                - And you may be correct. Big thing with multi-player games are how fast everything changes when people meet and trade technology, form agreements, etc. It may turn out that farming is the way to go, but in my experience, I hold reservations on that.

                Edit: More thoughts (sorry, it's late at night...).

                - Forests spread on their own. So chances are that I'll save time by not having to forest every square manually.

                - Forests spread into fungus even. Saving me six former turns of fungus removal - not including the turn it takes to actually move onto the fungus square.

                - Forests do not spread onto farms. Means I have to forest over them manually.

                - I really, really try and build a road before I plant a forest. Will save me time moving around with my formers. Means I can then later on drill my boreholes more quickly. Again adding to 'turn-advantage'.

                - Forest requires 4 former turns - three with the WP SP. Pretty good ratio of resources versus former time.

                - I've written it somewhere else in this forum, but there is one exception where I actually do farm: On nutrient bonus squares. But I construct a condensor first.
                Last edited by KrysiasKrusader; October 8, 2004, 03:11.
                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KrysiasKrusader
                  - Oh no. Another farmer...
                  Hey what do you expect?? I've been living in a Flemish rural village with lots of peasants for a long time.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    Wow, good post KK.

                    Your strategy of bases no bigger than size 2 until later in the game is usually ideal. Why would anyone want to grow their bases larger than size 2 when crawlers can get all the resources the base needs? In fact, growing above size 2 can be a hinderance because of the extra drones. The difference is that, up until now, we haven't had the benefit of crawlers to boost our production, so we've had to rely on population growth to do that. Although, since we should soon be getting crawlers, the time may have come to switch to your strategy.

                    You might notice that our population is 15 compared to 13 for the Gaians and 11 each for Morgan and Roze. So far, population growth has been the only thing keeping us competitive with the crawlered teams, but we'll soon have crawlers too. Thus, I think I might actually support your idea of spending our former time planting forests instead of farms. We'll see what kind of crawler production we can manage.
                    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                    • #11
                      Small bases allow you to swing in and out of FREE MARKET also. Usually when your getting bigger, that hurts unless your size 5 and above.

                      Wether or not we switch. The post still serves as food for thought. Just as much as, yours and Maniacs, has in this thread.

                      Concerning population:

                      That can all change when someone starts booming. A tactic / strategy I often employ is staying at small base sizes longer than the other factions. Biding my time and pretending to be of little threat to the others. Then when the moment is right for me to make my big move on the world scene - I boom. But when I boom - it is a gargantuous one (!). When people pay little attention to me, cause I have less population than them - their eyes sure open up when the power graph goes through convulsions (wink). This is another advantage of many small bases.

                      If you want Zeiter, I can send you an example of some of my PBEM games. But it will have to be by e-mail. I don't know how to attach things in threads (And I woulden't want to any ways, as I understand that these forums get opened up after the game is over.)

                      Edit: Spelling

                      Edit #2: I mean old PBEM games. Not current ones.
                      Last edited by KrysiasKrusader; October 9, 2004, 02:23.
                      This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                      • #12
                        After getting tree farms I of course also consider working forests instead of farms the best way to popboom. But even then I try to mix a few farmed (& possibly condensered) between all those forests.

                        Why? Because for drone riot prevention reasons I find it impossible to popboom to maximum size without at least having a few specialists. Specialists can't be drones, which is good, but on the other side they don't produce their own nutrients. So if you only work forest tiles (2 nuts with a tree farm), you'll get shortage of nutrients after a while and be unable to popboom further.

                        Take the following scenario as example:
                        A Spartan size 7 base, having researched IntInt, and with all citizens drones:
                        Four drones can be quelled by two police force units.
                        Two drones can be quelled by a rec commons.
                        To control that seventh drone you'd need to either build an expensive research hospital or hologram theatre. Not worth it. It's better to just make that seventh citizen a specialist.

                        For that you need some extra nutrients. Seven citizens require 14 nuts, while 6 forests worked only provide 12 nuts. So that's why it's IMO a good idea to work two farm&solar collectered +1000 rolling& rainy 3-1-2 tiles, or one condensered 4-1-0 tile to provide the necessary nuts.

                        This counts even more of course if you want to start popbooming your bases above size 7 before you have hybrid forests.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          Ah yes.
                          Popboom strategy thread.
                          Thanks Maniac...


                          While thinking of something else, something concerning this came to my mind.

                          I was in a game where a Hive player was trying to pod-boom. It was SMAC, so the golden age trick wasn't working. In order for me to try and keep him to a reasonable/managable size; I started doing massive land lifting on my own continent. (Borehole drilling, condenser construction, would have probably worked too.) His farms, that were mostly on rainy/rolling squares, suddenly turned to arid. I kept on going till all his farms were on arid squares. He did not have the capability of constructing condensors, at the time, so his growth got halted. Even if he could, he had no where near enough formers in concentrations to turn the cycle around.

                          Don't be surprised if your (our) farms suddenly yield as much nutrients as a forest would, should someone (anyone, including the AI) terraform like I did.
                          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maniac
                            So if you only work forest tiles (2 nuts with a tree farm), you'll get shortage of nutrients after a while and be unable to popboom further.
                            Put two crawlers on sucking nutrients from forest tiles. Problem solved.
                            Put one crawler sucking a condensor/farm nutrient special. Problem solved.
                            Relocate crawelrs as needed to minerals and/or energy after you've maxed size, or grown to what you want.

                            Besides, all you need is to get to that size. Then you can live with losing one or two nutrients per turn from your box. Who cares? You've already got what you needed to grow in the first place.
                            This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KrysiasKrusader
                              Put two crawlers on sucking nutrients from forest tiles. Problem solved.
                              That are crawlers less you can let harvest minerals though.
                              a) Six forests (2-2-1), and one specialist (3 energy in credits or labs) fed by crawler nuts. Production: 12 mins, 9 energy.
                              b) Four forests (2-2-1), and two 3-1-2 tiles, feeding a specialist The crawler is free to harvest 2 mins. Production: 12 mins, and 11 energy.
                              Hmm, on the other side you need to spend 12 extra former turns (2 solar collectors) to get only 2 extra energy. Perhaps not such a good deal after all...

                              Besides, all you need is to get to that size. Then you can live with losing one or two nutrients per turn from your box. Who cares? You've already got what you needed to grow in the first place.
                              Ah you mean when a base has grown to size 6, let a crawler bring in 2 nuts to boom to size 7, and when that's done, move the crawler elsewhere?
                              Sounds great! It could lead to lots of micromanagement troubles though when the nutrient boxes start to run empty.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

