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The Mess Tent

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  • #16
    LOL - while the OED does say the derivative is warlike Thessalian people who followed Achilles to Troy

    current usage is:

    myrmidon - hired ruffian, base servant

    Still want to call our newspaper The Myrmidone?


    • #17
      That's why we have a thorough research process to make sure we don't have mishaps like that

      It can't be too common a meaning though, considering neither you, I or Skanky (and Mr. Ely too, possibly) could come up with it off-hand. But that doesn't mean some Morganite besserwisser won't point it out.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • #18
        How about The Jade Falcon

        It would perhaps show a sentimental side to Santiago, naming a newsletter after the survivalist gang she joined as a pre-teen in Mexico City

        (logo: a falcon - jade obviously - with a shredder rifle in its claws?)


        edit: maybe not. A google search reveals that Jade Falcon is a clan formed for mechwarrior II (owed its origin to the SMAC background history!!!)
        Last edited by Googlie; June 27, 2004, 01:25.


        • #19
          edit: maybe not. A google search reveals that Jade Falcon is a clan formed for mechwarrior II (owed its origin to the SMAC background history!!!)
          I don't see that as too huge a problem. The name would certainly fit perfectly, and we'd have a logo right there and ready waiting for realisation. I did some research on the Earth Sparta and came up with The Lacedaemonian.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • #20
            Of course there already is a Sparta Newspaper


            • #21
              That's just because all those people founding all those cities in the US had a horrible lack of imagination. There are dozens of Cambridges and St. Petersburgs in the States too.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #22
                and this is the best site re: old and new Sparta that I could find


                • #23
                  I've just used Wikipedia, but that's only because Everything2 has been giving me a 404.
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • #24
                    Testing attachments in private forums.
                    Attached Files
                    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                    • #25
                      3) Maybe a little introduction of the members we have now, at least the ones I know something about.This is where I'll need your help, if you particularly want something mentioned re: you.
                      If at least 3 people over all factions write introductions for members I could make a player description thread in the MODs forum. Then after the game is over people could read about some of the players.

                      *The patiently waiting narrator, whos letting people finish organising the gameplay allocations first.*


                      • #26
                        Posted by Googlie on 04-03-2001 21:21:

                        If you have built an energy park a little known or discussed fact is that you can double a bunker on your solar array, then put armor on your crawlers - they get both the armor bonus and the bunker bonus on defense.

                        And, of course, if you build your crawlers at a base with a Command Center and a Bio Center, your crawlers will be Commando, with an additional 37.5% defense bonus

                        You can make them pretty hard to take out.

                        Now you can station an AAA or SAM unit there too, and just watch the AI knock their heads agaisnt your defenses.
                        I thought Bio Centers didn't work with non-combat units????


                        • #27
                          Re: The Mess Tent

                          Sorry for the slight threadjack as the topic already seems to have moved elsewhere.

                          Originally posted by Googlie
                          Talking of which, do we agree that we need:

                          > A turn reporting thread, where the turnplayer can post a pre-send .sav for final comments and adjustments (obviously units already moved cannot be re-moved)

                          > an orders thread, or pre-turn discussion thead, where we can put orders (suggestions?) to the turnplayer for whatever needs doing
                          I see you've started a turn reports thread for turns 2101-2120. However what would you think of one turn reports thread for the entire game? Only the turnplayer would be allowed to post one turn report per year there, and no else would comment there. That way everyone could quickly get the turn and turn report they need without having to browse through other posts.

                          For comments about the turn, how about a seperate "Joint Chiefs of Staff - turnplay comments" thread for last-minute suggestions to the turnplayers or comments about the turn just played?

                          And then as you suggest an official orders thread and/or perhaps an official thread for each official (foreign affairs, covert ops, military affairs...) a bit like the Internal and External Affairs Office in CyCon?
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #28
                            Hrmm I waded through a couple of the new forums. I just want to say Googlie, it was a bad decision to have you as the CMN of the last game.

                            The last game would have been much more fun if you were a proper participant


                            • #29
                              I set it up for 20 years based on the reading of the faction threads in the last game. I'd see it covering a 10-year span as we get deeper into the game, and maybe even more frequently as time goes on (see below)

                              As not everyone has smax, not everyone can open a turn, so screenshots in the "turn reporting" thread quickly clog it up till it becomes a pain to open.

                              The drones in fact had a separate thread for ecah year, PEACE had one for 20-turn inccrements, which format I thought worked quite well.

                              If we go with one game-long thread then I agree, we need a separate thread for posting screenshots, comments on the completed turn (eg where turnplayer executed "battlefield" changes to orders - such as popped a mindworm and withdrew, or encountered an enemy unit and attacked, etc.)

                              But whatever - I'm not hung up on this style over any other. if it makes sense recording-wise to have a single, clean, thread with supplementary illustrative discoursive ones, let's do that.



                              • #30
                                I was thinking to have a seperate Pictures of the Empire thread that only contained, well, pictures of our known territory without any commentry. These could then be linked to in the 20-year threads, of course, and comments on them would go there or perhaps a third thread. Any thoughts?
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

