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Turn 2163-2164

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  • #31
    My two cents... If they have planes, and are flying them near us, we should build mostly plasma garrisons if we want to survive. They can send two-row impact planes to take out two three-row crawlers, so don't bother with more crawlers. The only thing we can use to defend ourselves is numbers. Even if they have superior morale and weapons, if it's costly or time consuming to conquer us due to numbers, they might decide to wait.
    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


    • #32
      Originally posted by jtsisyoda
      My two cents... If they have planes, and are flying them near us, we should build mostly plasma garrisons if we want to survive. They can send two-row impact planes to take out two three-row crawlers, so don't bother with more crawlers. The only thing we can use to defend ourselves is numbers. Even if they have superior morale and weapons, if it's costly or time consuming to conquer us due to numbers, they might decide to wait.

      jtsisyoda's right. Without SAM or AAA we'll lose our crawlers over time. Although, that too will consume a fair amount of their resources.



      As you can tell by the tone of my posts and the way the game has been going I'm about ready to 'throw in the towel.'


      • #33
        SAM is just something we can add to each garrison by upgrading. If they wanna take swap planes for crawlers - fine, this buys us and everyone else on Planet time.

        I'm pretty sure we can make three-row crawlers quicker than they can make two-row planes - and we can make three-row planes (missiles) quicker, too, than they can.

        I somehow doubt they will bother but rather go for the "deathblow" - we should do numbers in both garrisons and crawlers. (Do Perimeter Defenses matter against planes?)

        Mead, if you wanna step down, it's perfectly understandable. Do you wanna name someone as CDO successor?


        • #34
          Originally posted by AndiD
          SAM is just something we can add to each garrison by upgrading. If they wanna take swap planes for crawlers - fine, this buys us and everyone else on Planet time.
          True. It takes a plane two turns to kill a crawler. One to get partially to the our landmass, two to complete the journey, find a target and do a kamkzee run. I think they would rather take a relatively isolated base of ours, so we can't probe it for infiltration and tech (or Yang's) which is withing easy flying distance of our homeland. Then they would fly their strikes out of there. Then once we are subdued they would still have their air force to move on DA and Gaia.

          I'm pretty sure we can make three-row crawlers quicker than they can make two-row planes - and we can make three-row planes (missiles) quicker, too, than they can.
          Normally, I would agree, but with their increasing capabilities I'm becoming more unsure.

          I somehow doubt they will bother but rather go for the "deathblow" - we should do numbers in both garrisons and crawlers. (Do Perimeter Defenses matter against planes?)
          I don't think so. AC's do. Sensors do. It's been a long time but I think Tachyon does.

          Mead, if you wanna step down, it's perfectly understandable. Do you wanna name someone as CDO successor?
          I'll stick with it for now. Although, it has taken a lot more time and energy than I expected.



          • #35
            Originally posted by jtsisyoda
            My two cents... If they have planes, and are flying them near us, we should build mostly plasma garrisons if we want to survive. They can send two-row impact planes to take out two three-row crawlers, so don't bother with more crawlers. The only thing we can use to defend ourselves is numbers. Even if they have superior morale and weapons, if it's costly or time consuming to conquer us due to numbers, they might decide to wait.
            when we get dap will sam laser rovers be any good?


            • #36
              "Endturn" save: Did not yet do any diplomacy like sending tech to Gaia or the Angels. Overrushed this and that, teared down some roads, moved the garrisons around a bit, changed everything which will below 11 minerals at next turn to a missile squad. We will be able to rush lots of stuff next time around, including a few perimeters.

              I completely ignored our size 1 eastside and even moved two formers and a lone scout towards the mainland. We might want to upgrade our three 1-1-1 scouts next turn to something with more punch.

              I might not be here for the deadline so if someone sees the deadline going by and the turn is not posted, please grab the save, hit "end turn" and post it.

              If something happens in diplomacy in the meantime, just make the appropriate changes and send the turn afterwards.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                I'm there and will post the turn in half an hour if nothing happens on the Gaian diplomacy front or anyone else gives input.

