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Gaian Diplomacy

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  • #16
    A reminder to Chaos


    Did you get my PM on the proposed tech trade?

    We are offering to send you Enviromental Economics and Secrets of the Human Brain in return for you swapping to Nerual Grafting once you get Env Eco and SotHB from us (you should not lose any lab points) and sending it to us once you get Neural Grafting.


    I apologize if you already tried to PM me, but my PM box was overfilled. I have since emptied it somewhat. We know have the turn let me know if you agree before our turn is up. If you agree we can send you Env Eco and SotHB preapproved this turn.


    • #17

      Let me know what you decide before we have to post the turn. If you have other suggestions as to what to research after env eco let me know.

      Chaos Theory wrote on 14-03-2005 03:45:
      I received it and posted it to our forums, but we have not reached a decision yet regarding this.

      Mead wrote on 14-03-2005 03:09:

      Did you get my PM on the proposed tech trade?

      We are offering to send you Enviromental Economics and Secrets of the Human Brain in return for you swapping to Nerual Grafting once you get Env Eco and SotHB from us (you should not lose any lab points) and sending it to us once you get Neural Grafting.


      I apologize if you already tried to PM me, but my PM box was overfilled. I have since emptied it somewhat. We know have the turn let me know if you agree before our turn is up. If you agree we can send you Env Eco and SotHB preapproved this turn.


      • #18
        I'm not up to speed yet, but the gaians are at war with the Hive, could we subsidize their probing of tech from Yang upon his successful research of D AP? Never mind, they have far to many techs to get.
        Last edited by arginine; March 14, 2005, 19:24.


        • #19
          Chaos Theory wrote on 15-03-2005 02:50:
          Again, we are considering your claims, but find your proposed tech trade odd, since Neural Grafting doesn't make a particularly effective defense against needlejets. The two major ways to defend against or counter air are AAA and SAM. The former is available with AMA, which is not within easy reach. The latter is available with D:AP, for which you have both prereqs and we have one prereq.
          We were hoping that we (DA, Gaia, or Morgan) to liberate DAP from the Hive in four years. Even though their tech rate shows that the Hive will get it in 5 years, at the rate their tech rate is accelerating they'll get it in 4 years. I think with your tech rate, even with getting Env Eco this turn the Hive will get DAP first.

          Maybe SAM. I'll post in our forum.



          • #20
            The idea was to get _clean reactors_ sooner so that we actually can support a number of air units and still make some new ones. We'll get D:AP from the Hive (and would share it, too) and with it the option, to upgrade our units to SAM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by AndiD
              The idea was to get _clean reactors_ sooner so that we actually can support a number of air units and still make some new ones. We'll get D:AP from the Hive (and would share it, too) and with it the option, to upgrade our units to SAM.
              You want me to pass this onto Chaos?



              • #22
                Tell Chaos we're researching NG now, so getting it will let us switch to DAP (hopefully).
                "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                • #23
                  latest post to chaos

                  Chaos Theory wrote on 15-03-2005 02:50:
                  Again, we are considering your claims, but find your proposed tech trade odd, since Neural Grafting doesn't make a particularly effective defense against needlejets. The two major ways to defend against or counter air are AAA and SAM. The former is available with AMA, which is not within easy reach. The latter is available with D:AP, for which you have both prereqs and we have one prereq.
                  Also, in addition to us being able to get DAP from the Hive, as you can see, we are researching NG now.

                  If we can research NG through your efforts then we'll swap to something else, we get DAP from the Hive then we can get a whole bunch of stuff through our efforts. And, if the DA wants to work with us we might be able to make this happen a lot sooner.


                  I notice that you have an artifact. Do you need some cash to rush a Net Node to plug that artifact in?
                  How about we trade all tech to Gaia in return for all their tech (I think they don't have any we don't have right now), they rush a net node, plug their artifact in, we rush a net node, plug our artifact in? Maybe steal DAP from the Hive before we plug the artifacts in?


                  • #24
                    Now that sounds like a plan for leapfrogging!

                    I'm torn between doing it now and waiting for D:AP. On the other hand, since we need 2-3 turns for it anyway, why not wait one turn more until D:AP is stolen, the artifact plugged in and both techs (!) traded.

                    I don't really like us being at war with Yang again afterwards but it can't be helped. The base to be founded next turn will be lost immediately anyway and we have a wee bit of time to fortify Choke.


                    • #25
                      Sent to Chaos


                      How does this sound for a plan?

                      We send you Env Eco and SotHB;
                      You switch to NG (no loss of lab points);
                      We send you enough cash so you can rush a net node in the base where your artifact is (or at least one move away);

                      If we can get DAP before you hook up the artifact to the node then we send it to you (unless your probes got it DAP first);
                      We send you all the techs we have before you cash in the artifact;
                      You cash in your artifact and send the tech you get to us;

                      We rush a net node in one of our bases, get the artifact back home and hook our artifact to it and send the tech to you;

                      If we have time and we do this right we should get 3 or four, mayby five techs real quick.

                      If the DA cooperate we might even get more.


                      Without the DA's cooperation it might not be worth it for us.

                      Even with the DA's cooperation we may not survive.

                      If we only had 8 more turns. If, if, if, if.


                      • #26
                        If Sparta indeed wants to pick the Gaians first, they may be my guest (It may still be a plain old trick though to make us stop building all Missile Squads and Rovers ).

                        We are pactmates - but how much is the pact worth?
                        We wanted to GIFT them crucial tech (EE is restricition lifting and SotHB leads to CentEmp) and they refused - not even a counter-offer (like "throw SFF in the deal etc.").

                        They have worms and HEC, but only Lasers. Our stance when they come asking for SFF or energy for upgrading?


                        • #27
                          I wonder where Sparta's forces are located... Infiltration would be really handy. I wonder if the Gaians have also been infilatrated.

                          I think we should at least give them nonlinear mathematics. (a relatively obselete tech). They'd be able to get that tech from some of the other nations.

                          Keep in mind that our pact is bringing in lots of commerce (~40 Energy turn)...


                          • #28
                            Latest Exchange with Gaian

                            Re: Assitance from our Allies


                            Ouro_827 wrote on 01-04-2005 17:10:
                            With Sparta now starting to build its Air Power up, the Alliance between Morgan and Gaia must stand firm. As such, Gaian scientists have been working hard to combat Air Power! However, for the extra boost we need to complete our project, and put that effort from theory and apply our research on it, we need your Synthetic Fossil Fuels! With such, the Alliance might be able to hold strong against the Spartan threat! Morgan has this, and we ask for it, to better our alliance! Ouro
                            I had earlier proposed to Gaia that we give you all of our tech, you give us all of your tech, we loan you enough cash to rush a net node for the artifact you have you share that tech with us, then we rush a net node for the artifact we have and we share that tech with you. This way we could really leapfrog tech wise. Gaia didn't respond so I thought you were not interested

                            I have not been that active with the game recently (having thought that Sparta already won it) but I can check with my team to see if they are still interested.



                            BTW We expect to acquire DAP very shortly. If so, I believe that would be included in the techs we would share with you.


                            I am not sure all this is worth the effort unless we can get the DA to cooperate with the 3 way pact to try to counter the Spartans.


                            • #29
                              No problem with passing on SFF and DAP - although I'd like to see some exchanges with Sparta before we finish our turn and have to actually do it.


                              • #30
                                Sent the following PM to Chaos - I hope I get some sort of reply:

                                Lord Chaos,

                                the Corporation will send you Synthetic Fossil Fuels this turn to help against the Spartan invasion.

                                How about an instant cooperation in technology research? We would give you additionally Environmental Economics so that you can start researching something new the next turn and finish it in three years.

                                The Corporation would suggest that this tech would be Neural Grafting (working towards MMI and Bio-Engineering), which requires a gift of Secrets of the Human Brain, too.

                                What do you think? How does SFF, EE and SotHB sound?

                                The Corporation will resume their own tech research as soon as there are enough defending jets and perimeter defenses built.

                                On behalf of the Corporation
                                SOO AndiD

