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2160 End Turn and 2161 Discussion

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  • 2160 End Turn and 2161 Discussion

    The turn has not yet arrived but from reviewing the latest Spartan publication, it looks like the found and killed our transfoil in the western sea. Were our probes on it?


  • #2
    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


    • #3
      DA Agrees to Commlink, Tech, and Map trades

      I just received this from the DA

      RE: Tech Trade

      Director Mead,

      Thank you for your message. We can reply at this moment. In response to your communication we would like to trade the following items:

      1) Gaian commlink for Peacekeeper Forces commlink.

      2) We would be willing to exchange Optical computers
      technology for Plasma technology.

      3) We agree for world map trade too, so this is confirmed.

      Regarding the Pact between our factions, please be
      informed that we presently are not in any other pact
      agreement on the Planet. We seriously consider your offer,
      though this require appropriate diplomacy also with other
      factions. Neglecting other factions' opinion regarding
      such important matter as our plans for entering pacts with
      other factions might worsen our relations with these factions.

      IT Mart

      I will tell them to send it preaccepted and when our turn comes we will send them our map, plasma and Lal's commlink.


      I hope I don't screw up the transfer of the promised items to them. Please someone walk me through the process and after I actually do it, verify to make sure I did it correctly.


      • #4
        Do we have Polymorphic Software? If so, we can get superconductor after we get Optical Computers. This could be handy.

        -- CTO #endgame
        #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

        Quantum P. is a champion:


        • #5
          Excellent work on the trade

          Please comment on the proposed correction of the Spartan news article in the Public Relations and Propaganda thread. Thanks
          Last edited by Micha; February 17, 2005, 06:45.
          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
          Let me eat your yummy brain!
          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


          • #6
            With our probes sinking in the sea, and future missions to Uni bases unlikely to succeed, Optical Computers has less value to us now. It's now really only valuable on the way to AMA, which is a key defensive tech. It requires Adap Doc. I'm not saying we should get that before DAP, but maybe right after that? Perhaps we could ask them if they would like to delay the Opt Com for HEC trade? We could promise to trade it at a later, more conveneient time. It would save us both some tech points to delay it until some more research is completed. The Spartans are probably too far from them to be an immediate threat, so maybe the DA's don't require it immediately.

            IMO, Adap Doc toward AMA is more helpful right now than Superconductor. I believe we can steal Supercon from Yang, anyway, whenever we please.
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              I just read the other thread, though, that said they were going to send stuff pre-accepted. So if we're doing that, maybe it's too late to worry about changing it... especially since an agreement has been struck.
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • #8
                AFAIK the "preaccepted" thing comes from Mead, not from the Angels.
                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                • #9
                  We agreed to preaccept everything so we have to take it if we want the world map, and most importantly Gaian Commlink.

                  Speaking of the Gaian Commlink, what do we want from them?

                  Can someone give Lal and Yang (as well as Zak (it can't hurt can it)) a call and see what they have to say before I download and open the turn?



                  • #10
                    I just downloaded, but not opened the Save file.

                    Can whoeve downloaded it before me open it and tell me what you see (without moving any units)?

                    Can you also try contacting the AI to see if they'll talk?



                    • #11

                      I just opened up the turn on my other machine and to my surprise Yang gave me a call.

                      He is demanding HEC in order to end the Vendetta.

                      A few observations:

                      I really don't care if he ends the Vendetta against us or not.

                      I suspect that if we give him HEC he will then demand another tech until he cleans us out.

                      He will then trade (or lose via probes) the tech to everyone else who doesn't have it.

                      Favouring the transfer of HEC to Yang is:

                      He'll be better armoured to keep Sparta busy.

                      He might actually drop his vendetta against us and focus on Sparta.

                      I have the game open on my desktop machine and will take no action for at least an hour or so.

                      Please let me know the factions wishes.

                      If I get no response I plan to say no to
                      Yang's demand.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mead

                        I just opened up the turn on my other machine and to my surprise Yang gave me a call.

                        He is demanding HEC in order to end the Vendetta.

                        A few observations:

                        I really don't care if he ends the Vendetta against us or not.

                        I suspect that if we give him HEC he will then demand another tech until he cleans us out.

                        He will then trade (or lose via probes) the tech to everyone else who doesn't have it.

                        Favouring the transfer of HEC to Yang is:

                        He'll be better armoured to keep Sparta busy.

                        He might actually drop his vendetta against us and focus on Sparta.

                        I have the game open on my desktop machine and will take no action for at least an hour or so.

                        Please let me know the factions wishes.

                        If I get no response I plan to say no to
                        Yang's demand.


                        Come to think of it, I hope to trade HEC to the Gaians and Lal, this turn if possible so it should be of less value to withold it from the Hive.

                        Plus, if Yang having plasma slows down Sparta then that's good for us.



                        • #13
                          I gave in to Yang's demands and gave him HEC ( I did consult with Rubin prior to this). As expected, he carried on and demanded more. I said no to EE and he continued the Vendetta.

                          We have two Hive Units next to our southern CP. I'll have to move it back north to Choke on this.

                          Our trans foil and its probes are ALIVE. I plan on moving them to the designated landing place and try to probe Uni this turn.

                          I accepted the map, tech and commlink from the DA.

                          I gave them HEC, PK commlink, and our world map.

                          I will contact the Gaians and let them know we want to deal.

                          Now I am going to sleep. I will finish the turn tomorrow.


                          If you want to follow along to where I am, give in to Yang's demand for HEC but nothing else, accept the DA's offer, and give them HEC, PK Comm, and World map.

                          I have not yet moved any units or rushed anything.


                          • #14
                            They're alive, that's weird. A little misinformation by the Spartans, I guess? I wonder if they were sly enough to think we wouldn't want Opt Com from the DA's if we thought our probes were dead. We had already agreed to the deal, though, and thank goodness.

                            Regarding HEC to Yang... Since the Spartans and now the DA's have the tech, there's probably more gained than lost by giving Yang the tech.

                            Sorry if the following is obvious, but it's pretty critical... The probes need to offload on the river fungus and travel along the river. They'll have just enough movement points to steal tech, if they go along the river.
                            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                            • #15
                              wow, that´s been luck. Now imagine we had answered their claims to have sunk the probes by telling them what it´s been! They sure have a good propaganda ministery...

                              good job on Yang! Let´s hope we will never need to overcome his new Plasma defenders ourselves...
                              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                              Let me eat your yummy brain!
                              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

