Originally posted by -SafaN-
Well, i like the stall with the spartans, but we should be wary to do open acts of agression. And probestealing of the university is such an act. If we can do it without the spartans noticing its ok.
Well, i like the stall with the spartans, but we should be wary to do open acts of agression. And probestealing of the university is such an act. If we can do it without the spartans noticing its ok.
With the vendetta on the hive i would still wait a bit. AI is not very good in spreading his units, so in a few turns all attack units should be near the spartan border, what is far away from us

What will be our attitude vs the angels and gaians when we meet them. Their reseach should be behind, so are we trading then or something like "u can chose between a treaty or a vendetta, your choice". If the gaians have much native units, that can be a problem.
I think we should paint the spartans as the most dangerous faction on the planet.
another thing: what will be the chance that sparta is gonna probe our cash reserves away?
Sparta will have to kill the probes before they start to take the cash. That will require either multiple probes, or a combined conventional assualt with probes to cleanup later.