Our turn is up. I'm not sure when I'll be able to play it, but meeting the deadline shouldn't be a problem.
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2157 End Turn and 2158 Discussion
I took a look.
First, there were no nasty surprises. So far so good.
Yang is still at war with Sparta which is good. I am worried a little bit if Sprata may start to devour the Hive. With the Command Nexus a littl mass (which they have), their SE bonuses, and the fact that the Hive is th AI they stand a god chance of eating te Hive up.
Second, I had no success in getting anyone to talk to me in diplomacy. That may change after we were to move units, but only the turn player can do that.
Third, I reviewed our production plan. Things look to be coming along nicely. We should be able tu rush several CP and probes this turn. We should start some SC's for more min output and reserve minerals in case we have to rush a military.
Fourth, I think we should bring the trnsport back to our ets oast load up ouple of probes and try to get some mor tech out of Uni before Sparta probe defends that base. The Elite Spart probe in the Northern Uni base mkes me wonder howmany othe Elite units they have and where they are at.
Fifth, we need to continue to seek out the oth faction.
We'll just barely get two probe teams back to mendelev before we finish our research. With luck, we'll steal SotHB, switch to SFF, finish it the following turn, and start DAP. I propose we try to steal Opt Comp from Yang, to increase our chance of getting SotHB from Zak. We have two 'Gator Boats ready to take from Yang anyway. There will still be another 'Gator plus the Hunter to go looking for the Gaians and Angels.
Screenshots will have to wait for another time, or someone else could do it. *nudge*
I'll hit end turn and post for the Spartans in a few minutes.Attached Files"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle
Originally posted by jtsisyoda
We'll just barely get two probe teams back to mendelev before we finish our research. With luck, we'll steal SotHB, switch to SFF, finish it the following turn, and start DAP. I propose we try to steal Opt Comp from Yang, to increase our chance of getting SotHB from Zak.
When do we intend to take tech from Yang?
How about we wait until just before we probe Uni.
There is a chance that Yang might want to talk to us since we are no longer #2 on the powergraph (we are now #3).
We might (small chance, yes) be able to get a treaty from him. In any event, it is better that we are not at war with him to keep his focus on Sparta (to keep them busy), plus just in case one of his ships comes across one of our ships in the future.
Plus we can continue to use the probes near him to look for pods. the downside is that the probes may be discovered and destroyed before then. Plus, once we use them to probe Yang we may get tech, plus perhaps his map, plus they might survive the probe action and be available to us again for more usage.
If we are going to probe Yang soon anyway, lets just make sure we try to commlink him before we probe.
Originally posted by Whoha
How good of an idea is stealing from Yang? Will he be at war with everyone so that if we don't get a piece of him we'll be in trouble? are we strong enough to take a piece of him?
I am a little happy that Sparta is a war with him, but at the same time am a little afriad that Sparta will start digesting Yang and won't leave us any scraps.
I think Sparta needs our cash to help them speed thier actions against Yang (and us).
This being said I am very reluctant to enter into any deal that helps Sparta. I'm almost at the point where if they offered to give us everything we are asking for in my posts to them I would find a way of not treatying.
How does this sound for a plan?
Continue to move our Gator Boats south with the hope of meeting the other factions;
Load up the transport for another tech acquision from Uni; and
Prepare to Gator probe tech from Yang from a more southern base (this will help us in that once (hopefully it survives with a morale upgrade) our Gator does the action it will return home and the more northern cities will not have sevurity interlocks yet, making future probe actions ther easier.
I have a couple of questions:
How much would it cost to probe Yang's cities and how long until we expect airpower?
Difficult to tell. He has access to the water (I think) so our coastal bases need strong defenses as well as Choke On This. As long as we aren't clean, big deal for us.
On the other hand, the Hive seems to be occupied with the Spartans so no idea how much stuff he would send against us if we steal a tech and get vendetta.
For now I would say, let's control on building upward and not "wasting" resources into defense - I would bet that Sparta won't start a war against us as long as they aren't finished with the Hive - they have a lagging industry and the Hive as literally hordes of troops according to the infiltration.
(From my limited experiences the Hive AI tends to send the hordes as hordes to one or two closely located bases)
Regarding research (more or less unrelated): We are currently on the verge of overcoming a certain threshold - that is, the advantages the AIs had at the beginning of the game. Gaia and Angels are clearly lagging behind (and both factions aren't really research powerhouses at this stage of the game) and I would certainly bet that we can be the best researcher on planet (without depending on others) in a couple of years, when we find time to invest in a few more Network Nodes. We shouldn't wait too long until the tech cost becomes too high IMO.
Originally posted by AndiD
Regarding research (more or less unrelated): We are currently on the verge of overcoming a certain threshold - that is, the advantages the AIs had at the beginning of the game. Gaia and Angels are clearly lagging behind (and both factions aren't really research powerhouses at this stage of the game) and I would certainly bet that we can be the best researcher on planet (without depending on others) in a couple of years, when we find time to invest in a few more Network Nodes. We shouldn't wait too long until the tech cost becomes too high IMO.
The sooner we get it built the sooner we start reaping the rewards.
Perhaps its even worth cashing the half-an-SP on wheels to get it early.
Originally posted by Mead
I think we are strong enough, or will be within 5 turns.
I am a little happy that Sparta is a war with him, but at the same time am a little afriad that Sparta will start digesting Yang and won't leave us any scraps.
I think Sparta needs our cash to help them speed thier actions against Yang (and us).
This being said I am very reluctant to enter into any deal that helps Sparta. I'm almost at the point where if they offered to give us everything we are asking for in my posts to them I would find a way of not treatying.
How does this sound for a plan?
Continue to move our Gator Boats south with the hope of meeting the other factions;
Load up the transport for another tech acquision from Uni; and
Prepare to Gator probe tech from Yang from a more southern base (this will help us in that once (hopefully it survives with a morale upgrade) our Gator does the action it will return home and the more northern cities will not have sevurity interlocks yet, making future probe actions ther easier.
I have a couple of questions:
How much would it cost to probe Yang's cities and how long until we expect airpower?
With the vendetta on the hive i would still wait a bit. AI is not very good in spreading his units, so in a few turns all attack units should be near the spartan border, what is far away from us. BTW we should keep track of the hive losses vs the spartans. We can do that, dont we?
What will be our attitude vs the angels and gaians when we meet them. Their reseach should be behind, so are we trading then or something like "u can chose between a treaty or a vendetta, your choice". If the gaians have much native units, that can be a problem.
I think we should paint the spartans as the most dangerous faction on the planet.
another thing: what will be the chance that sparta is gonna probe our cash reserves away?
greetz, SafaN