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2147 End Turn and 2148 Discussion

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  • 2147 End Turn and 2148 Discussion

    Current Status

    Pop 13
    Social Engineering
    frontier, planned, wealth, none

    Pop 60
    police state, planned, survival, none

    Data Angels
    Pop 17
    frontier, planned, wealth, none

    Pop 19
    frontier, planned, survival, none

    Pop 31
    frontier, free market, wealth, none
    Cash on Hand 63 (owe 13 to Sparta) = 50 available

    Adaptive Economics
    Every 5 years, 3 years to go.

    Tech Cost 276, Accum 114, Per turn 60

    Net Income 63 (prior to stockpile bug and share to Sparta)

    Income from Commerce 10
    We owe Sparta 5 for Profit shaing and 8 for tech purchase (total 13) this turn.

    Military Situation
    I can't see any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).

    Military Suggestions

    This is a very busy turn. Where are we going to move the new rovers and probe team?

    Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.

    Other Thoughts/Concerns

    This can be a very busy turn.

    1. We have 5 CPs built

    2. As previously agreed I moved the trans foil west (afterloading the Probe team on it.

    3. Do we establish a base this turn with the CP east of SSR? We could move the Vander Eud supported scout onto the river fungus square and then next turn move the CP through that square and down the river over the next two turns. Although I kind of would like to do this I think establishing the base, now and then moving CP own the river in 4 turns is better.

    4. I moved the probe foil further out of RFR. I followed th same route the Spartans took in (hoping to minimize the chance of meeting native life forms).

    5. I moved the probe foil east out of Vander Eud.

    Possible Rushes this Turn
    There's a lot of them. We have 50 available ECs after paying Sparta. How many do we want to spend and how many do we want to rush?

    We need to send 13 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty and installment purchase.

    Money Valley (3) - SC 31 - 8 (4 min) = 23
    Morg. Vul. (2) - SC 22 - 10 (5 min) = 12
    RFR (2) - Synth Rover 62 - 12 (6 min) = 50
    SSR (3) - SC 25 - 8 (4 min) = 17
    Whohabitat (3) - SC 28 - 10 (5 min) = 18
    ZZT (2) Synth Rover 50 - 14 (7 min) = 36

    I'm thinking SC's in Morg Vul, SSR, and Whohabitat for 47 ECs, leaving 3 ECs left over for next turn.

    I am attaching the saved turn I downloaded.

    I rushed nothing and moved nothing other than the trans foil and the Gator Boats. I gave no orders to any formers (except a road command to the southern former so it would finish the road this turn, it did).

    Note, we could build the base near the choke point this turn, but I don't think we can construct a sensor there before its built unless we want until next turn to establish the base.

    Also Note,

    The Data Angels started to build the Virtual World this turn. Is this a misdirect? Nothing would please me more than if they chose to build the Virtual World with their crawlers. I think they are trying to misdirect us.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    They build the VW in the minigame, too. Of course, this means nothing at all...


    • #3
      This turn we should rush any crawlers in cities we've decided to use that are 3 crawler turns away from where we are going to build the PEG (I think the decided city is Scorpi Ski Resort).

      As for the probe teams, if we have any idle 1 move probe teams, put at least one in a coastal city, prefebly the cities in the east to defend against infiltration.


      • #4
        SC's are completing at Whohabitat (3 turns away-- good point arginine), Money V and Mor Vul. Next turn, Mor Ind, Imp Pol, and SSR can rush SC's. That'll be all we need for PEG in 2150. *crosses fingers*

        Next turn, Democracy vs. 40% psych...

        Democracy would save about 39 energy/turn, but lose 16 mins/turn. Also, 40% might not be enough psych at periphery bases, so it might end up being 50%, which might lose another 16 energy/turn vs. Democracy.

        I recommend Demo right after founding four bases next turn. That way, we get the 10 starting mins before switching to Demo.
        Attached Files
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


        • #5
          I renamed Morgan Aero to Chaunk Curry Co., in honor of our returning CEO. For short, C3 or CCC.
          Attached Files
          "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


          • #6
            The transport and probe are heading toward the conjectured AI continent to the west...
            Attached Files
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              The two 'Gator boats are head to the east to seek out the other teams...
              Attached Files
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • #8
                Chaunk, if you could look over the end-turn file, that would be great. It would help check for mistakes/omissions, and it might help get you up to speed so you can take over soon.

                I did send 13 ec's to Sparta.
                "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                • #9
                  Looked at the turn, I think I'm starting to get back into the game :S

                  Why is City of ZZT producing a second synth rover though? I'd much prefer a former there, we don't want to eat up all out min production. Also, the former could (Should!) make a shorter road connection between Morgan Mussels and City of ZZT so that one synth rover can cover CCC, MorMus and ZZT. With a couple of probes in MorInd and a small cash reserve we could then count our western coast reasonably safe I think.

                  Our probe by the Buster ocean landmark should dive into the fungus next turn. It's too close to land to be left in the open ocean. The spartans would have a hissy fit if they thought we had a probe that close to their land. Can we send the other probe in a more southerly direction, to see if we can infiltrate the hive?

                  The two colony pods by Whohabitat are headed to (22,22) and (25,23) right? Or are we planning on making a base under the armoured probe location? Was just wondering why one of the CP's headed off the road is all...

                  Why have we farmed to a 3 nut square by MorMus and we're not using it? I'd be inclined to change production to a crawler for that three nuts/turn at MorMus before the Colony Pod.

                  We also need to select at least one base for a serious min focus, in order to force a pop at some point, but also as a military production centre. MorMus is surrounded by lots of lovely forest, so I'd be inclined to chose it to start off with. Scorpi ski resort or Money valley would both be great for a secondary base, as they've got lots of 2 min squares now, as well as lots of rockies that could be mined.
                  Play hangman.


                  • #10
                    I would have greatly prefered sending one of the litigation foils south the get contact with a southern human :P I guess the transport can be put to that task once we meet an AI on the island. Infiltration data on the Federation will be very nice

                    I'd prefer to use our cheaper lawyers on Yang.

                    Demo once we plant the four cities would nice. I would still like to go for clean and buy/steal weapons tech from another faction.


                    • #11
                      Is that boil near our foil in the west going to attack the foil?



                      • #12

                        The rover at ZZT was to double up defenders at Mussels. There's already a scout and synth rover there, though, so that could probably be switched to a former, as you suggested.

                        The CP that just left the road is ready to form a base next turn. The other one is headed for the chokepoint with the armored defense attorney (probe). We have formers to clear the fungus. We could put a sensor on that spot, too, or just put one or two near the base instead of under it.

                        The 3-nut square near Mussels was to prevent it from starving down to size two just after building PTS. That was before we decided to have it build CP's, get it down to size one, and start on gunships. The CP coming out of there in a few turns might still need that square, though-- it's going two squares away, where that sensor is being built.

                        A mineral base for forcing a pop is a great idea. If we get Eco Eng any time soon, a base near volcano mines would easily out-mineral any forested areas. Even without Eco Eng, the volcano still has more available 2-min squares.

                        With those responses, are you prepared to make a change or two and post the turn for the Spartans, or do you want me to?


                        If the connection between the northeast and the hive is the same as ours (a land bridge passable both by land and sea units), then the second probe has the option of heading for a hive base, or continuing to the conjectured southeastern landmass. We could possibly build another ship (gunship or gator boat) at Mussels (after it finishes its CP) to head directly South.


                        It might. Cross your fingers.
                        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                        • #13
                          If I remember the map correctly, I think the Spartans share a wider land bridge with the HIVE than we do (and thus might worry them more than us).

                          As for Hive infiltration, I'd still rather use a cheap land based probe team since one of their cities is 8 squares away.


                          • #14
                            Sure, I'll make the changes and post the turn in the next few minutes.
                            Play hangman.


                            • #15
                              I can't post the turn without a reload warning since I already loaded yoda's end of turn save previously. I've attatched my end turn here, and my turn to the Spartans in my next post, but it would be better if we could post it with no reload warning.

                              We have around 9 hours left to post the turn, so I'll hold off on posting my turn til later.

                              jtsisyoda, if you can make the changes and post the turn before then without a reload warning, then please do so. Otherwise, I'll post it before our time runs out.
                              Attached Files
                              Play hangman.

