Current Status
Pop 14
Social Engineering
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 57
police state, planned, survival, none
Data Angels
Pop 16
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 19
frontier, planned, survival, none
Pop 31
frontier, free market, wealth, none
Cash on Hand 72 (owe 13 to Sparta) = 59 available
Social Psych
Every 5 years, 3 years to go.
Tech Cost 276, Accum 109, Per turn 60
Net Income 56 (prior to stockpile bug and share to Sparta)
Income from Commerce 10
We owe Sparta 5 for Profit shaing and 8 for tech purchase (total 13) this turn.
Military Situation
I can't see the any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).
Military Suggestions
This is a very busy turn. Where are we going to move the new rovers and probe team?
Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.
Keep a certain amount of cash on hand so that we can probe any enemy units that invade our territory.
Other Thoughts/Concerns
This can be a very busy turn.
1. We have 4 CPs built
2. Do we move the probe from Morgan Aero onto the trans foil in the fungus outside of Morgan Mussels (because this was previously agreed I moved the trans foil there)? I did not move the probe team because we have not yet decided what to do with it.
3. Do we establish a base this turn with the CP east of SSR? We could move the Vander Eud supported scout onto the river fungus square and then next turn move the CP through that square and down the river over the next two turns. Although I kind of would like to do this I think establishing the base, now and then moving CP own the river in 4 turns is better.
4. I moved the probe foil out of RFR and it should make the open sea next turn.
5. What are we going to do with all of the remaining units we have?
Possible Rushes this Turn
There's a lot of them. We have 59 available ECs after paying Sparta. How many do we want to spend and how many do we want to rush?
We need to send 13 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty and installment purchase.
Money Valley (4) - SC 44 - 8 (4 min) = 36
Morg. Ind. (2) - Probe Team 31 - 12 (6 min) =19
Morg. Vul. (3) - SC 37 - 10 (5 min) = 27
SSR (4) - SC 37 - 8 (4 min) = 29
Vander Eud. (3) Gator Boat 41 - 12 (if worker is moved from 1,1,1 square to 0,2,2 square, 6 mins) = 29 (or 31 if worke stays at 1,1,1 square)
Whohabitat (4) - SC 44 - 10 (5 min) = 34
I'm thinking rush the Gator Boat and the Probe at Morgan Ind. This would leave us 9 ECs let over.
I am attaching the saved turn I did.
I rushed nothing and moved nothing other than the trans foil and the Gator Boat. I gave no orders to any formers.
Pop 14
Social Engineering
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 57
police state, planned, survival, none
Data Angels
Pop 16
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 19
frontier, planned, survival, none
Pop 31
frontier, free market, wealth, none
Cash on Hand 72 (owe 13 to Sparta) = 59 available
Social Psych
Every 5 years, 3 years to go.
Tech Cost 276, Accum 109, Per turn 60
Net Income 56 (prior to stockpile bug and share to Sparta)
Income from Commerce 10
We owe Sparta 5 for Profit shaing and 8 for tech purchase (total 13) this turn.
Military Situation
I can't see the any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).
Military Suggestions
This is a very busy turn. Where are we going to move the new rovers and probe team?
Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.
Keep a certain amount of cash on hand so that we can probe any enemy units that invade our territory.
Other Thoughts/Concerns
This can be a very busy turn.
1. We have 4 CPs built
2. Do we move the probe from Morgan Aero onto the trans foil in the fungus outside of Morgan Mussels (because this was previously agreed I moved the trans foil there)? I did not move the probe team because we have not yet decided what to do with it.
3. Do we establish a base this turn with the CP east of SSR? We could move the Vander Eud supported scout onto the river fungus square and then next turn move the CP through that square and down the river over the next two turns. Although I kind of would like to do this I think establishing the base, now and then moving CP own the river in 4 turns is better.
4. I moved the probe foil out of RFR and it should make the open sea next turn.
5. What are we going to do with all of the remaining units we have?
Possible Rushes this Turn
There's a lot of them. We have 59 available ECs after paying Sparta. How many do we want to spend and how many do we want to rush?
We need to send 13 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty and installment purchase.
Money Valley (4) - SC 44 - 8 (4 min) = 36
Morg. Ind. (2) - Probe Team 31 - 12 (6 min) =19
Morg. Vul. (3) - SC 37 - 10 (5 min) = 27
SSR (4) - SC 37 - 8 (4 min) = 29
Vander Eud. (3) Gator Boat 41 - 12 (if worker is moved from 1,1,1 square to 0,2,2 square, 6 mins) = 29 (or 31 if worke stays at 1,1,1 square)
Whohabitat (4) - SC 44 - 10 (5 min) = 34
I'm thinking rush the Gator Boat and the Probe at Morgan Ind. This would leave us 9 ECs let over.
I am attaching the saved turn I did.
I rushed nothing and moved nothing other than the trans foil and the Gator Boat. I gave no orders to any formers.