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2146 End Turn and 2147 Discussion

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  • 2146 End Turn and 2147 Discussion

    Current Status

    Pop 14
    Social Engineering
    frontier, planned, wealth, none

    Pop 57
    police state, planned, survival, none

    Data Angels
    Pop 16
    frontier, planned, wealth, none

    Pop 19
    frontier, planned, survival, none

    Pop 31
    frontier, free market, wealth, none
    Cash on Hand 72 (owe 13 to Sparta) = 59 available


    Social Psych
    Every 5 years, 3 years to go.

    Tech Cost 276, Accum 109, Per turn 60

    Net Income 56 (prior to stockpile bug and share to Sparta)

    Income from Commerce 10
    We owe Sparta 5 for Profit shaing and 8 for tech purchase (total 13) this turn.

    Military Situation
    I can't see the any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).

    Military Suggestions

    This is a very busy turn. Where are we going to move the new rovers and probe team?

    Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.

    Keep a certain amount of cash on hand so that we can probe any enemy units that invade our territory.

    Other Thoughts/Concerns

    This can be a very busy turn.

    1. We have 4 CPs built

    2. Do we move the probe from Morgan Aero onto the trans foil in the fungus outside of Morgan Mussels (because this was previously agreed I moved the trans foil there)? I did not move the probe team because we have not yet decided what to do with it.

    3. Do we establish a base this turn with the CP east of SSR? We could move the Vander Eud supported scout onto the river fungus square and then next turn move the CP through that square and down the river over the next two turns. Although I kind of would like to do this I think establishing the base, now and then moving CP own the river in 4 turns is better.

    4. I moved the probe foil out of RFR and it should make the open sea next turn.

    5. What are we going to do with all of the remaining units we have?

    Possible Rushes this Turn
    There's a lot of them. We have 59 available ECs after paying Sparta. How many do we want to spend and how many do we want to rush?

    We need to send 13 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty and installment purchase.

    Money Valley (4) - SC 44 - 8 (4 min) = 36
    Morg. Ind. (2) - Probe Team 31 - 12 (6 min) =19
    Morg. Vul. (3) - SC 37 - 10 (5 min) = 27
    SSR (4) - SC 37 - 8 (4 min) = 29
    Vander Eud. (3) Gator Boat 41 - 12 (if worker is moved from 1,1,1 square to 0,2,2 square, 6 mins) = 29 (or 31 if worke stays at 1,1,1 square)
    Whohabitat (4) - SC 44 - 10 (5 min) = 34

    I'm thinking rush the Gator Boat and the Probe at Morgan Ind. This would leave us 9 ECs let over.

    I am attaching the saved turn I did.

    I rushed nothing and moved nothing other than the trans foil and the Gator Boat. I gave no orders to any formers.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    I would be more concerned about losing the PEG than a Spartan invasion, speaking of which, LETS SWITCH TO ADAPT ECO! We could get adapt eco in 3 turns if we went at 50% labs for 3 turns, and got a little extra research. Right now I find 4 turns feasible, so we could get away with 40% labs, with maybe a little bit of extra research in the later turns.

    The Gaians have Gene Splicing and doc mobility.
    The Angels have Progenitor Psych.
    Neither has Ethic Calc.

    The Spartans have all our techs but biogenics and prog psych.

    If we had ****loads of money we could start the PEG 3 turns from now, but we'll probably be able to do it in 4 turns. Note that I am not factoring the effects of any new bases.

    I would restrict rushing to crawlers needed to get the PEG. I would rush by rushing the needed crawlers 3 turns away from the base we build it in (I vote for Scorpi Ski Resort.), then next turns, the bases 2 turns away then turn after that the remaining bases.

    Mead, you made a mistake. We don't have 4 CPs, we have 5 In several turns Mead? Mussels will make another CP. I would prefer all (or most) of the 5 CPs to be built on the same turn, and then we switch to demo to avoid drones.

    Therefore, before we do this turn I STRONGLY RECOMMEND we agree on where we place these new bases. I have proposed where to place them earlier in the city planning thread. If there are proposals for different base placements, especially since my proposed base spacing is very ICSish, please post them ASAP so we can agree and then take this turn.

    The CP in the east is in range of a rainy square, so we could deploy it shortly.

    I would have formers go forest and roads. I would put the probe team on the transport and move the gator foil out. I have no opinion on the military except for the probe team to go in the foil, the foil and the gator boat.
    Last edited by arginine; November 7, 2004, 01:58.


    • #3
      Originally posted by arginine
      I would be more concerned about losing the PEG than a Spartan invasion, speaking of which, LETS SWITCH TO ADAPT ECO! We could get adapt eco in 3 turns if we went at 50% labs for 3 turns, and got a little extra research. Right now I find 4 turns feasible, so we could get away with 40% labs, with maybe a little bit of extra research in the later turns.
      Is that all the tech we need for PEG?


      I would restrict rushing to crawlers needed to get the PEG. I would rush by rushing the needed crawlers 3 turns away from the base we build it in (I vote for Scorpi Ski Resort.), then next turns, the bases 2 turns away then turn after that the remaining bases.
      How many crawlers do we need in addition to the 'half SP on wheels'?

      Mead, you made a mistake. We don't have 4 CPs, we have 5
      Whoops, there's just so many of them it was easy to lose track of all them.

      In several turns Mead? Mussels will make another CP. I would prefer all (or most) of the 5 CPs to be built on the same turn, and then we switch to demo to avoid drones.

      Therefore, before we do this turn I STRONGLY RECOMMEND we agree on where we place these new bases. I have proposed where to place them earlier in the city planning thread. If there are proposals for different base placements, especially since my proposed base spacing is very ICSish, please post them ASAP so we can agree and then take this turn.

      The CP in the east is in range of a rainy square, so we could deploy it shortly.
      I have no problem with ICSing. I would like to push one CP east as far east as fast as we can to ensure we claim all that land. Deploying the eastern CP where it is right now, this turn is OK with me. I would also like to push one CP south to the chokepoint.

      I would have formers go forest and roads. I would put the probe team on the transport and move the gator foil out. I have no opinion on the military except for the probe team to go in the foil, the foil and the gator boat.
      I want the 2nd Gator boat rushed to double our exploring and meeting (infiltrating) chances next turn.

      I wanted to rush the Morgan Insdustries probe, not only to ensure we have some defenses next turn, but also to cheaply free up the build que for a crawler (plus the stockpile bonus).



      • #4
        Is it legal to have someone else open the turn, just to see what techs would be available if we switched?

        I think this info is available with the MM tech spreadsheet, but not everybody has the software to use it. I don't have Excel.
        Last edited by jtsisyoda; November 7, 2004, 14:47.
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


        • #5
          Originally posted by jtsisyoda
          Is it legal to have someone else open the turn, just to see what techs would be available if we switched?
          I didn't choose any tech when I opened the turn. It was already chosen last turn.

          The turn I posted in our forum is not the finished turn.

          It is awaiting our decisions, then your playing and posting. You should be able to to look at the tech choices.

          Oh, I see what your asking, you want to know if we can do a tech change and see hat is available.

          If we do the tech change and Adapt Eco is no availabl hen we just lost half our tech for no benefit.

          Drouge has held in the past that if a practice is not probited by the rules then it is allowed. This is kind of like diplomacy. I think that we should be able to do it.

          Just to be on the safe side, I think we should ask Drouge first.



          • #6
            I PM'd Drogue and Method about it. I rechecked the rules, and it's not clear to me. Parallel turns are not allowed, but the question is, is this "playing the turn" or more like checking AI diplo options?
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              I started from Mead's save, but haven't finished. Waiting on the tech ruling and any more input on movement or base sites. I made some base suggestions in the last turn tracking thread... check those out.
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • #8
                Sticking a base 1 square north of the eastmost CP will put every square on our peninsula within 5 squares of one of our bases (based on the guessed landmass). If we still have unclaimed territory in the east, we could stick a base 2 squares NE of that. We could also stick another base east or west of the synth defense team to grab a little real estate from Yang. Mostly it will make for a 'fortress' base due to its strategic location.

                As for military units, I want the probe ship to head directly south to meet the human player south of us (whom we might be able to quickly infiltrate . The transport will go west to meet the AIs. I have no opinion on our defensive units this turn.
                Last edited by arginine; November 7, 2004, 17:29.


                • #9
                  From a post from jtsisyoda during last turn's discussion.

                  "We can probably go with Democracy in 2148 -- found three bases that turn: (24,22), (29,3), and (35,5). Chokepoint base can be founded in 2149 or 2150. (I flubbed the terraforming and lost two former turns.) Also, (23,11) (arginine's suggestion, I believe) and (22,6) seem like good candidates after that."

                  I have to open up the game from my computer that is packed up to look up the coordinates. I don't know where (24,22), (29,3) or other coordinates refer to.Could we use landmarks to locate stuff, or give the coordinates of a city on the map to use as a reference?
                  Last edited by arginine; November 7, 2004, 17:32.


                  • #10
                    Still trying to catch up with Strategy, but trying to help in other ways : o)

                    Hope this helps.

                    Edit: Ok, little help. How do I post images?
                    Last edited by gerikes; November 7, 2004, 19:26.


                    • #11
                      Click on the botton 'post reply' below the last message in the thread, its on the right hand side to get to the regular reply screen (I'm putting this in just to make sure). One of the buttons above the new message is IMG. Click on it. A box should come up giving you the option to put in a pathway of where the image is at. Select the image you want. Then post, and the image should show up.
                      Last edited by arginine; November 7, 2004, 19:48.


                      • #12
                        Ok, we'll try this again. :P

                        Last edited by gerikes; November 7, 2004, 20:29.


                        • #13
                          well, I couldn't get mine to show, heh heh heh.

                          I can see the link. Good. Thanks.


                          • #14
                            in order to display the image, you should insert html tags instead of [ IMG ]...

                            < a href=" http://...../...JPG " > < / a >
                            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                            Let me eat your yummy brain!
                            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jtsisyoda
                              I PM'd Drogue and Method about it. I rechecked the rules, and it's not clear to me. Parallel turns are not allowed, but the question is, is this "playing the turn" or more like checking AI diplo options?
                              Let us know as soon as you find out the answer from Drogue or Method. If you get the go ahead I'll check it out from the turn I have on my machine. I should check back on poly about 2 hours from this post to see if you found out.

                              Actually, it would be faster if Drogue or Method would post here.

                              If I'm not available, and someone else is, then I would be happy if someone else could check this out for jtisyoda.



                              Although I usually don't like changing my objective (research or otherwise), I agree that if we can change to Adaptive Eco (and if that is what we need for the PEG) then we should. I guess this in large part due to the PEG being are actual objective (that we couldn't reseach this time because Adaptieve Eco was not initally offered to us).

