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2143 End Turn and 2144 Discussion

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  • #16
    From alphax.txt

    flags = Special tech flags
    ; 000000001 = "Secrets": first discoverer gains free tech
    ; 000000010 = Improves Probe Team success rate
    ; 000000100 = Increases commerce income
    ; 000001000 = Reveals map
    ; 000010000 = Allows gene warfare atrocity
    ; 000100000 = Increases intrinsic defense against gene warfare
    ; 001000000 = Increases ENERGY production in fungus
    ; 010000000 = Increases MINERALS production in fungus
    ; 100000000 = Increases NUTRIENT production in fungus

    Industrial Economics, IndEcon, 0, 0, 5, 2, Indust, None, 000000100
    Industrial Automation, IndAuto, 0, 1, 4, 3, IndEcon, PlaNets, 000000100


    • #17
      Hold off on IA there, methinks.
      Give them adaptive instead, after we snag PEG.

      -- CTO #endgame
      #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

      Quantum P. is a champion:


      • #18
        Originally posted by #endgame
        Hold off on IA there, methinks.
        Give them adaptive instead, after we snag PEG.

        -- CTO #endgame
        Who else can they get it from?

        And how soon do you think that they might get it anyway?

        We might wish to wait, if we can, until after we meet some other factions (to see if we can get some military techs) before we make the trade.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Whoha
          I looked at the save, They do not have ind econ or IA, we should trade them both.
          I thought they DID have IA last turn, at least I remember someone saying they did. It was a speculated Gaian-Spartan trade of IA for doc: mob.

          A side question, do either the gaians or angels have flex: mob? I wonder what the other two factions have been up to.

          I don't think adaptive increases commerce (it IS on the way to planetary economics)


          • #20
            They dont have industrial economics, I checked that.

            In any event, they are getting a hellishly good deal here. They didn't invest any of their research credits in commerce enhancing techs, and aren't running any econ +'s, didn't lose the ability to explore,and have until this point been building units in all likely hood, and are getting 1/2 of our total credits. We gotta alter this deal in 5 turns.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Whoha
              They dont have industrial economics, I checked that.

              In any event, they are getting a hellishly good deal here. They didn't invest any of their research credits in commerce enhancing techs, and aren't running any econ +'s, didn't lose the ability to explore,and have until this point been building units in all likely hood, and are getting 1/2 of our total credits. We gotta alter this deal in 5 turns.



              • #22
                1) Those commerce enhancing techs are on the way to IA.
                2) We are also getting +4 energy per base square by running FM/wealth. That is a pretty significant sum with all our bases.
                3) We are getting some exploration data in addition. True it's not worth much, but they are only getting 5 ECs a turn. The unit's upkeep cost is 1 min~2 energy / turn.
                4) We would be recieving 0 ECs instead of the 5 EC a turn if we had no deal. I expect the other humans to be aggressive negotiators.

                When there is more commerce (and they are getting more money from us), we can reasonably ask for more freebies.


                • #23
                  I've DL'd Mead's mid-turn and will finish it in the next couple hours.
                  "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                  • #24
                    The Spartans have IA but no IndEcon.

                    Since we will get the PTS next turn, things will change dramatically all across the board - our population will nearly TRIPLE and so will our energy and mineral output, our research points and our cash at least DOUBLE, if you think about psych/doctors or inefficiency.

                    And apart from that, we will look mighty on the power graph which can be a good or a bad thing.


                    • #25
                      I had finished the turn myself, but since jtsisyoda is the official turn player I will not post it. I didn't do anything important, it was just changing around what was being built.

                      To move from 12 to 18 bases, we will need 6 CPs. This will give us the opportunity to make 3 1 pop military "support" cities. Those would be the only things we rush for a while (except for the last 4 minerals which only cost 2 EC apiece)

                      I would make Morgan Mussels, Morgan Vulcanology and either RFR (my personal preference) for its sea access, Whohabitat or Money Valley support cities, as all their land can be used by other cities. With another coastal support city, we can send out cheap foils for exploration, or easily mount a defensive navy. I would prefer a support city on the coast facing spartan territory, but we have none.

                      Anywho, I figured we should have 3 2 move probe teams (for offensive action), 3-4 def 1 move probe teams (against infiltration). The remaining cities should go formers or crawlers.

                      We should do some city planning before we plop down the next round of cities.

                      PS Sparta has a pop of 15, not 10 this turn.
                      Last edited by arginine; October 19, 2004, 02:04.


                      • #26
                        I forgot screenshots... maybe somebody else can do those?

                        I rushed two CP's, which will happen after PTS pop growth. Our scouts need to find base sites ASAP.

                        I did some calculations... I wanted to see if it would be lucrative to do pod-booming. If some bases built a bunch of CP's, until pop goes to zero, and refound the base at size 3 again... we could send a bunch of CP's to the HQ with the node, for an SSC. Unfortunately, at this stage, it takes quite a few rows to produce all that population, plus the crawlers for food and the hab complex. So, it's more profitable at this stage to build rec tanks or crawlers. But I still recommend some defenses... synth rovers and probes.
                        Attached Files
                        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                        • #27


                          PS Sparta has a pop of 15, not 10 this turn.
                          Whoops. He's right.

                          I'll fix it in my initial post.



                          • #28
                            Did we send the 4 ECs to the Spartans?



                            • #29
                              Yes, 4 ec's.
                              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                              • #30
                                I'll be unavailable for approximately 24 hours.
                                "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle

