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2132 End Turn and 2133 Discussion

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  • 2132 End Turn and 2133 Discussion

    I pulled down the turn and took a look.

    We have 56 ECs.

    The MW went southeast towards SSR. SSR is undefended. Do you think it will appraoch it one more turn and attack in two turns. Or rather do you think it will attack Money Valley this turn (it can be cause of the fungus)?

    We have enough cash to rush 2 crawlers. I think we should.

    Tech Cost 170
    Tech Accum 130
    Tech Turn 35

    We need 40 labs to get mobility next turn. Currently we are producing 35/turn. We can adjust our crawlers to give us the extra 5 labs. This will cost us some mineral production.
    Initially, I thought we should rearrange the crawlers to gives us the tech faster. But, on second thought, I realize that getting mobility one turn earlier doesn't do us all that much good because it, by itself, will not give us probe foils. We need the need tech after (Flex) that to get foils. I think the additional minerals beget more crawlers faster, which beget more minerals/crawlers/ECs faster, and so on.

    Last edited by arginine; August 31, 2004, 00:37.

  • #2
    disregard this post
    Last edited by arginine; August 31, 2004, 00:38.


    • #3
      Originally posted by arginine
      I'd prefer to adjust our social engineering before adjusting the crawlers. 2 energy = 1 mineral.
      I adjusted the sliders several times to see how that would affect the lab points. No matter how you move them this turn will not get 40 labs without adjusting the crwalers.

      Revealing details from exploring from the unofficial turn is prohibited. I know, cause I accidentally did it.
      I have not moved anything. I'm only reporting what I see when I open the turn. I'll let the official turnplayer move the units.



      Let me clarify if I was not clear in my initial post. I suggest we concentrate on mineral/crawler production for this turn. The DA are running wealth and that makes me think that they are prepping for the SP instabuild rush. Unless they have some good mineral specials, we should be in good shape so long as we can maintain our emphasis on crawlers.


      • #4
        I should have read your post more carefully. My apologies.


        • #5
          Here's the end turn save, although some adjustments could be made if people have improvements.
          Attached Files
          "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


          • #6
            Note the fungal tower in the North...
            Attached Files
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              Next builds:

              Mor Ind - SC
              Imp Pol - CP
              Mor Vul - Scout then CP
              RFR - CP
              Money V - CP
              SSR - Scout or CP
              ZZT - SC?

              Just before completing its CP (in five years or so), RFR's SC can get two nutrients for one turn... this will allow it to assign two doctors without starving.

              We could complete HGP as early as 2135. The general plan was to keep the SC's around for a while to speed CP production. We might want to rethink that, considering the Angels could build it soon if they're researching Biogen.


              G: 10
              H: 33
              A: 9
              M: 8
              S: 9

              The F4 build screen:
              Attached Files
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • #8
                There are three formers just west of Mor Ind. They'll build a road one square west, then two squares north, then one square NW.

                The NW former can road straight north of where it is now.

                The former near Money V is doing a forest, which will be 3 squares away from Imp Pol.

                The MW may beat our scout. In that case, the scout coming out of Mor Ind can head to Money V. Mor Vul will finish its scout just in time to garrison SSR if the MW heads there.


                One more thing... I switched Mor Vul to the 1-2-2 square to squeeze a few more minerals out. Since its CP won't be done for a while, it does no good to be at size 2 right now.
                "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                • #9
                  Well, the tower explains the fungus on the potential basesite...

                  -- CTO #endgame
                  #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                  Quantum P. is a champion:


                  • #10
                    Hmm... Another thing to consider... I may or may not have set the sliders to 60% econ / 40% labs. This would lose about four energy to inefficiency and not fully utilizing the node. However, it prevents the loss of 6 labs to truncation when we discover Mobility. So 60/40 is probably worth it. My intention was to do this only one or two turns, to minimize losses from the truncation.
                    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                    • #11
                      i agree: at this moment tech rate can be slower to ensure the SPs are build: we need cash to hurry the crawlers, and to upgrade them
                      2135 for HGP is good, then we should focus on PTS 'cause the angels can build that project as well

                      at the moment i think minerals are more important then nuts, and ec's more important then tech

                      we should also consider what to do with that tower, attacking without empath will be costly; but we cant let it be there to. In the manual is written that the tower only produces mw if all 8 squares are filled with fungus, so mayb we can spare a former to clean up?

                      I usualy have the habit of not leaving my bases to increase defense succes rate, i know garrissons are not that important now, but imagine a mindworm rush from the gaians or so. I believe we should build vertically until we have the two SPs.

                      just my opionion



                      • #12
                        Sliders set to 60/40, and turn posted for the Spartans. We should go back to 50/50 next turn-- there will be no lab truncation if we do that. Thanks for pointing out the lab situation, Mead.
                        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't have put the scout next to the MW. I think it will just get killed. Sure, the MW might move and attack in the same turn, but it would suffer a penalty. If MW get a penalty for attacking bases in the first 50 years, then lets use it.

                          As for the tower, we don't have to social settings or military to defeat it. Our morale is -25%, and FM gives us a -30% psi attack. I'd plop a sensor where the former is building a forest to watch the tower for now.


                          • #14
                            I couldn't cover SSR and Money V without losing a whole bunch of minerals, or losing more than a few former turns. I put the scout out there to delay the MW, so reinforcements from Mor Vul and Mor Ind could arrive in time. The MW is already injured. I forget-- does terrain help against MW's? I know if either unit is in fungus, it's good for the worm, bad for us, but I was hoping the rockiness of that square would help.
                            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle

