Yeah, the year where SP's are built depends on if you had extra CP's at the start, how good the terrain is, whether people have trouble with neighbors, etc. The 2130's might be as good an average as any.
WP is pretty cool. With WP, we'd have the option of skipping Eco Eng and Env Eng in favor of DAP and/or Bio-Eng. With a condensor or two per base, you can pop-boom early (before Gene Splicing) and have lots of forest workers. This gives almost as many minerals and energy as having boreholes, but with less terraforming required. You can also have lots of specialists for making money or researching.
I think it's more than likely we'll be the first to IA. This basically guarantees us the first SP. Most of us posting so far seem to agree HGP is the best first SP for us. Because our expansion will be easier and faster than others, we'll have more resources available to build the next one. When you have ten bases and the other guy has eight, you have a huge advantage in getting the expensive SP's like PTS, VW, and PEG. It takes ten crawlers to build them, so four to six turns at each base and you're done. Doubling your mineral and energy production will increase that advantage even further. Once you double your production, you can produce more than twice as many crawlers (=SP's) as the others.
I predict we'll build the HGP pretty early, then our better expansion will allow us to build an expensive SP right around the time the others are building a cheap one (WP, CN, ME). If we make our second one PTS, we'll be so strong, we can beat them all to VW. (If they made a concerted effort for VW, there will be a cheap one still available.) Then we can get PEG easily because the others will take a while to get the tech. (Especially if they're half our size.
WP is pretty cool. With WP, we'd have the option of skipping Eco Eng and Env Eng in favor of DAP and/or Bio-Eng. With a condensor or two per base, you can pop-boom early (before Gene Splicing) and have lots of forest workers. This gives almost as many minerals and energy as having boreholes, but with less terraforming required. You can also have lots of specialists for making money or researching.
I think it's more than likely we'll be the first to IA. This basically guarantees us the first SP. Most of us posting so far seem to agree HGP is the best first SP for us. Because our expansion will be easier and faster than others, we'll have more resources available to build the next one. When you have ten bases and the other guy has eight, you have a huge advantage in getting the expensive SP's like PTS, VW, and PEG. It takes ten crawlers to build them, so four to six turns at each base and you're done. Doubling your mineral and energy production will increase that advantage even further. Once you double your production, you can produce more than twice as many crawlers (=SP's) as the others.
I predict we'll build the HGP pretty early, then our better expansion will allow us to build an expensive SP right around the time the others are building a cheap one (WP, CN, ME). If we make our second one PTS, we'll be so strong, we can beat them all to VW. (If they made a concerted effort for VW, there will be a cheap one still available.) Then we can get PEG easily because the others will take a while to get the tech. (Especially if they're half our size.
