A colony pod is a three row unit, whilst a former has only two rows. That means that after 10 minerals are in the box (Assuming +0 industry), the CP costs 60ec to rush fully, whilst the former only 25.
Cashing in the scout at exactly 10 mins gives 15 min in the box. The CP now costs 41 ec, whilst the former 13ec. The scout in the first case gains 20ec, whilst in the second 12 ec. The bigger difference is becuase in the first case we're on the second to last row and in the second the very last row. As the mineral cost formula is exponentially formed, it's better to disband the scout towards a unit with many more minerals to go than to one with few minerals to go.
I'd say that it's almost never worth cashing in a scout towards a former unless the former is way below the 10 mineral limit. In my above example at exactly 10 minerals, it'd probably be worth spending the extra 12 e.c. and cashing the scout in on the next turn to get closer to 10 min for example.
Cashing in the scout at exactly 10 mins gives 15 min in the box. The CP now costs 41 ec, whilst the former 13ec. The scout in the first case gains 20ec, whilst in the second 12 ec. The bigger difference is becuase in the first case we're on the second to last row and in the second the very last row. As the mineral cost formula is exponentially formed, it's better to disband the scout towards a unit with many more minerals to go than to one with few minerals to go.
I'd say that it's almost never worth cashing in a scout towards a former unless the former is way below the 10 mineral limit. In my above example at exactly 10 minerals, it'd probably be worth spending the extra 12 e.c. and cashing the scout in on the next turn to get closer to 10 min for example.