Raising land bridges is fairly easy, but not often desireable. Lowering them is pretty expensive, but could be worthwhile if we really needed it. However, that's pretty far off. Right now we're content to deal with the land.
No announcement yet.
Lordship of Development - volume II
Opened the turn, no messages and nothing unexpected. Both of our turnplayers are offline, but I am sure that turn will be played by the time I check the forum tommorow. If not, I am ready to help.
I trust all orders have been verified? I think scouts in New Muirland (my suggestion for the other continent) don't have accepted orders or it doesn't seem to me. We agreed about CP and formers I believe. Oh and MWs destiny is decided I would say.
SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
What do you mean, no messages? I opened the turn and had the commlink for Santiago pop up. Granted, nothing was offered and nothing was said, but it was still odd.
I'm to tired to figure out what the consensus on build orders is, and if we change everything next turn, we'll start to lose minerals. If no one plays it by the time I'm rested and have time (probably ~15 hours from now), I'll go ahead and play it, but I need to crash."Cutlery confused Stalin"
-BBC news
Spartan turnplayer probably just checked our status via info method so we got the popup - I am sure this is what happened.
Since nothing was offered there wasn't any messages except the popup.
Poll shows consensus in all but first two bases, FT and GL where there is a tie. I suggest it is decided immediately.SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
I trust our first URover shall pop NE pod first or not? In case MW appear it should spawn them outside fungus which would made them easier to kill.
Also, I believe we can hurry sth with money we have. Are we saving money, or shall we hurry a couple of formers?SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
It would be nice to hurry things, but nothing's ready to be hurried yet. Something should be ready next turn.
Oh yeah, how about healing the mind worm now, since we have a rover next to a pod, and the other pod is in rocky terrain and will need the coordination of both the rover and the mind worm?"Cutlery confused Stalin"
-BBC news
Heal MW: yes
It will take ~3 turns for healing it, I suppose, so the rover can explore a bit more to N - you see the border approaches..
Our next bases (after we solve the b-drone problem should really be placed in UF - it's a good position and not too far from our HQ, thus not losing much from the bonus energy to Inefficency
Btw - how are we going to solve the b-drone problem?
2nd rover should first pop the pod to NE, then to SW
And Sporelauncher should go to river, for that pod right the next turn (possibly there's some fungus down the river too)-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Future b-drone solution: rec commons.
Therefore, after IA (or before it if we cannot research it), we should get Social Psych.
We can start producing colony pods and breaching the b-limit before we actually get Social Psych, because we can tolerate the extra doctors. Alternatively, we can just spend the extra time pumping out supply crawlers, for harvesting, and to snag some SP."Cutlery confused Stalin"
-BBC news
More bases = more support = more formers (or other units).
More bases = more energy.
More bases = more centers of production.
Even when a new base starts with a bdrone we can built a scout for police to start. I think we keep building some new bases at all times. That nut. bonus tile in the UF might make a good "mother base" site.
Back from 3 days of travelling...
Um, wow! Nice pod popping!
As to expanding....I thought we were leaning towards production of probe teams for grabbing an SP and infiltrating our enemies? I have no problem with changing our long term strategies, but when people suggest a change in overall strategy, it should be discussed in context of previous plans, should it not?
For example:
'I suggest producing CP's in bases X,Y,Z because we will benefit slightly from the additional bases even with b-drones in our core because A,B,C. Additionally, this change in plans will seriously hinder our previous plan to focus entirely on building an SP. The SP plan 'is not as beneficial to our overall strategy as spamming a few bases for the following reasons....'
This strengthens the argument for change and is a curtosy to people like me who will inevitably bring up the old plans anyways, like this:
The benefits of producing a few more bases without drone control or crawlers are seriously compromised by the fact that we will not know which core bases will recieve the b-drones until they occur. These bases will have 0 workers and hence will be effectively paralyzed for production purposes until crawlers are donated to their production support. Additionally, this change in 20-year strategy will hinder our ability to build an early SP by denying us the additional probe teams for disbanding that will greatly speed such a project. Thirdly, creating an uncontrollable b-drone in any base will put that base at risk, should it be attacked in the 30 years of productionless doctoring it will have to endure.
Proposal: While we all wish for ICS, we are roadblocked by our inability to handle our drones to any great benefit. Thus, we should take this as an opportunity to maximize our production in other directions. The production of the Human Genome Project will alleviate our ICS-less-ness, deny such a project to our enemies, and allow our bases to make meaningful production contributions until such time as we either complete the project or have traded/stolen Social Psyche.
-SAldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game