*After going to planned go for IA with every lab point possible
*Forget the Hive, use transport+some unit to find which human factions is our neighbour to the west as soon as possible
*Discover NE and NW parts
*Formers, formers, formers and CPs
*One base to the NW, rest go for Uranium flats
*a garrison per base should be enough for now
BTW I support Smacksim's suggestion
*Forget the Hive, use transport+some unit to find which human factions is our neighbour to the west as soon as possible
*Discover NE and NW parts
*Formers, formers, formers and CPs
*One base to the NW, rest go for Uranium flats
*a garrison per base should be enough for now
BTW I support Smacksim's suggestion
