I don't see any evidence of a clean unit in production coming back from Gaians.
No announcement yet.
none of their bases produce it.did we send ours already?!
drop on that base says i
lets hurt the gaians and spartans as much as possible.that includes a full technology transmission to morganites imo and as much ec as we can scrap,send that too.if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it
''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''
I would be careful with accusations that Gaians betrayed us. That is true, it is possible, but let us not make any rapid judgements.
After Gaians got the turn, they could simply see Spartan forces near MP, and that we are under attack. For this reason they could wait with any decision.
We will probably find out if they betrayed us after the game. So let it be for now. Our present enemy is Spartans, and if they take over what we have now, even Gaians will be in serious trouble, so I do not think they would gain that much from betrayal, but anyway.
I have some idea. We are a toast a soon will be a pupet of Spartans, so let us make the most harm to them. This would include also aiding both Gaians and Morganities and possibility they would destroy Spartan war machine.
that is true.i just realized that.
the russian tactic is to hurt the other guy as much as possible without regard for self. its possible if we sacrifice it ALL we can repel this invasion. scrap,sacrifice crawlers,rush army. then MAYBE gaia\morgan will let us take a coop victory with themif you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it
''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''
except team victory is off. i guess we lose then
lets make sure S dosnt win tho,no matter what it takesif you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it
''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''
Just a thought, Spartan might not be able to take over EM in this turn. Maybe they were short in fighters or other units to kill our units in both MP, EM and at the same time reinforce them to the state we would not take them back. Therefore, since they maybe think, they could keep Enigm Machine in their posession, they stopped invasion. Maybe our last turn reinforcement in 3 air units made this problem for them. We had before much weaker garrison there, then they did not expect it maybe. We will know it probably long in the future, after the game is done.
We also had six units apart of probe teams there, so possibly Spartans lost a unit on the attack. Notice, that they destroyed also road on the borehole, I think by bombardmentLast edited by Mart; September 16, 2005, 02:27.
Project Mayhem
In 2188 Spartan Federation by sneak attack on Data Angels acquired most probably infiltration and a technology of Mind/Machine Interface.
Data Angels are expected to acquire Pre-Sentient Algorythms in 2189. I believe, that spartans will for sure attempt to infiltrate us once again in order to acquire this valuable technology leading to both Orbital Spaceflight as well as Fusion Power. Depending on the ruling, if Covert Ops Centers ensure immunity for probing there is possibility, Spartan will not be able to infiltrate us however
The Objective:
1) To prevent Spartan Federation from taking control over Secret Projects: Virtual World, Cyborg Factory and Hunter-Seeker Algorythm.
2) Make possible for Gaian Union and Morgan Industries to obtain Orbital Spaceflight and Fusion Power before Spartans.
3) In case of unfortunate for us ruling on probe rollover - To prevent Spartan Federation from acquiring Pre-Sentient Algorythms from Data Angels databanks.
In detail:
1) In order to prevent Spartan Federation from obtaining PSA, any base seriously endangered with Spartan infiltration must be obliterated. Before obliteration the most expensive facility will be recycled for energy. Therefore in the first round in 2188 coastal bases will be obliterated, that could possibly let in Spartan Forces:
- Mart Pact
- Timberland
- GeoMatrix
Also bases in the viscinity of landing Forces near MP:
- Kahlua Probing
- Kodycryptor
- Enigma Machine (having 2 important SP)
Bases that possibly might face Spartan drop units assault.
- Hercules station
- Heavens Gate
The remaining bases will ensure completion of PSA technology by setting appropriate number of thinkers. this will be adjusted during obliteration. Some of the bases mentioned above might be remained intact for this purpose.
2) Many roads that could ease Spartan forces advancement across Data Angels territory will be destroyed, mainly by formers and some military units.
3) For better maneuverability I propose to upgrade 11 police units to drop-militia for 220 EC. We can afford it. Many bases assigned for obliteration will easier to destruct.
4) Hunter-Seeker Algorythm is proposed to be completed in Fungal Heights, as this base at present seems to be most secure from infiltration. It is possible to gather in FH or near 10 crawlers and instabuild the SP in 2189.
5) All remaining bases apart from Fungal height will be obliterated in 2189. All remaining forces will ensure the base existence and security from Spartan Infiltration.
6) Technologies of Cyberethics and Pre-Sentient Algorythms are transferred to Gaian Union.
7) Fungal Heights is obliterated in 2190. All remaining forces are ordered to seek refuge in Gaian Union. All remaining technologies are transferred to Gaian Union
Anyway, whatever is the ruling pertaining to infiltrating our bases, I think we must obliterate EM for the sake of denying Spartans both SP. They are too good to be taken. They will boost any faction seriously, and we simply will not be able to keep the base. We might prolong takeover, but it is safe to do it now. The same with HSA. Let us do it in FH and destroy FH.
Reasign the b6 to another city before destroying MP.
Give the S a black eye and hope we have a next turn.
If we do have a next turn and it looks bleak then give all to M like said.
S maye get the land but not the knowlege.Last edited by ForesterSOF; September 16, 2005, 04:20.You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
There is a reason for everything.
I may have been wrong about the Gaians.
We must negotiate escape to Chiron Preserve.
We must discover PSA next turn to transfer to Gaians and perhaps let them build HSA. But just as important that will get them on the road to Fusion.
We probably should change to Knowledge so that we can still discover PSA even with the loss of some labs.
Steal Chaos Theory or Doc: ini from Yang and prepare to steal the whatever is left next turn by getting our other probe foil underway.Last edited by Hercules; September 16, 2005, 09:09.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation