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The Infotrader/Infiltrator Network - Diplomacy plug-in (II)

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  • Re Gaian Yes possibly but not for a while yet.

    Mart is updating the tech thread for all the factions I understand.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • Dear Data Angels Colleagues:

      The Junta has thought long and hard about the issue of the Ascetic Virtues SP, and have the following proposal to make:

      We will renew our commitment not to build the AV, and will facilitate your acquiring it through the following proposed deal:

      * The Federation will renew its undertaking not to build the AV
      * The Federation will transmit to the Data Angels the technologies of Cyberethics in 2171 and Planetary Economics in 2173

      in exchange for which

      * The Data Angels will transfer to the Federation the sum of 250 credits, 1/2 on receipt of Cyberethics and 1/2 on receipt of Planetary Economics
      * The Data Angels will switch their research to Mind Machine Interface, and transmit same to the Federation as soon as possible, but no later than the year it is researched
      * The Data Angels will not trannsmit the MMI technology to a 3rd party until advised by the Federation that the Cyborg Factory has been completed
      * The Data Angels will undertake not to build the Cyborg Factory SP
      * The Data Angels will acknowledge the right of the Federation to control all contact - however initiated - between the University and the Data Angels

      Codicil: However, should the Data Angels ever declare or maintain Vendetta with the Federation, then the Federation reserves the right to treat any or all prior deals as abrogated

      If we can agree on these headings, then we have a current turn deal that can be made. (we can hold the turn for another 24 hours


      I dont like this for it gives the Junta to much control over what/when how we do things.

      What could be research next is nice but we may again be pulled away from that and thus making having MMI useless.

      At the moment I do not see any equitable trades. Please Advise.
      Last edited by ForesterSOF; May 19, 2005, 00:45.
      You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
      There is a reason for everything.


      • Reply for the moment so they know of receipt of proposal.


        Thankyou for the offer.

        This new proposal is now in discussion mode.

        Like many things our decission will be forth comming.
        Last edited by ForesterSOF; May 19, 2005, 01:25.
        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
        There is a reason for everything.


        • I don't like it one bit.

          They need to be reminded of the fact that they already promised us that they wouldn't build AV. It doesn't matter if somebody else beats us to it or not, they promised us that they would not. End of discussion.

          However, I think 125 ecs is fair for both of those technologies.

          Also, they need to understand that we expect honor from their soldiers. The underlying threat of war that the "condicil" offers should not and does not apply to the AV because they promised never to build it. Period. End of discussion.

          Likewise, I don't like seeing the Cyborg Factory falling into their hands. We've handed them too many SPs already, and giving the approaching 'later game' status this is a SP we should also be seeking, not handing out like candy, especially given their lack of respect for when they promise not to build something.

          I also most certainly don't like their 'we are the University' standpoint. They may have made them subservient, but if they don't like their dealings with us then they need to take that up with both factions and likewise just take over the university fully rather than let it sit as a satellite.

          I also just don't like how the 'proposal' was worded... there's something fishy about it, but I can't put my finger on it (probably the hour.)
          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


          • Morgan update

            It seems Mead is the Morgan person to talk to.

            He sent me a pm wanting to go into a mutual Defence Pact for 20-30 cycles.

            The idea is acceptable but there would also be the backlash from the Spartans.

            It seems they would not smile at all and our amonimity could disapear causing future problems with us as the planet mediator.

            For this reason I would say thankyou no at the moment and reasure them that should any agression by any faction occure we will immediatly work on a Diplomatic solution to the problem.
            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
            There is a reason for everything.


            • Proposed responce to the Junta.


              Dear Colonel Googlie

              We find the monitary value of the trade agreable.

              The exact terms you wish to impose puts a different light on the subject.

              For this reason the Data Angels feel it equitable to mention that the agreement of no Asetic Virtues is still in place without the trade to our knowlege.

              May I suggest that we recieve Planetry Economics now and our next research starting in 2179 would be Mind-Machine Interface. which would be sent to you as soon as complete.

              DA Ambasador

              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
              There is a reason for everything.


              • I don't like the Spartan offer one bit either.

                Nor do I like the price for Cyberthics and Planetary Econ though I could live with it.

                However the conditions attached to MMI are not on.

                With us building two network nodes fairly soon we could be discovering things at a good rate.

                We will be stealing Cyberethics from Lal in a couple of turns also so we can switch to maybe MMI or PE ourselves soon.
                I would remind them that we hold them to their agreement not to build the AV. We believe/expect them to honour that agreement.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • I agree we cannot go into a formal Pact with the Morgans, defence or otherwise as this would signal a move from our 'on the surface' neutral position.

                  However we can offer them an informal non aggression arrangement over the next 10 years. We too hope to join them in attacking Yang.
                  On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                  • Sent

                    Dear Mead of the Morgans

                    As of the moment a Pact would be out of the question.

                    In order to show you our commitment to peace on this planet I offer you an informal non-agression pack and our pledge to activly diplomaticaly solve problems arising from agression.

                    DA Ambassador

                    to Mead
                    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                    There is a reason for everything.


                    • what about the last line talking about posible trade instead.

                      or do you just want to drop it.

                      I will check in 5 hrs and then have to send them something if they are to get anything in the diplo box before sending the turn.
                      You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                      There is a reason for everything.


                      • Morgans like the the semi-perma (as they put it) pact and of course want what their letter says.
                        Last edited by ForesterSOF; May 19, 2005, 10:53.
                        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                        There is a reason for everything.


                        • Originally posted by ForesterSOF
                          Morgan update

                          It seems Mead is the Morgan person to talk to.

                          He sent me a pm wanting to go into a mutual Defence Pact for 20-30 cycles.

                          The idea is acceptable but there would also be the backlash from the Spartans.

                          It seems they would not smile at all and our amonimity could disapear causing future problems with us as the planet mediator.

                          For this reason I would say thankyou no at the moment and reasure them that should any agression by any faction occure we will immediatly work on a Diplomatic solution to the problem.
                          I strongly agree.


                          Dear Colonel Googlie

                          We find the monitary value of the trade agreable.

                          The exact terms you wish to impose puts a different light on the subject.

                          For this reason the Data Angels feel it equitable to mention that the agreement of no Asetic Virtues is still in place without the trade to our knowlege.

                          May I suggest that we recieve Planetry Economics now and our next research starting in 2179 would be Mind-Machine Interface. which would be sent to you as soon as complete.

                          DA Ambasador

                          I like it... we do have a spare 125 ec to send them preaccepted next turn, right?
                          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                          • I am still not sure. I don't want to trade MMI to the Spartans. I mean we might want to have a go at building CF first ourselves.

                            Giving CF to the Spartans is like committing suicide.
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • I was not to hot on the idea of giving MMI to the S but it is what seems open at the moment.

                              With us going in 3 direction I answered Googlie that a trade was not posible at this time.
                              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                              There is a reason for everything.


                              • Good response Forest,

                                We need to discuss this more.
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

